There are weekends that leave you totally drained… this was one of them for me. Some of it was just life coming to a breaking point (I’ll call this drama) and the other part was a migraine. If you remember anything about Dave’s migraines, they are intense, severe and scary. THIS post will remind you. Thankfully Dave caught it in time and took something before it was full-blown. He is still a bit woozy, but no actual migraine. WIN! Beyond that, I am SO ready to kick this Monday off! I have yoga tonight at the YMCA, New Mom’s Group this afternoon and lots of laundry to keep me company in between…
This week I am thankful for silver linings. When B Sharp closed, I was sad to lose a part of our lives that had always been. There was never a time that I knew Dave that he wasn’t Dave from B Sharp. Now I know him as Dave the cyclist, Dave the husband, Dave the Dad… but there will always be Dave from B Sharp in my heart. This weekend was the first one where we spent one whole day together- Dave only worked when Addie napped and I needed to get work done myself. If I was ready to go, so was Dave. I was left to my own devices (to run an errand and meet my friends’ new puppy with Addie) for a few hours while Dave slept off the migraine issue mentioned above. This time was more precious than our wedding day. Seriously.
We held hands, we kissed after dinner, we laughed about Addie covered in chili. We shared moments as a family I’d been missing since Addie was born. Moments we didn’t have because the only time Dave ever takes off work is FOR something. It’s so nice to have an unplanned day- even if we have plans to do something. No wedding, funeral, BBQ, or doctor’s appointment was going to dictate our time. We spent the morning eating breakfast in bed (thanks, Dave and Addie!) and then slowly preparing for an outing to explore Warren, RI.
Spending the afternoon meandering through homes built in the late 1800’s, we grabbed a quick lunch and then headed to Imagine Gift Store. This store was AWESOME in so many ways- from the moment you walk in you think that you’re in a kitschy shop. As you walk through the cows and Red Sox paraphernalia, you’re brought into a small candy shoppe and then into some awesome New England craft-style things. From spices to nautical themed cheese plates. Keep going to find beach house décor and those silly gifts for someone who has everything. Go upstairs and it continues- THESE are something I hope to get for Mother’s Day! There is a whole kids’ section- complete with newborn attire and toddler books. Then the kitchen area… where I saw the first thing I will buy when we have a big kitchen with a six burner range. THIS honey dipper! I love honey, single brew pots and personal touches. This store was meant for me, American Express and someone with much deeper pockets. Going to Warren to play in the Pirate Park and enjoy a great afternoon window shopping was perfect for us.
…but let’s not think I didn’t get a treat. For less than the price of a good bloody mary, I got this mix. It is SO good… and could actually be heated for a bowl of soup- It’s so rich and perfect. Just add vodka!
Even Dave enjoyed a small glass while he washed dishes… yep, this happened:
So yeah… I am thankful for silver linings.
For dwarfism this week, I want to mention my amazing district, District 1!!! We have some awesome bags and bracelets that we sell (check it out HERE) and almost everywhere I go people ask me where I got such a big re-useable bag, or what my green band means. I wanted to let you know that you can get these for yourself while giving support to people like me who can’t always afford the cost of getting to, staying at and getting home from district events, as well as helping to offset expenses to our community to host events. These get-togethers often include speakers, doctors and been-there-done-that families who offer so much support, comfort, experience and love to newbies like our family. Wondering what these items are…
Lastly, my random of the week is really a plug for myself. I have a new project underway… something to help me cope with my food addiction (I miss being in the kitchen ’til 2am, like I was in my previous life)… It’s called Carpenter in the Kitchen and it’s a collaboration between myself and my father-in-law. You can also check us out on Facebook. I hope you have some time to check it out, share it, follow it or check in from time-to-time to see what new goodies there are for you to try!
Have a wonderful week, Reader! Happy Monday to you!
I love your Marvelous Mondays. Again, it’s like sitting over a cup of coffee in a little cafe with Addie hanging with us, too… and just listening to your memory of details, of love, of life, of pain sometimes, of learning, of moments. You make my Mondays… xo
Sharon – recently posted…Maternity Monday: Are We There Yet? Tee from Destination Maternity
Perfect reading for frustrated researcher…reading the 1940’s census can be daunting! Now, my mood is lightened with sweet prose and pictures, and I’m headed to market for ingredients for pulled pork..Carpenter in the Kitchen is great!