Dear God above and the powers that be,
When I was born to a Jewish father and Catholic mother, I was baptized by the same Jesuit Priest that married my parents- the same man that was a professor to my mother at the Jesuit university where she obtained her undergrad degree. I went to CCD on Monday nights and had my First Holy Communion. I was confirmed. I went to services as often as I could in college- yes, Sunday mornings when I was not too hung over or scheduled for the inevitable 12 hour work shift, I prayed in a house of God. Sometimes I prayed for the world to stop spinning, but often it was for inner peace.
Inner peace didn’t come for many years, and still I knew He heard me.
When I found out I was pregnant I knew I would raise my daughter in the Church. I knew I would teach her all of the stories I knew and asked my Mom for a book full of children’s Bible stories before she was born. I read to her in the womb, I prayed she would be OK, that she would be born without intervention, that she would suffer no physical pain and that she would know all of the happiness a human deserved- and yet I went through 36 hours of labor which ended in the need for medication, my daughter has a form of dwarfism, and that led to her needing surgery in her first year of life. But I know He hears me. I know she is going to be OK.
Coming from a mixed background, I celebrate religion, tolerance, direction. I believe that there is a reason we are here, somewhere we all meet again and that community is wonderful for the spirit. I believe all this through the death of my brother, my 18 year old cousin, my Dad and all but one of my grandparents before my 14th birthday.
I attend Church as often as I can, but I pray daily. Like all those years ago, sometimes it’s for frivolous things, like a few dollars at the bottom of my purse for gas or for a second wind to get me through the day, and other times it’s for Addie to not need surgery or for my uncle to beat a disease that is stripping him of life. I have read the Bible in its entirety and I use the story of the Lord as a guide to living life well, not as fact- and yet I still believe there must be someone. Something.
I don’t think of myself as devout, my family is not well known in our parish (Dave only attends when there is a baptism, death or holiday), I don’t post quotes from the Old or New Testament and sometimes I get my stories mixed up. In my life I have been angry at God, not gone to church but a few times in a year and even said through tears, “You must hate me because no Savior puts one person through this much in life.” But I have never given up on Him. I’ve never thought that there was a reason to not believe in something more being out there. And so I was hurt when I opened my mailbox to letter after letter begging me for money with multiple weekly envelopes, this last one implying that my absence is why I have not donated. You think the only way to account for my presence is my money? The only way to have faith is by attending mass? Does He not hear me outside of the walls of his place of worship?
I ask you: He, my Father, is He only there for me when I see him? When He answers a prayer? When He offers me something for my years of prayer and belief? No. He is there for me, even the years I believe him to be completely silent.
Let me tell you what I want from you. I want a weekly stipend for my heat, water and oil. I want a pretty decoration crew to put up the holiday lights and poinsettias we aren’t doing this year to save money. I want a one time lump sum donation to help kick my year off right. I would also accept electronic payments… want my email? You can Paypal me! I want to have earned income tax-free, too.
But do you know what I need?
I need your love and support. I need the same thing I have been offering you for 29 years. I need the power of Him. I need Him to hear me. And I need the people who lead me to judge me not by my wallet, but by my actions.
Enclosed in the envelope you just sent me is $12. It’s what I have in my wallet. It isn’t much, but for me, it would be for a few days of produce. I want you to have it, because clearly you need it- I can tell by the postage and paper you’re spending money on sending me letters asking me for money. But you will get no more from me in 2013… and I hope our relationship is renewed in 2014. I hope you begin to realize that people aren’t forgetting about their local parish. They don’t forget Him. What we, the common folk, forgo is ourselves. I don’t turn the heat up past 60 or take long hot showers. I don’t get haircuts, shoes or new contacts. I don’t go to the doctor or drive to places that I could walk to, to save money. I plead with my insurance company, the same as you beg me, to cover my bills- only in this house, our surplus was gone a year ago. There isn’t anything to have. We eat everyday, we have heat and lights. We pay taxes, and more taxes. I donate to multiple non-profits, I fund-raise for a few others. I volunteer in my community and I give to the food bank. I give to my community and sometimes, frankly, it’s not all about you.
When a community member suddenly stops donating their usual $10 a week (which is what I have given in the past), asking them if they are well in a personal manner might be better than a form letter stating you have recognized my absence in Church.
No, you haven’t.
Your finance department has recognized me not donating.
You didn’t ask if I had a child who demanded extra care. You didn’t ask if that care was being paid for by the insurance we already pay for. You didn’t ask if I didn’t go back to work to provide therapies for my child. You didn’t ask what you could do to support me, you asked why I was not supporting you. You accused me of not supporting you.
That is not how support works. Support is not synonymous with money- it’s love. It’s being there. It’s the mornings I have proof there is something to believe in because there is no way my baby girl isn’t an angel on Earth. It’s the nights I spend praying with her before bed:
Now I lay me down to sleep.
Pray the Lord my soul to keep.
Watch me through the long long night.
