My Favorite Jewel, #52WeeksA4A
I’ve never been a flashy girl… at least not in the jewelry sense. I have quite a few tattoos, and [Continue Reading]
I’ve never been a flashy girl… at least not in the jewelry sense. I have quite a few tattoos, and [Continue Reading]
It must be because I like to torture myself… but here we are with such a loaded prompt that I’m [Continue Reading]
The commitment is real! I cannot believe we’re heading into March- and week 8 of #52WeeksA4A is coming to a [Continue Reading]
This #52WeeksA4A blog challenge is bringing me on such a journey! When I came up with the weekly prompts, I [Continue Reading]
When I started writing this post… I got stuck. I couldn’t choose a family member. I could always write about [Continue Reading]
A childhood memory isn’t as easy to come by as I’d imagined. Loosing a parent at a young age, one [Continue Reading]
I’ve always been a fairly routine person. Everything had a place, a home, in its organized room in its designated [Continue Reading]
I sat at my computer. Days in a row. Trying to write about marriage. My marriage. Usually I can write [Continue Reading]
Hello, Reader!!! It’s Monday… again! I spoke about my 52 Week Challenge last week, but made a little video with [Continue Reading]
There’s a lot to be said for challenging yourself. I’ve been doing it physically since the new year began, but [Continue Reading]
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