There’s the time of year for New England parents where we wonder: What do I do? It’s too cold for the playgrounds or even a hike, the ground is likely frozen under a mound of snow, and all the library story times are jammed with other families wondering the same thing as you… when will the winter end?!
Here’s the caveat to the dreadful New England winter with a toddler conundrum: Rock-a-Baby!
I’ve written about my love of this class before and with a New Year and new sessions starting the first week of January, I thought this would be a perfect time to remind you to SIGN UP NOW! Each class is filled with song and dance, a new instrument to play, a story that is sung, balls and bubbles and announcement time (where you get to brag about new teeth, new shoes, new words… a song to celebrate your child!).
We first registered for the class because Addie was hearing better, but now it’s a must for the Martinkas. Harmahnee and Menalee and Rmmm (real names: Harmony, Melody and Rhythm) make their way into the class via song, dance and though the introduction of different instruments according to each week’s new theme… sports, transportation, parties, animals- it’s never repeated and we have been in “RaB” for almost a year! The best part is the structure- Addie loves knowing the next word, or leading the way through the puppet dance and with their awesome book (which we read every. single. night.) and two CDs (also available on iTunes) she’s learned to sing, request the song she wants to hear and follow direction in a song (clapping her hands, turning in a circle, making a silly sound). Making class a part of our weekly routine has given us something to look forward to each Wednesday, but also gives us a place to go and have fun with the same friends each class!
See all there is to do:
Each class will offer a spotlight instrument as a group, as well as instruments each child can play with (ALL items are washed with natural products after each class, so teethers have no fear- toys can safely go in the mouth). There is also a clean up song that literally has all of the kids running to the toy collection bucket like moths to a candle. It’s incredible- in fact, I play the CD at home to help encourage clean up time there, too! This winter be sure to give yourself the comfort of friends, lessons, song and dance with Rock a Baby… better yet, ask for it as a GIFT!
Hope to see you there,
I was given a class discount for the next session in return for a blog post. My opinion is not swayed by outside sources.
Such a great gift idea–we have been asking for classes, etc. instead of more toys this year! 🙂
Jessica Morrison recently posted…Gift Ideas for Your Husband/Significant Other
Yes! Classes and experiences are such great gifts. Way better than MORE toys!
chelley @ aisforadelaide recently posted…It’s That Time of Year…
So cute! My kids loved those classes when they were little. A must do!
elizabethatalay recently posted…Samahope Gives Us The Opportunity To Do Something Remarkable
They really are. Addie asks to go everyday!
chelley @ aisforadelaide recently posted…It’s That Time of Year…
How fun! What a great idea for this age!
Nice! You definitely need to find things to do over the winter! It was 15 degrees out! Too cold to even play in the snow! She looks so cute!!!
Kristin Wheeler (@MamaLuvsBooks) recently posted…Perfect Winter Treat with Caza Trail and Grove Square #MC
WAY TOO COLD! We just got back from today’s class- a great success, as usual!
Great reminder!! Their classes are great and I didn’t realize they were on iTunes!
They ARE- thank God!!! Long drives made SO much easier and we don’t have to keep changing CDs from car-to-car.