Sometimes being thankful isn’t word enough. And sometimes when we’re thankful, we’re not wordy enough.
Like the time that post-birth your mother drives, through the night, at 85 miles per hour to see the birth of your second child, her fourth grandchild (in 2 years). About 250 miles between her and home, but she sees you and you know she feels like she’s in her element. Somehow, 30 years later, holding her grandchild, you’re just as much her baby as you were back in 1984.
And the raging hormones shoot through you, ready to weep or scorch the earth before you. Going from I’m ok, to get the fuck away in a matter of moments. And your apologies come on the heels of another bout of what you’re doing right now is driving me crazy. And the whole time your heart is screaming.
Thank you for being here, Mom.
Thank you for offering to hold the baby, chase the toddler, weed the gardens, paint the side door, pick up a new smoke detector, and clean the parts to my breast pump.
It’s Monday, and she’s leaving Wednesday, celebrating 10 years with my step-dad Friday… and me to fend for myself until the weekend. I’m not sure what will happen, but I know she’s just a phone call away… and I’m so thankful for that (and that my mother-in-law is never more than a few miles away, too!).
It’s another week… Camille’s second, in fact… and I’m so ready to take Monday head-on!
Have a beautiful week, Reader! And thank you for your continued readership! I promise I’ll be back in full force before the end of the year!
Jenn @TheRebelChick says
Aren’t moms just wonderful? Congratulations on your new baby and I hope that mom comes back real soon!
Jenn @TheRebelChick recently posted…Monitor Your Child’s Online Activity with The WebSafety App
martinkadelux says
Thank you! I hope she comes back soon, too!!! We love Mima!
martinkadelux recently posted…Marvelous Monday
Jenn says
Awww congrats on that new baby! My mom was only here when I had my first what an AMAZING help she was!
Jenn recently posted…Best Ways to Prepare For Winter
martinkadelux says
My Mom stayed just a few days with my first (she was early and there was a wedding already RSVP’d), so I feel SO much better that she stayed so long this time. Having a week and a half of mama help was the best!
martinkadelux recently posted…Marvelous Monday
katrina g says
congrats on being a mommy again. grandma’s are such a big help.
martinkadelux says
martinkadelux recently posted…Marvelous Monday
Shell Feis says
I have to say that I’m jealous, when I had my son in January everyone in our lives completely disappeared for awhile, our moms included. They were giving us room to figure things out I guess, but I could have used the help with my older son! I’m glad you have your mom there to help, even if she can drive you batty sometimes. 🙂
martinkadelux says
Oh no! My mom and mother-in-law drive us nuts… it’s their job, just like when we were kids. BUT, they’re also our biggest cheerleaders. Sometimes we flounder in open waters, but I know that a phone call for help, and they help lift us back- whether it’s emotional, physical (hello, sleep!) or financial help- moms rock. As for friends… we lost many when we had a child, more when she was diagnosed special needs and I’m sure more will come and go. The cycle of life and friendships shocked me, but I’ve found a beautiful village to help raise the girls, and I’m SO glad I don’t have to keep track of stragglers anymore 😉
martinkadelux recently posted…Marvelous Monday