Hey Rhody parents! I came across this awesome deal and wanted to share it with you this weekend…
If you know me, you know that I love the ice! I think learning to skate is awesome- for balance, exercise, and most of all- FUN! The Boss Ice Arena is in Kingston, and easy to find right off the highway!
The coupon is valid to use for the summer sessions of Learn to Skate at Boss Ice Arena and must be presented upon registration on June 21st to receive the Two For One offer. As stated, the offer is only good when registering a NEW student. Therefore a student who has previously been to Boss still may sign up, but the other registrant must be new to the program. Also, it’s perfectly fine for two new students to sign up together as well! In addition, please be advised that there is a $12 fee for the US Figure Skating Association that does not apply to the discount. For a full list of their summer Learn to Skate sessions along with all of their other summer programs, please check out bossicearena.com!
Just print the coupon and bring it with you when you register!
This is just amazing! I love the idea of the ‘go solo’ challenges. (I should probably force myself to do something similar).