We recently found that an activity every morning was key to a seamless nap time and happy lady. At the same time we found Cradles to Crayons at our local library in downtown Providence. Thinking Addie would never survive story time, I went with the idea that we would probably have to leave as soon as she was bored. But boredom was the last thing that ever crossed her path. This is much more than story time.
From the moment we walked into the Children’s Library section, there are TOYS! Beads to be strung, trains waiting for their track to be laid, a campsite ready for an imaginative gathering, a tree trunk for hiding and a craft that’s usually messy, but not obscenely so. Each week, Addie heads to the kitchen to make me hot tea, eventually finding some dinosaurs, puzzles, magnets and her favorite: the alphabet doors which are all along the walls, which, when opened, have items inside that begin with each letter. There are little things everywhere that encourage kids to put together, take apart, imagine, pretend, decorate, build up, tear down… there are activities to encourage learning, and I just stand back and watch it all unfold. We stay for both sessions most weeks, having almost 2 hours of one of the best learning experiences she has all week, 95% of which is adult-free.
There is a time for stories, and we’ve learned songs. Each week Addie takes out a new book (or two), and even I’ve rekindled a passion for reading, falling in love with the crinkle of the protective plastic that surrounds each book- a noise I loved as a child and find I still adore today.
I urge you to go to your local library and check out their resources- for you, for your child. Checking out books is now one of Addie’s favorite things to do, and I love that she’s learning the lesson that she doesn’t need everything- borrowing (sharing!) is fun and helps you read and see more! Not only are the programs (mostly) free, they are 100% enjoyable for all!
What a great reminder! I’m looking up our local library now, can’t wait to see what they have available. Thanks!
PS. Love the pic of Addie stringing that bead! So determined!
Very focused!
I hope your library has some good stuff, too!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…More Than That…
Couldn’t agree more, we do the library every Saturday with all 3 girls (7,5,2.5) and they love it and ours doesn’t have any crafts, just books and a few toys. Falling in love with the library is great!!!
We love to visit, but when i need a time cruncher, Cradles to Crayons is where it’s at!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…More Than That…
SO cool! We just moved here so we need to check out our new library ASAP 🙂
Melissa Angert recently posted…The Arcade Providence
Cool! Yes! Great local programs are abound in RI!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…More Than That…
My kids are so disappointed that they’re too old to go to story time at the library. They used to play, play , play. The Main library in our city is pitiful, so I usually take them to Warwick. I might take them during vacation, especially since they can read now.
Heather @ Kraus House Mom recently posted…How Stella is Like a Hollywood Has-Been
We love the warwick library, too!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…More Than That…
I miss being a mom of a toddler! I used to love our routine of storytime, library visits, playgroups, classes, etc.
Kristin Wheeler (@MamaLuvsBooks) recently posted…Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies with SPLENDA® No Calorie Sweetener #Moms4JNJConsumer
I know i will miss this stage for sure.
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…More Than That…
Wow! That sounds like preschool for free! Awesome library 🙂
Well… tax dollars (:
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…More Than That…
It is very hard to read this post…because that ADORABLE pic of your little one painting in those super cute jeans is epic! xo