We are knee deep in summer. With our last tee-ball game under our belts, dance recital danced, and LPA conference underway, we are almost to a Florida vacation (AND LONG road trip) with friends, leaving us ample downtime at home… to do.
When you have time to do, USE IT UP! Right?! I saw a bunch of Summer Bucket Lists going around, so I got the girls together and we thought up our own list. I love that our spots are fairly local to us- smaller places that aren’t on all radars. So come check out all the things we’re hoping to do this summer!
2016 Summer Bucket List for Southern New England:
- WWI Memorial Park and Zoo; North Attleboro, MA: The zoo, playgrounds, and picnic areas are free and open to the public from dawn til dusk!
- Castle Island; Boston, MA: I have never been, but I keep hearing awesome things… so a day trip it is! Driving up to Boston is much less of a drive than to Southern Rhode Island, so I hope we love it so we can make this our new beach “go to”!
- Pawsox Game; Pawtuket, RI: We’ve been to 2 games this season and the kids LOVED them! The price is right to go to a game at night- even if you can’t stay for the whole thing, so we’re definitely up for that!
- WWII Memorial Pool; North Attleboro, MA: A pool… free for North Attleboro residents. Awesome! But I think this is for locals only, so call ahead!
- Hike a new place; ALL OVER MASSACHUSETTS, USA.
- Boston Children’s Museum; Boston, MA: I have heard nothing but good things, so this is on our rainy-day radar for sure!
- Capron Zoo; Attleboro, MA: This zoo is just around the corner. Somehow, we still haven’t been (though we’ve gone to RWPZoo quite a few times!). With my sights set on a Museum of Science membership, we will have access to the Capron Zoo, as well!
- Frog Pond; Boston, MA: The Boston Common Frog Pond is the oldest and most treasured public park in the U.S. It’s an ice rink and skating school in the winter, a reflecting pool in the spring and fall, and in the summer a spray pool and children’s carousel- there are always fun and exciting activities I know the girls will love!
- Mystic Aquarium; Mystic, CT: Addie hasn’t been to Mystic in years, though I’ve never taken Millie! If you check with your local library, they may have passes for you to use, but don’t wait! Reserve them today!
- Backstone Rive Bikeway; RI; Because I will never stop loving my bike, I MUST try this path this year! Dave and I are a bit past fighting weight, but we won’t let that stop us! With the kids to think of and their less than stellar cycling abilities, we have to nab a bike trailer or some seats before we go. Consequently, my personal bucket list has those items on it!
- Fly Kites at Brenton Point; Newport, RI: The Newport Kite Festival is the best for this, but not sure we will make it this year- so we’re definitely going to head out there on our own and take advantage of the amazing wind coming off the water!
- Water Fire; Providence, RI: If you have never been to Water Fire, you are missing out. This is a truly unique experience I first had with my parents when they dropped me off for college. I’ve been hooked since then. Dave and I try to go every year, though Millie has never (poor deprived kid) been. This year I know she and Addie will love all the vendors, the atmosphere, and of course, the fire!
WaterFire illuminates the Providence skyline. Photo by Jennifer Bedford.
- Camel Ride at Roger Williams Park Zoo; Providence, RI: I have 2 free passes and I know that Addie will fall in love. We want to do a pony ride, but I think this will be a good start.
- Drive-In Movie; North Smithfield, RI: To see Finding Dory, of course! (and I’m obsessed that The BFG is also playing with it this week!!!!)
3 New Farmers Markets; RI + MA: We’re making our way around markets, though Lippit Street always feels like home. If you’re in the Providence area, head over to Hope Street with the family Saturday morning and enjoy one of the best!
The Dinosaur Place, CT: So… not sure who is more excited, but I venture to say ME!
Ice Cream Night; RI + MA: I keep seeing so many places to stop ad get ice cream. One of these days, I’ll have to do just that!
Blueberry Picking; RI + MA: There are so many amazing farms around here! I have found a million and two blueberry recipes and the kids love them, so it’s about time we go picking!
Purgatory Chasm; Sutton, MA: This is one of my favorite hiking places! I cannot wait to take the girls here! It runs for a quarter of a mile between granite walls rising as high as 70 feet, believed to have its origin in the sudden release of dammed-up glacial meltwater near the end of the last Ice Age, approximately 14,000 years ago. History, fitness, exploration. YES PLEASE!
- Newport Cliff Walk; Newport, RI: One of my favorite places in all the world, I love sharing the cliff with the girls, and this year will be no different!
- Southwick’s Zoo; Mendon, MA: Addie and I went 2 years ago and it was the perfect day trip! Their tagline: More than a zoo, it’s an adventure! is so true! It is the largest zoo in New England and has something for everyone!
- Pony Ride at Roger Williams Park; Providence, RI: There’s so much to do at Carousel Village, including pony rides! Addie asks all the time, so this is her year! Kids under 4 need to ride with an adult, just as a heads up! And if you’re a zoo member, you get a discount! So head over to the carousel, just outside of the Roger Williams Park Zoo and enjoy what the whole park has to offer!
- Lincoln Woods Hike; Lincoln, RI: A favorite forever, it’s perfect for swimming at the fresh water beach, trout fishing, playing ball, hiking, jogging, horseback riding, or just relaxing under a shade tree. The girls and I try and go a few times each year for a walk and some beach time!
- Water Balloon Fight; HOME: If I’m not teaching them how to pelt each other, what am I doing, Right?
- Hammond Castle; Gloucester: Gloucester, MA: JUST WOW! What an amazing place to go- and not far from us! A castle this grand is breathtaking- how could we not go?
Your list?
I am always intrigued by the local spots I can find for day trips when I search… makes home a little more exciting! I love local family trips and exploring all the nooks of our great state home! What’s on your Summer Bucket List?
What a GREAT list! I had no idea some of these even existed, like the Capron Zoo in Mass. Thanks for posting!
Such a great zoo! They even have a splash pad!
I love that this could also be my bucket list since I live near all these places. My kids would love to be adventurous this summer!
Maybe we can actually get together!!
I miss New England! I grew up in the northern states though, so haven’t been to a good portion of these. It might be time for a trip “home”
Yay! New England misses you! 🙂
Your list definitely sounds like a lot of fun for the entire family. Items on my own New England list would be eating an authentic lobster roll and visiting a lighthouse.
Oh YES! We do have the best lobstah rolls!
I love summer bucket lists! I feel like if I have a list I will actually end up doing things because when we have free time we can just look at the list for ideas. Sound like a lot of fun things on your’s!
That’s how I feel- I need a list!
love love love this list. i havent created a summber bucket list before. you have totally given me an awesome idea. thanks for sharing.
Oh yay!
You came up with such great ideas and will keep families happily entertained this summer. I wouldn’t mind doing more than a few of those myself!
Have fun!
I have always wanted to travel there! Looks like so many fun things to do!
You would love it here- Southern MA is such a beautiful area!