I just want to say how very sorry I am that you have to endure such ignorance for simply defending your values. Whether or not anyone agrees with political correctness, it sure doesn’t harm them to buy a jar of pickles with a different name, and it’s sad that they feel their abusive words are somehow more in good character than your pursuit to give your daughter a life where she can be seen as a person of equal standard. Quite frankly, people like Ed up there are showing a great example of why movements like this are important. If everyone were to treat others with dignity and respect, we wouldn’t have the need to watch so carefully for things that may negatively affect the lives of our children. I’ll admit, at first I thought that the idea of being outraged over the label was a bit silly, but when I see the ignorance that people have displayed over it, I find myself fully supporting you. Your act was done out of love, and theirs is done out of spite and creulty. Ed, if you’re reading this, you personify ignorance. There is no other reason for you to harass this lady than the fact that you are a sad, pathetic human being who would rather teach hatred, bigotry, and ignorance than teach your children to judge only on character. This is probably a good thing for you though, because if they did judge character, they’d see what a horrible human being you are. You’re right about one thing though, this is america and we are free. Therefor, this mother is free to love, honor, and protect her child, and you’re free to go on being an idiot. Everyone wins. Chelley, you are an amazing woman with an amazing family. I know your daughter will learn humility, modesty, and good will toward all of mankind, despite the lack of those attributes in many others. You should be very proud, and I am proud of you for being so courageous as to fight for your values even in the midst of so much ignorance. My love to all.
This comment [sic] was posted in my “Pending” comments folder a few days ago. I read it, and reread it. I feel the waves of impact as they roll me over again and again in a sea of perplexing rises and falls. Weeks go by with nothing, then a flurry of vapid statements and pure evil comes spilling into every social media account I have.
Then I read something that is amazing. I call them transformative stories. A telling of a personal tale, woven into my own. How one person chose to stand for what they believe in and thus came to support me, as a mother, as a woman, as a human. As a human.
The words: “Therefore this mother is free to love, honor and protect her child…” Yes, gosh darn it. I am. I will.
I will give her the tools to overcome adversity, but I will not teach her that words cannot hurt, for who is she to then not use them to wound, herself? I will not teach her to blindly turn from ignorance and hate. I will teach her to change. To advocate. To strive for more. Because that is evolution. And I will not raise her in stagnant waters, to breed more ignorance and hatred.
Again. I find myself humbled, appreciative and honored to have so many wonderful people as readers and supporters.
Wonderful comment and response …
martinkadelux recently posted…Night One… revisited
Everything about this post is so powerful! Her words…your words…I had chills from start to finish! Thank you for your example Chelley!!
I felt the same way. I love that from hate can rise such passion.
martinkadelux recently posted…Night One… revisited
Loved both the comment and your response to it. I love your passion and your love for your daughter. You are inspiring!
Thank you, Shell!
martinkadelux recently posted…Night One… revisited
That is awesome! It makes blogging worth it when you get comments like those and you know you are reaching people! Love it!
Kristin Wheeler (@MamaLuvsBooks) recently posted…It’s Been a Year and I Love My Family at Collective Bias! #cbias
RIGHT?! That’s exactly how I feel!
martinkadelux recently posted…Night One… revisited