Monday feels different this week. This country is in a place of turmoil… and I, for one, am craving unity.
I am asking all friends to just take the next 7 days to share something about unity that is bringing them peace, that unifies their community. Something that embodies love and a sense of togetherness.
This is not about who you voted for (or whether you voted at all), or what laws and policies you support- but to demonstrate the beauty our world holds in hopes that we ignite a light to a fruitful future.
In this practice may we all find some peace in our hearts and begin to build my favorite habit of looking for the good in every single day. With a tweak in thought, a little help from a friend- a glimmer of hope can appear. It’s OK to hurt- but let that drive, not define you. I stand with you.
The hashtag:
When you share, please use the hashtag: #WhatTheWorldNeedsNow
I look forward to seeing photos of what brings you hope, joy, love, pride and a sense of unity. As we come up on Thanksgiving week, live in your grateful and spread it near and far with me… won’t you?
Looking for the good everyday is a great habit to have and yes, I do hope we one day realize that we are more alike than we are different. Sharing the same values like family and hope and kindness.
YEs America does need this right now. at church this week when we offered peace to eachtother it was more powerful than ever.
We had the same sensation at church!
Ahhhh yes!!! I’m so sick of seeing all the horribleness all over the place. People just need to accept what is and move on and love each other
We can all “fight” for what we feel is right without tearing down. I think there is a lot of mistake with that.
It is time for something positive to fill up our social media feeds instead of things that divide us. I cannot wait to see what others do with this.
I am loving the action of seeing all the good- right in my community. IN my home. Just taking solace in all the good that is here.
Yes, we need more of this! So tired of the protests and people hating others…can’t we all just get along:)
I think we need to express our wants without the hate. Hate begets hate- such a vicious cycle.
This is such a brilliant idea and should be how we all live everyday. We all have our beliefs, opinions and experiences that can bring out that anger that starts to fuel us, but we also have a choice to spread, share joy and to make change through positive voices and thoughts. I love this!
I would share a photo of my family. God’s love and family is what keeps me sane!
What a great idea during a time when some people are feeling discouraged and down. Thanks for sharing this wonderful iniatiive.
What a great post, I really enjoyed reading this and I love the message, we are all in one family