Jingle bells, puppy smells
The car’s nowhere near packed.
Oh where’s my cell phone, charger and mind?
I need a glass of wine.
Oh, jingle bells, I could go for a Dels
Mom and dad are nuts.
Pack the bags and don’t look back,
remember that baby needs a snack.
Yep. That’s how it feels right now. I can’t find anything, but I’m not really looking, either. The suitcases are somewhere and clothes are everywhere. Oh my, Week Before Christmas, you are a cruel mistress!
This week I am thankful for all of the amazing races I get to take part in, and the friends who do them with me! I was blessed to run THE SIGHTINGS 5k in New Bedford, MA… and by run, I mean walk over a mile carrying a 22 pound toddler. With my costume (sans beard) and my angel in her stroller, we were ready to go. The wind was whipping and the shining sun doing nothing for the temperature, but we had a blanket and water and cheese. I was sure we would be fine for our first race together- a run that usually takes us 35 minutes.
Just a mile in, and we were not having it. My pants were falling down, much to my amusement (I was wearing running tights under!), although I was still warm- Addie, however, was uncomfortable. Her body was hot and her face was freezing. Her teeth, gums swollen, we bothering her and with her cries for “up!” I had no choice but to oblige. Two woman I’d run with in Team in Training, grabbed the stroller and took over- picking up every darn thing that fell out (my cell phone, the diaper pouch, trash from the cheese, my water bottle, an extra Santa hat…). As I carried my sweet lady, my two friends never gave up on me. With cheering, laughter, great conversation and lots of photos, we made it. It was, by far, one of the most beautiful showings of camaraderie I’ve ever been a part of. Everyone on the route was encouraging, we all laughed as we straggled in, and even Dave joined us as we crossed the finish. This is a race that is sure to become tradition for me and my sweet lady!
…The next day? I was at it again. Sunday was a timed race called the Downtown Jingle 5k, in Providence. It was a less hilly 5k than I am used to for the city, and I LOVED every minute of the course. Re-using the jacket and hat from the day before, I ran as half Santa-half runnermom and came in at 34:54. Not even close to my best… but I stopped, as is now customary for me, and picked up my best running partner to finish strong:
What a wonderful way to end my race season!
* * *
As we embark on the next year, I want to go back to basics. A lot of questions come in about achondroplasia, and I want to bring to light some of the things I wish were taught about dwarfism to everyone in school!
1. 80% of all people born with dwarfism are to average height families.
2. Dwarfism is not a disease- no person with dwarfism needs to be cured.
3. There are over 300 forms of dwarfism diagnosed- and many that are not.
4. Dwarfism does not relate to intellectual impairment.
5. Achondroplasia is the most common form of dwarfism, but dwarfism in and of itself is rare.
6. Midget is derogatory. End of story.
7. People with dwarfism are capable of living full, healthy, productive lives- just like you or me.
8. Dwarfism is characterized by a height of 4’10 and under.
9. People with dwarfism have average life expectancies- with exception to some, as with all things in life.
10. What do you call someone with dwarfism? Their name!
Do you want to know more? Check HERE or please email me through the contact page and ask!
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I have been buzzing in my mind since last weekend wanting to share this random info about where to go see lights in RI! (Not in RI? Google search Holiday Light Displays in your area, and I promise something will come up!) We go to Lasalette Shrine every year, but we wanted to do something else, too. Going off THIS article, we chose three houses in Warwick, RI to visit… and it was SO worth it! (And before we get flack: Addie was only taken out of her car seat to enjoy the lights only after the car was in park)
3073 West Shore Road, Warwick, RI: Great spot! We turned our radio to the station they have posted (in lights, of course!) on the lawn and Addie jammed out on my lap- Oooohin and Aaaaaahing at the lights as they splashed across the lawn and home with each note. And while the DJ talked, “Santa” did too. It was pretty spectacular. We were really excited to go to the next house…
12 Shenandoah Road, Warwick, RI: Not nearly as impressive as the first house, but still a good display. This isn’t a house we would visit again… this is about as exciting as it got:
After the second house, we were worried about the third. It was a little after 8, and Addie wasn’t amused… knowing the last house we planned to visit was “on the way” home, we stopped. 75 Gristmill Road, Warwick, RI… by far the coolest house. Ever. The music was actually blaring from the house, so we got out and joined about 20 other people also outside their vehicles (there were lots still inside, too!) and enjoyed it. Addie danced with the music and cheered at the end of each song. Watching Addie, Dave looks at me and said, “this is why people should have children.” To bask in the innocence and magic of childhood, is what he meant, I suppose, but I didn’t ask. I just watched as his eyes danced watching Addie’s eyes shine with all the wonder of the world.
If you just experience one house this season, I suggest you go here!
Fun seeing you last night! I agree with your husband – watching my kids play and enjoy themselves is part of why I keep having more. 😉 Thanks for the heads up on houses to visit in Warwick. Seeing light displays is on our to do list for this week.
Oh good!!! I hope you enjoy them as much as we did!!!
I am planning on taking a drive to see some of those houses listed this week as well! Glad that you gave us a heads up about Shenandoah 😉
Mary Larsen recently posted…Get In The Gift Giving Spirit With Xbox One And Forza 5
Have fun!!! <3
Marvelous, as always. I am so disappointed to have not been able to run these fun Christmas races, but I did do 1 mile today. One wonderful mile! I love that you include your beautiful partner, Addie! Thanks for the tips on local houses, too. Audrey lives in Warwick, so I’ll be sure to check them out with the grandkids! xox!
Sharon – MomGenerations.com recently posted…Lee Jeans “Shapetastic” Platinum ~ for every occasion!
Life is just a miles at a time <3
You are one busy lady! I always enjoy reading your posts because I seriously learn something new. I have to get out there and look at some Christmas lights! Great pics!
Courtney Buteau recently posted…Last-Minute Holiday Gift Guide 2013: For Babies and Toddlers
I’m glad you enjoy <3 I hope you get to see the lights!!!
chelley @ aisforadelaide recently posted…It’s That Time of Year…
We still haven’t gone to see the lights!!! Thank you for sharing those locations!
Sarah recently posted…Cha-cha-cha-changes…..
I hope you go!!!