One time I let myself get possessed. Not by Spirit. By a person. And I became theirs. Their possession. And at first I was celebrated, loved. Adored. Shown-off and admired. Fingers tracing skin I’d grown uncomfortable in but was learning to love again.
And as quickly as I was built up, I was torn down. Shamed for sharing. Shamed for being proud. Shamed for loving my body.
You are beautiful, what you’ve done with your body and how you’ve transformed is an inspiration to many, myself included. You deserve SO MUCH MORE than to be someones possession, I’m so proud of you for turning the page, moving on and loving yourself!!
Debbie recently posted…Summer Looks – styling with Jord Watches!! {+$100 Gift Code Giveaway!} #JordWatches
I’m glad you didn’t give up on me. Thanks for being the bestest friend… someone we shall travel. Boston isn’t really that far…