Gaily screaming through the yard,
Children play and laugh.
Without a plan and not a care
Their tiny voices fill the air.
A season that once felt so dead, has come alive for me at last.
The wandering coldness left me, clinging to my dark past.
A gentle snowfall and a fire lit,
Together, now, I can see how well we fit.
Winter has changed seasons in itself, from a cruel mistress to lover.
Pandering sugar filled dreams and sticky fingers where aches in my heart once came and lingered.
The crinkle of ice beneath my boots reminds me to hold fast to my roots.
Don’t linger too long in that icy spot, for there the water is thin,
Come over here and hold my hand,
I’ll keep you always in my new Winter Land.
So tell me what Winter means to you now! Link up below!
What a beautiful poem!
OurFamilyWorld recently posted…Breastfeeding v. Formula Statistics & Considerations
Thank you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Things I don’t want to forget, Dear Adelaide…
Great poem. My fave line is the one about ice crinkling under your boots.
Becky recently posted…Mamachic
That’s when I know winter is coming here!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Things I don’t want to forget, Dear Adelaide…
I love reading poems, especially if it comes from the heart. Your poems touches the very soul of the reader. Thanks for sharing this.
Annemarie LeBlanc recently posted…Hotel Hacks – Tips for Booking and Room Tricks
Thank you for reading.
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Things I don’t want to forget, Dear Adelaide…
This is beautiful. It’s hard to say what winter is to me because it doesn’t feel like winter in FL. Although, I guess that tells that winter to me includes cold weather.
Danielle recently posted…#MakingDogsSmile With Jones Natural Chews
Oh man! My sister lives in Boca- she doesn’t get winter (anymore) either.
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Things I don’t want to forget, Dear Adelaide…
Winter is so much more enjoyable now that I have my kids to share it with!
Denise C. recently posted…At-Home Aromatherapy from Your Venta Airwasher
Amen to that!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Things I don’t want to forget, Dear Adelaide…
Lovely poem! Thanks for sharing it! Winter is for warm sweaters, scarves, and hats! Oh, and drinking hot apple cider!
Lisa Jacqueline Lewis recently posted…Traditional Publishing or Self Publishing?
Mmmm! Hot cider- SO good!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Things I don’t want to forget, Dear Adelaide…
Winter to me means snow and cold, especially here in New York City. They only thing that I like about winter is celebrating the holidays with my family.
Toughcookiemommy recently posted…Enjoy A Great Cup Of Coffee This Holiday Season! @KrupsUSA #Giveaway #Ad
I love all th family time we get and the snuggles by the fire!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Things I don’t want to forget, Dear Adelaide…
What a beautiful poem, seeing the beauty in a season that can be a bit dreary. I live in the capital of Canada, so we get our fair share of the cold, but I really try to make the most of the long winter months with my kids. Because it can be so brutally cold, outside isn’t always an option, so we go to our gym/community centre and swim. Of course, I love the holidays – and December through the first week of January is full of celebrating which always starts winter on a good note.
Emily Smith recently posted…Ottawa: My Review of The Facial at The Ten Spot
Love that!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Things I don’t want to forget, Dear Adelaide…
I can only imagine those sticky fingers! lovely poem
coolchillmom recently posted…The Sunday Social Linky Party
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Things I don’t want to forget, Dear Adelaide…
Everything you write is so very well done. This is no exception. I’m glad life is in such a great place for you!
Liz Mays recently posted…Get Em Off The Couch! #GetUpAndGojiPlay
Thank you so much, Liz!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Things I don’t want to forget, Dear Adelaide…
what beautiful poetry you write. The parallel of standing on thin ice and holding hands for safety is wonderful! Thank you for sharing
Eileen recently posted…Braised Chicken with Potatoes and Vegetables
Thank you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Things I don’t want to forget, Dear Adelaide…
Your poem reminds me of watching my children play in our first snow a few weeks ago. A few of my children are older now and everything they do reminds me of my childhood.
Farrah recently posted…Holiday Gift Guide: Have a #LEGO fan? Check out #BrickSwag!
Love that! I can’t wait for the first real snow here!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Things I don’t want to forget, Dear Adelaide…