I was disappointed. Using a baby carrier was amazing to me. I was a baby wearing mama. Holding my little girl to me while I did everything from the dishes to walking the puppy, felt so pure and natural to me. I love the Bjorn which has more support, but the organic look and feel of the K’Tan was just what I wanted, and I was lucky enough to have a friend who purchased it for me! I used it once, but Addie was so scrunched in it, I decided to wait to use it for a few weeks; then we learned she was an achon baby, and my little miracle could not use a carrier.
Scrunched Addie (see above)
No carrier.
I walked into the small local shop where I got the K’Tan. I explained that for medical reasons Addie would not be able to use it, and that it was clean, had all the pieces, it was in the box and had the instructions and warranty card. The woman behind the desk glanced at me, her eyes darted to Addie, then to a piece of paper, where she was writing a note. “Your name and number. “ *** “I’ll ask the owner and call you later, but I already know the answer is ‘no’. We don’t take anything back that’s been out of the box.” I was confused, as the carrier is clean, and there is one in the store, on display- out of the box, that they will sell. I assured the woman that I just wanted store credit, but she seemed to be distracted, so I wheeled the stroller in a k-turn motion and walked out.
I left the shop feeling dejected. I would have loved to shop in this store again- support a local business. I was sure that the owner would call, or understand, but a message, “Hi Chelley, this is Xxxxx from Xxx XxXx, I spoke with the owner and we can’t take it back. Sorry. Bye.” Short, not sweet and not helpful. Instead of helping a local mom at an already difficult time, the almighty dollar takes the cake. Instead of spending a few hundred there over the next few years, they made $74 on one sale. One time and one time only. What a disappointment. I would wanted a call from the owner (this truly is a small business)- to perhaps speak with her. In a small state, like Rhode Island, all the business you can get includes everyone, right?
Please know that I am married to a small business owner. The business is my husband’s passion: music. Often times he has had to turn people away from full-fledged returns in favor of store credit, but he always takes the time to discuss issues with his customers- and speaks to them personally. To be told, “no”, was a lot to take, especially because the woman I had spoken to was so sharp with me and didn’t seem to hear what I was saying. I love the carrier, but medically I can’t use it. Isn’t the human condition a benefit here? The rules can be changed. Exceptions can be made. But, you have to listen.
And not I have to make the request that no one give Addie gifts from small shops… clearly they cannot bend to be helpful to a new mom who is in apparent distress. As people serving people, looking up to see your customers, instead of down at your phone/keyboard/notepad, would go a long way. Sometimes you just want to know you were heard before a decision is passed down.
At the end of this debacle, I posted the carrier on line for a fraction of the price… and my big sister saved the day. A new mommy herself, she posted on Facebook and asked around, finding a buyer!
Sadly, however, this was just one of the few items that I was told “no” to on behalf of Addie.
Which brings me to Babies R’ Us in Warwick, RI. I originally loved the idea of registering at only small shops, but knew we would need far reaching locations due to my family being all over the east coast (and some on the west, too!)- so BRU it was! I’ve been so happy with their assistance in returns and exchanges since the baby showers, and for this alone I was so grateful.
The Baby Einstein Bouncer was awesome! I remember seeing it and wanting it immediately; colors, lights, music and a ton of tactile activities. I was sure Addie would love it as much as I would. Alas, this was not to be so. Not a big deal to return, right? Wrong!!!
The box that the bouncer came in was cumbersome, so we took the inside boxes out of it and tossed the main packaging into recycling months ago; a small blessing that we never put it together. Driving to the store with Dave, he was convinced they would not take it back, while I was plotting my steps from pleading with the manager to writing corporate. We loaded our returns into a cart, including the pieces of the bouncer.
As we stood in line, I was already frustrated. Why do I have to explain things, why can’t “due to a medical condition” just be enough? I walked up to the counter with my cart full of stuff and explained, “I’d like to return some toys. I’m sorry I don’t have the main box for the bouncer, but it’s never been put together.” Michaela smiled at me and asked if we had been registered there. I felt the need to continue, “I really love the bouncer, but for medical reasons Addie can’t use it.” She glanced up from typing in my information and warmly smiled again. “No problem”, she said. While making small talk and commenting on how adorable Addie is and how she hopes she is OK, the sales associate scanned my registry info, found the bouncer, scanned the rest of my stuff, swiped a merchandise return card, handed it and the receipt to me and wished me a nice day.
I walked over to Dave, who was feeding Addie her favorite [and only food], Mommy Milk, and wanted to cry. I was so pent up, convinced that the world was against me. That, already, there were issues that would hinder Addie, but Babies R’ Us proved me wrong. A corporation caring about its customers, though I’m sure not always the case, has brought some light to the sadness I feel having to return toys that are not good for our beautiful little girl.
We got this beautiful elephant, a mirror, finger puppets, 2 books and an impression kit for Addie’s hands and feet with the credit. I think these will be great to help Addie’s development for touch and vision. I’m so excited to play with her new toys and help her develop at her own pace in a fun way!
Knowing that I shouldn’t give up on the world lending a hand is a good feeling- especially because this is just the beginning of a long road.
Raising any child is a challenge and a long road. I thought that I was this perfect mother with these perfect children. I broke my wrist when my baby was 4 months old, so I could not even take care of here. She broke her arm twice, wrist once and got very, very sick for a long time and she told the doctors what she had and they told her it was all in her head. The school threaten to send us to truancy court, because there was no diagnosis so we must be faking. Easier to keep her home then to send her to school. We only got treatment when my customer asked me why I was crying at work, when I was usually so upbeat. I told him that I thought my child was dying and the children’s hospital and the pediatrician would not help us. No one would help us. So turns out his wife is an infectious specialist and my daughter correctly had diagnosed herself at 12. Ten weeks on an IV, but the after effects seemed to go on forever. Everyone told me to sue. But I decided to be proactive and volunteer, which is a more positive way to help. So I am proud of you for being proactive with your daughter and the challenges she will face. But she is happy, healthy and loved by many and your strength will shine through in her. There are many different kinds of people in the world and that just makes life better. Addie is so beautiful and strong, like her mother. So know that all will be o.k., because she has you and a loving father and that will see her through. PS still want you to come to dinner with Nicole. Nicole thinks that you are an awesome mother and we think Addie is beautiful. when I have her picture up at work all I hear is how beautiful she is. So don’t worry mom, you have it covered, you have supermom strength and you will be ok and your family will be ok. Waiting for the first book. Put me on the waiting list
Wow….I think I know what store you’re talking about…and what sales associate. I also know the owner. And the saddest thing is…I’m not surprised.
PS-Addie is so incredibly cute!!
See you in New Moms group!
Just found your blog today and I’m putting it right in my RSS feed. Your daughter is lovely and I can’t wait to read more about her babyhood. While not a fan of our Babies R Us this story made me want to give them a second chance. Thanks for sharing it. I’m glad that someone made returning the items you can’t use a little bit easier.