And wake me with the sunshine bright.
God bless this baby.
Just the same as my Mother did with me.
Just because I do not see Him does not mean He is not there. Perhaps the only moments I have to cultivate my marriage, eat a hot meal, or shower is on a Sunday morning- do not think because you don’t see me I am not there. I thank Him- whoever He is- be the Messiah, Yahweh, Elohim, Allah, God, Jehovah (you get it)- everyday. I know there is a plan, I just hope that plan isn’t to alienate those that cannot afford to “support” each week, but who are still deserving, loving members of your Church.
I ask you to love those who love you as best they can,
Amen, and Amen. I know that the Church keeps track of attendance by envelopes, so where is the out-reach when envelopes stop coming , and why assume absence rather than a greater-need-at-home issue? People first, buildings and grounds second.
Someone suggested I put empty envelopes in the basket to let them know I was there… but I feel like you need me to PROVE I am there? Then PROVE to me God exists. I want to see Him.
Amazing letter. You have penned something heartfelt and enlightening. I can only hope that the church is ashamed of their behavior and I pray that “they” try harder to walk in His footsteps. Bless you and your family and I will keep you in my prayers. I certainly am no stranger to the threatening letters and shut off dates dolled out by the Electric company, or “layering ” for a.month or so and boiling water to wash up because we simply can’t afford to put oil in the tank. We go through it every year and I’m ashamed because I’m not just starting out…I’m over half a century old. We’re good people, me and you…like you, I once had a career. My mistake was getting sick, and ending up in a wheelchair. My church wasn’t there for me either. Now that I’m well, there is no opportunity in my “once upon a time I was a dental hygienist making $42.00 an hour for twenty years”…Oh well…I don’t mourn what I USED to be…I celebrate who I’ve always been. Keep on keeping on, Chelley..I’m not gonna promise it gets better…just that He sees and in the end that’s all that matters…
I celebrate you who are, too <3
Ahhh the good guilt from the (catholic) church letter . Raised Catholic( Ccd all that fun stuff. Stand up, sit down , kneel , pray every Sunday). Lets just say I learned more about God , Jesus , the way I want to live my life through The Lord when I met my husband . I never realized how blind I was. I am all for anyone who wants to worship The Lord in any way possible. If you can find him in a Catholic , Baptist, Methodist , etc church I’m all for it. What I am not for is ‘guilt trips’ , gossip, better than thou attitudes. Did I mention my prom dates parents wouldn’t even let me come in their house or meet me because I was ‘Catholic’ and they were Baptist ??? . I still laugh about that 🙂 I am so much more comfortable in my relationship and path of The Lord now that I have found worship through other ways ( no I don’t go to church on Sundays, maybe one day I will be lead to one ) . I also realized the stuff I wasn’t being told through the Bible and the explanations growing up. I mean how can you say it’s not ok to drink an gamble and then some of the Church events ARE drinking ( lightly of course) and gambling ( because its for ‘fund raising’ ) so it’s ok. Anyway my point ( I think 😉 is I completely understand this whole blog post . I also understand Being raised in a certain religion , getting my mind out of their way of teaching and finding my relationship stronger with The Lord than it has ever been ( im definitely a work in progress and I understand that ) . I pledge a hedge of protection over my family every day , I plead the blood of Jesus on them, I rebuke any bad things surrounding us . These are all things I didn’t think I was ‘allowed’ to say when I prayed. Who am I to be able to say those things , is what I thought. I realized I am a warrior for The Lord , Gods child .
Wow that was long 😉
It was long. And it was perfect. Thank you!
I am sorry your church has replaced their support with a guilt trip. I know the Jesus of the Bible does not approve of such behavior and attitudes! BTW, one of my favorite Bible stories is when Jesus scolds the disciples for keeping the children from him, and then proceeds to love on those dirty, runny-nosed kids. I’m sure their simple heart-felt questions and thoughts brought him joy. That has little to do with your post, but as a mama it makes me smile to think of Jesus enjoying my little tribe. 🙂
Stephanie Kay recently posted…Easy Family Christmas Cards
Your story was great- it reminded me that my anger is not at God, but at the institution I have chosen to represent Him to me and my family. Maybe that is something I need to reevaluate.
Perfection. I hope this goes viral. Hugs mama.
Me too… just to bring some light to this injustice in our churches.
Wow, that is an amazing letter. I grew up in the Catholic Church but married a non-Catholic. It took a while to find a church that we both love and trusted and I now serve on the Vestry. I cannot imagine sending a letter like that to one of our parishioners. We do not take attendance by envelopes, we actually count the bodies in the pews. I wonder if they will respond to you and I hope you share it if they do. Shame on them!
Nicole@runningwhilemommy recently posted…Stupid Foot
That’s so great! I find such peace in my church, and the service is always so calming before the hectic Sunday into Monday transition… but calling me out based on my envelope is heartbreaking. I wish I wanted to find a new home, but I truly just want to get along with my family better (if that makes sense).