But, here’s why:
I appreciate everyone sticking with me while I heal, and don’t forget I have a giveaway going for a Philips Avent Double Electric Breast Pump and Natural Bottles– with tips on making the breast to bottle transition!
Thank you for your support, well-wishes and love! Check out YouTube this week for more goofy family and maybe a tutorial!
You have the cutest little family! Glad you are healing and getting better 🙂
Thank you!
I hope your hand heals quickly! You’re going to become a pro at typing and doing everything one-handed, I bet! 😉
I am doing ok!
Hope you feel better soon! Hope you heal quickly!
Thank you!
Take time to recover!! I hope you get some good answers when you go to the doctors, glad your injury was no worse! Your little girl is adorable!
Aw- thank you!
I so admire you for going on, just doing things in another way. Videos are great & seeing your kids is touching. So dont sweat it & get some mending time in.
Thank you! I wish we got more videos done… hopefully next week!
Oh my goodness, ouch!! I hope it heals quickly Shelly! You are amazing for doing a vlog even with your arm in a sling. Positive vibes for a quick recovery xo
Thank you, Emily!!!
I hope you heel up quickly! Have an awesome day.
Thank you!
Cute and fun! Hopefully you get all healed up soon. Great giveaway too!
I hope so, too! Thanks!
You poor thing! I hope you’ll be back at it lickety split!
Me too! Thanks, Liz!!!