It’s another Marvelous Monday! Happy MLK Day. There are so many lessons I could touch upon on this important day, but what I hope to convey in every post in some way is equality. So, it’s Monday; let’s jump right in, shall we?!
What’s up with dwarfism this week in the Martinka house? Let me tell you! After family swim at the YMCA this week, a woman kept telling me how sweet Addie was and how small and tiny she is. She was a sweet, older woman, by no means old, but in her late 60’s. When she asked what size clothes Addie was wearing, I was so confused and sort-of annoyed I spouted, “Newborn pants, and 3 month onesies. She has achondroplasia, so she’ll always be small.” The woman looked confused. “Dwarfism,” I said. The woman smiled and grabbed Addie’s little fingers in her own. “With the right shots, she’ll be normal, right?” She asked.
For some reason, I remember learning about the pituitary gland in science class, and that height issues relating to it can be treated with growth hormone injections. “No,” I said calmly, “dwarfism cannot be treated, you’re thinking of injections for the pituitary glad. Addie will just be little.” Again, the woman smiled, seemingly surprised at my knowledge, continued talking about herself and how she doesn’t understand why her daughter-in-law expects her to care for her grandson… “Why did they have a child they had no daycare for?” she laughed. We briefly discussed how Story Time at the Warwick library is always too packed and I told her about the one on Fridays in Providence.
I put on my backpack (Dave makes me use the backpack to even the weight on my shoulders… it’s hideous) and picked Addie up in my arms. The woman, a solid 4 inches shorter than myself, patted my shoulder and said, “she is beautiful.” And that was it.
So this week I learned that when you explain things to some people, they don’t care. And that’s a good thing! This woman learned something new because deep inside the inner-workings of my brain, I’d remembered something I’d learned long ago. I wasn’t particularly pleased with the word normal, but to someone who doesn’t have a family member with dwarfism, that’s just what it is. People who are tall are normal, and people who are small are different. I am learning that people don’t think Addie is abnormal; there isn’t always a black to the white. Sometimes, words are just words and they’re not meant to hurt or offend. Just as the opposite of “love” is not “hate”, but “apathy”, the opposite of “normal” is not necessarily “abnormal”. Plus, Addie is normal… except she’s not. She sleeps through the night at 9 months old (the transition to her crib happened seamlessly), loves all food, hardly cries and she’s a little person. She’s not abnormal, just different. Heck… so am I!
This week I am thankful for Netflix. I know it sounds strange… who is actually going to say they’re thankful for that? ME!
I watch one episode of some health-conscious show, like Workout, or a documentary like America the Beautiful, and I’m on the floor doing pushups. I don’t need motivation to workout, but when I turn Netflix on, I get sucked in and veg out, except when I watch something like these shows, then I get moving! Since beginning to watch more shows like this (10 days), I’ve worked out 4 times a week, and gone from 147 to 144.5 pounds. I’m really proud of myself… and I love Netflix for the inspiration to watch and move at the same time! Next time you’re in a slump… turn on a show about people who let themselves go, and it will get you up off your rear-end, too!
Finally… my random things of the week:
One… if you didn’t know, it’s National Hugging Day, so get on it…
Also, my hubby is leaving for London on business Wednesday-Sunday. I am super nervous about it… but I plan on being productive. My list of things to do after Addie goes to bed at 9pm include:
Giving myself a pedicure
Putting on a face mask
Taking at least one long, hot bath
Running on the treadmill
and… blogging!
I am so excited to have what little “free time” I do have all to myself. I love my hubs, but we don’t see each other enough to take time apart. In truth, an extra hour in the day would mean time for me and time together, but alas, this business trip will serve as enough time apart for a lifetime! I’m so proud of him for creating this opportunity for himself- a business trip to London with the bosses… WHAT?! And I [already] can’t wait for him to get home!
I hope you’re all having a fabulous Monday!!!
Wonderful post Chelley, she is absolutely perfect. Thanks for sharing your point of view with us 🙂
Thank you, Joanna! It’s nice to finally open up and realize that people don’t mean to offend. I like be a calmer, more understanding version of myself.
Addie is amazing!
Thank you!
Thanks so much for sharing! She is absolutely perfect!!!
Thank you!
Love these photos and this post. I think you’re right: most people aren’t trying to rude, they probably just don’t understand and don’t realize that what they say could be offensive. And enjoy your few days to yourself. My husband travels a lot, too, and I usually use it as an excuse to have cereal for dinner 🙂
Thanks, Jessica! I am so glad I am learning to see other perspectives on this. It’s hard!
Great post!
It’s tough. The word “normal” isn’t great, but I don’t think “average” is great either as it tends to imply that anyone else is either above or below average. Words are words, and I guess sometimes there isn’t always the RIGHT one….it’s just a matter of finding the best one, and using it in the least offensive way!
I’d rather be not average than not normal… then again, I might be tall, but I am definitely not normal! 🙂