I sent this to myself the night of the 24th… the next day we heard, “It’s a girl!”
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Mother’s intuition! 😉
Melissa Hillas recently posted…Gypsy Galeria ~ Take Home a Piece of Sayulita
Yes indeed!
martinkadelux recently posted…I was right… #wordlessWednesday
Just read your news about having a girl! Addie will be so happy to have a sister!!
She is so excited!
martinkadelux recently posted…I was right… #wordlessWednesday
Nice job ! Mama’s intuition for sure 🙂 I had no inkling when I was pregnant if he was a boy or a girl.
Mary Larsen recently posted…Baby Throws Food During Breakfast {vlog}
I had no clue with Addie… I think I was too scared to take any guesses!
martinkadelux recently posted…Babies & Bellies and sweet baby girl, OH MY!