Five years ago, Dave and I knew we were in love.
We’d been on dates before that, and I’ve known him since I was 18, but we were not in love before February 2, 2008.
Our first date was to my favorite place in Providence, Julians. It was breakfast, and though I adore their bloody marys, I decided to stick with coffee. Dave was giving up caffeine. I ordered the Deperado: salsa, avocado, poached eggs. So good. Dave got something and something else, and made sure there was no meat in it. Vegetarian? This was not a good start.
As a coffee addict with a true love for meat, I wasn’t sure where we were headed, but I couldn’t leave him at breakfast, so we talked. Knowing each other for years, it wasn’t the usual get to know you stuff. We talked about his band (Sweetthieves, since broken up), his plans… and somehow veered into him never wanting to get married or have kids. CHECK, PLEASE! Just out of a relationship better left unspoken of, I knew I still wanted a family… and at 22, I wasn’t trying to settle down, I just knew I would never-say-never, either.
When the meal was over, and we got the check, I slowly reached into my bag. I slowly drew out my wallet, and from it, as painfully slow as possible, I fumbled with the nothing that was in there and pulled out the one bill I had: a $20. Dave caught it from between my fingers and went to get us equal change. He was going dutch.
I don’t want you to throw your coat down over a puddle so that I may cross, but to not treat me to breakfast? Are you serious? I didn’t ever order alcohol! But, our courtship continued and we made progress… I’ve only ever paid for a meal when I made it a point to treat.
We were married August 2, 2009… a year and a half after we said I love you. At least, he said it, while I remained unsure about our initial breakfast encounter, I let him sweat a bit. He is the perfect man for me… the ice to my extreme fire, the quiet to my obnoxious loud, the gray in my black and white world.
Happy 5 years, Dave. It’s been a wild ride, and I can’t wait for the next 5…0!
Super sweet. Happy 5 years! 🙂
I love the first date breakfast story and that he made you go dutch! My husband left me by the side of the road once (I really deserved it, in hindsight) and right there, all my friends knew it was forever. 🙂
I love your writings. Happy ‘In love” Anniversary.