It happened on her one week birthday. The last tether between my youngest and myself.
Her umbilical cord fell off.
Umbilical cord care is one of the scariest things to me- not just because it’s an open little wound type thing, but because it’s my last physical connection. The seconds that turned to minutes, then hours, days, weeks, months. All the moments I felt her move inside me- sustained by my own blood and embodiment. My body connected to her own through this one life force. Her umbilical cord is now gone. That last bit of us has become just her.
The hours we spend nursing each day, my body, again, sustaining her fragile, new life… I cherish each drop of milk. For these days are fleeting, the moments become memories only I will remember. Her life growing before me.
The cord.
It’s been cut, then banded. Gently cleaned and cared for, only to fall off and remind me that the life I’ve given is not mine to have, but to cherish, shape and help my daughter define herself.
candice says
This is so true, and I always have a sadness when it happens. Look at that sweet face! <3
candice recently posted…Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays
martinkadelux says
Makes me want a 3rd!
martinkadelux recently posted…Marvelous Monday
Kelly Hutchinson says
What a beautiful sentiment about the life not being ours to keep. So sweet.
Kelly Hutchinson recently posted…Finding Designer Accessories For Your Bedroom On A Budget
martinkadelux says
<3 Thanks, Kelly.
martinkadelux recently posted…Marvelous Monday
Jenn says
Awww I love the way your wrote this about your sweet baby! I remember I freaked out with my first child, I didnt expect it to fall off so fast.
Jenn recently posted…Shopping Trip Totals & Stitches
martinkadelux says
The cord is so sentimental. Also scary as hell!
martinkadelux recently posted…Marvelous Monday
Mistee Dawn says
I felt the same way. And I was so scared about the wound. I kept calling the doctor to make sure it was normal. lol. You have a gorgeous baby.
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martinkadelux says
I’ve called twice… lol!
martinkadelux recently posted…Marvelous Monday
katrina g says
i’m always happy when it falls off then we can do a real bath. 🙂
martinkadelux says
Oh man… I love bath time, too!
martinkadelux recently posted…Marvelous Monday
Stefani Tolson says
I was sad when my children’s cord fell off too. I was also very sad leaving the hospital with my youngest knowing that I was never going to be back to have that experience again.
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martinkadelux says
Oh NO! Don’t say that! We would love a 3rd, but I don’t know if it’s in the cards. I tried so hard to not think about that when I left the hospital this time!
martinkadelux recently posted…Marvelous Monday
Jenn says
How sweet. What a special memory to share with your baby in the future.
martinkadelux says
So true. I hope my girls know how much I cherish them.
martinkadelux recently posted…Marvelous Monday