Dear Camille,
It is the eve of two.
We’ve spent our weekend celebrating marriage, family, and you. And in true Millie fashion, you’ve let us all in on your antics. You’re true-to-rumor terrible twos. From petulance to defiance, to snuggles and aggressive hugs.
In the past month you have declared yourself to be Batman, shown you understand word-tense, eaten more food off the floor than from a bowl, climbed to the highest slide and flown down with vigor, and just a few weeks ago, learned that with a vest, you could float yourself around a pool without much help.
I guess what I am saying is that you’ve really grown up.
It’s possible that I didn’t remember what two looked like. How smart it is, or how the bravery and gusto of the age is also riddled with angst, growing pains and the burgeoning idea of but I wanna… Who knew that the teen years actually begin at two?
As your older sister learns more, so do you. My shock at your alphabet, counting to twenty and your grasp of the general workings of the English language continue each moment that passes. I find myself saying, “I just can’t believe it,” every time you finish another perfect verse of Sherry Baby. The first time you looked at me and said moon and back… I felt my heart stop.
But, alas, you are still two. You will still crawl up into the bed, curl up, and fall asleep nursing. That sweet face still looks like the baby I brought home 729 days ago, only wiser… and SO much like your Mima.
I want you to have the happiest birthday ever, so far, sweet girl. From birthday pictures to lunch with daddy and a special gift that’s in a secret hiding spot, two is shaping up to be a year of love, challenges and all the things being a parent and a child are supposed to be: a learning experience.
If the future looks like the mind and soul you embody, it’s looking pretty bright. Here’s to you on the eve of two.
This is so sweet (and creative). She will definitely appreciate this open letter when she is older. I have no memories of being two and having a memento like this would be one of my most treasured possessions.
Wishing Camille a happy and joyous second birthday!
Thank you!!!
I had a couple of friends live with me when their kids were around 2–OH BOY–what an age!! But have heart–they eventually get put of that stage——-of course for some it takes a bit longer!! Happiest of birthdays to your little one and many, many, many , many more.
It is QUITE an age!!
Wow I can not believe she is 2 already! This is such a sweet post for her, Happy Birthday Camille!!
RIGHT?! Me neither!
OMg cutest pics ever!!!!!! Crazy how fast they grow isn’t it?! Happy 2nd birthday sweetie 🙂
WAY too fast!
Happy 2nd birthday! She is so cute! Our daughter turned two in March and it has been a whirlwind! She is definitely still in the terrible two stage and its horrible! But she is so cute as well! She could get away with anything… 🙂
So funny! Addie was NOT this kind of two. They’re so different!
Happy Birthday sweet baby! What a wonderful way to remember this special day. What a joy and blessing.
Thank you!
What a beautiful post. Wishing your daughter a very happy birthday and blessings for many more!
Thank you so much!
Happy birthday to your big girl. You will continue to celebrate every milestone and every new year of life way into her adulthood.
We will always celebrate!
Happy birthday to a very sweet little girl. Many more happy and exciting years to you. It will be a joy to watch you grow.
Thank you for following our journey!
Such a sweet post! Happy birthday to your little girl 🙂
Thank you!