I am not in the business of hosting a political blog… that seems like a terrifying prospect. However, I support equality. I expect others to, as well. When I heard that Westboro Baptist “Church” would be picketing at our local City Hall, I immediately made Addie a onesie God loves all of His Children, it read: I was shocked when WBC actually showed up. Gathering in their corral fencing of protection provided by Cranston’s finest, they sung the most awful lyrics to the music of popular songs and held up hideous signs with slurs and inappropriate graphics.
There were a few pirates, some military and a lot of people with smiling faces on the other side of the fence where Addie and I sat away from the crowd. While protesting, or counter-protesting in this case, you don’t always have to be a poster child for the cause.
I was proud to be there. Proud of Addie for laughing and cheering while so many were stomping and storming. Yelling across lines and scrambling for comebacks are not for me. Power in numbers. We were there- our presence as the baby with the tattooed mom is rarely missed, and I was happy to blend in a bit.
For Cranston, it was a good turn out- I was proud of us… and I know Providence got quite the crew. Even Nazo came! 🙂 Awesome to have this support <3
My tip? At the end of a protest, always get some rest… especially if you’re this cute. Standing up for what you believe definitely warrants a good nap. Being a warrior is tiring, after all.
There are so many things that define us. I hope that all the things that make up Addie paint her as a wholly caring individual who is willing to stand up for what she believes in, in whatever capacity she can. I hope she is defined as a warrior. Fight on, friends. We are all equals.
With love,
Addie is a warrior already because she has warrior spirit running through her very veins. You are a remarkable Mama on more levels than I can explain… and yes, warriors do need rest – sometimes! xo!
Sharon – MomGenerations.com recently posted…Easy Back-to-School Hairstyles for Boys and Girls using Suave Products @SuaveBeauty #Back2School
Well done! I love the lesbian wedding someone had across their building… hi-hi…
it made me ill that they thought they could come here. i was very close to taking the boys down as well but passed after a friend asked me to ignore them instead of giving them attention (and that was so hard for me to do too). i am glad there were people there to let them know they were not welcome. cute shirt for addie you made!
Liza (Cira’s Lyrics) recently posted…Paging Evie
I still can’t believe they were there!?! So proud of you and Addie for standing up what you believe in and getting out there. And that onesie is so very, very awesome 😉
Jessica @ Keeping Mommy Sane recently posted…Waving the “Mommy Wars” White Flag
I’m proud of you guys for going out there, and standing up for what you believe in. You were warriors of love 🙂
I think I need to make Rhys a onesie
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