The #52WeeksA4A blog challenge this week is to share about your mentor… but I have a few and love them dearly, so I decided that I would share the ways my mentors have rocked!!
How have your mentors helped you? Don’t forget to link up your post below!
I’ve had some great blogging mentors in my life. If it hadn’t been for the people who took me under their wing, I’d still be manning a sweepstaking site.
Jennifer recently posted…Whirlpool Every Day, Care – Helping Habitat for Humanity Help Others
Amen to that!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…6 Unique Christmas Stocking Stuffers for 2015
My mother was the best mentor I ever had. She taught me everything I’ll ever need to know about being a woman.
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle recently posted…5 Tips for Hosting the Perfect Backyard Movie Night #PopcornPartyTime
Love that!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…6 Unique Christmas Stocking Stuffers for 2015
Like Stacie said, my Mom has been my best mentor in m life.
I have also had some amazing mentors through college life.
And then I had some out of this world mentors when I began working at home. Having a good mentor can mean the world!
Amber Edwards recently posted…Exploring Motion with Dareway
It really can!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…6 Unique Christmas Stocking Stuffers for 2015
I have to say I didn’t have any positive role models in my life. I have made the commitment to be the role model for my kids that I would have liked to have had.
Kelly Hutchinson recently posted…Helping Kids Express Emotions Through Play #InsideOutEmotions
I love that you stepped it up without that lead. Go, mama!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…6 Unique Christmas Stocking Stuffers for 2015
My positive role model passed away when I was 16. My mom, but that short time I had with her really had a great impact on my life and I am so glad I had that time with her. She taught me a lot.
Jeanine recently posted…IAMS Proactive Health: Spoiling Our Pups & Giving Them The Very Best #FurryFoodie
Moms are the best. I’m so sorry she passed too soon.
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…6 Unique Christmas Stocking Stuffers for 2015
I love your videos! Thanks for this, I definitely want to be a better mentor.
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…6 Unique Christmas Stocking Stuffers for 2015
I have had some awesome mentors in my life that I am very grateful for. My goal is to be a good mentor to others.
I bet you are!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…6 Unique Christmas Stocking Stuffers for 2015
I have a couple mentors. I don’t know where I would be without them!
Valerie recently posted…REVIEW – Inglesina Trilogy Stroller
You are one of mine, Val!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…6 Unique Christmas Stocking Stuffers for 2015
My Dad has always been the biggest mentor in my life. And I try to do the same for my daughter.
Mistee Dawn recently posted…Having fun and learning with LeapFrog!
Love that!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…6 Unique Christmas Stocking Stuffers for 2015
I have not been a mentor but have mentored by some amazing women in many areas of my life.
I bet you’ve mentored someone without even knowing it!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…6 Unique Christmas Stocking Stuffers for 2015
You’re tips were great. You’re definitely right about providing resources and help without doing the job for someone. It really helps them learn!
Liz Mays recently posted…Denny’s Menu Serves Up Quality, Fresh and Delicious Meals! #DennysDiners
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…6 Unique Christmas Stocking Stuffers for 2015
My mentor is honest without being rude, critical in a motivating way, and supportive. Having a great mentor is crucial to success for some, myself included.
Lisa recently posted…Movie Night Giveaway: Chance to WIN a Netflix Gift Card and More
Love that- being honest is the only way to learn where we can improve!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…6 Unique Christmas Stocking Stuffers for 2015
It’s always good to have a good mentor. Thankfully, I have had a few good blogging mentors that have helped me get to where I am.
Dawn recently posted…6 Reasons Why I’m Thankful I Met My {Almost Ex} Husband
That is awesome!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…6 Unique Christmas Stocking Stuffers for 2015
I have had many mentors in my life. My parents are 2 of my best mentors. But then there are many, very many in the blogging world. They are all for different reasons, but I wouldn’t be where I am if it wasn’t for each and every one of them.
Becky Ryan-Willis recently posted…Enter to Win a Kindle Fire from Fancy Auctions on Mom Blog Society! ($150ARV)
Amen to that!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…6 Unique Christmas Stocking Stuffers for 2015
I have had some really great mentors in my life – and some that weren’t as good, but a really good one can make ALL the difference.
Indeed, it can!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…6 Unique Christmas Stocking Stuffers for 2015
I hope to be a great mentor for my kids! You have to live your life as a role model!
NAILED IT! Exactly!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…6 Unique Christmas Stocking Stuffers for 2015
Stacie Vaughn has always been my blogging mentor. She is generous with her information and always thinks of others. As a result, she heaps many blessing on herself by so many bloggers being so loyal to her.
Shelley Zurek recently posted…Veteran’s Day Manicures Nail Art
So true!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…6 Unique Christmas Stocking Stuffers for 2015
LOVED you and Millie’s Video! I think constructive criticism is hard, but I have grown by leaps and bounds because I applied it to my site. Love the little side kick!
Amy Desrosiers recently posted…Green Bean Casserole Over Mashed Potatoes
She’s the sweetest, and most demanding sidekick! <3
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…6 Unique Christmas Stocking Stuffers for 2015
My Mentors have taught me to always follow my dreams. They help to keep me motivated to try new things.
That’s a sign of a fabulous mentor!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…6 Unique Christmas Stocking Stuffers for 2015
I’ve had a few mentors in my life that have really made a positive impact. I think it’s great that you’re recognizing your mentors and sharing tips on how to be a great one!
Wendy @ ABCs and Garden Peas recently posted…Holiday Gift Guide Picks: Classic Strider Bike
I love my mentors- I need them to be where I am… and get where I’m going.
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…6 Unique Christmas Stocking Stuffers for 2015
I love the videos. My role model is my mom.
Ourfamilyworld recently posted…Wind Down after Decking the Halls with These Best Christmas Movies For Kids
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…6 Unique Christmas Stocking Stuffers for 2015
Mentors are so important to everyone at every stage of life. But I think most of all Moms should be mentors to their own children as well as to their friends.
Janis @MommyBlogExpert recently posted…Master Twitter Party Calendar November 8-14 Parties w/ Prizes – Continuous Updates
Love that- so true.
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…6 Unique Christmas Stocking Stuffers for 2015