So… it’s Monday, you say. To me it’s a day… another day, like the many that have flown by this month with no regard for my need to sleep, or eat or think! Ahhh! December, you’re going too fast!
BUT… I wanted to introduce you to an awesome project that I’ve become a part of called The Revelation Project. Having this project is what keeps my December slow and focused. The project centers me, reminds me of what is good, and how I got to where I am today. This is a total deviation from my usual MM post-style, but this project means so much to me because it’s introducing me to… well, me. A better me.
For many years I thought I was lost. Or that I was a stranger to myself. I’d become so afraid of what people thought, or that someone would die unexpectedly, or that I wasn’t taking care of my family the right way. I was living so afraid of what could be, that I wasn’t appreciating what was is. When I was asked to participate in this project, I searched high and low for more information about what it was, but after finally jumping in, I realize, it’s not something you can define- each woman has the opportunity to create a personal journey for herself. Project founding member, Monica Rodgers, stated that we have the ability to co-create the future. I was in. I needed to hear that to jump at this opportunity… and here is what I am making out of the experience.
I find myself journaling. Really reflecting on paper, because I want to. I don’t do it every day, and I don’t always finish each thought, but I am writing about a subject I have found I know so little about: me. Not me the mom, or me the wife, or me the sister, or me the daughter… I’m writing about all of these things as a collective- focusing on the one constant in it all. Me. Because I often forget to wash my hair, or if I’ve brushed my teeth, or eaten that day, and I don’t always know if I’m wearing a warm enough jacket… but I know my family is taken care of. For me, exploring things in my life that I’ve been neglecting is so cathartic, I have found myself refreshing the pages of the online portion of Revelation365 to know more about my tribe- other women on this same journey.
As a participant, I make the decision of how much I want to give, when I can give, what to reveal and what I need to focus on. It’s a community. A sisterhood. The origins of friendships and bonds that are formed while we all stand in the same virtual world, naked souls, bearing as much as we choose in order to build more confidence and connectivity with the ones we often forget to love: ourselves.
I wanted to share this with you and invite you to join me for 2014’s Winter Session, which is marked by this:
When you sign up for Reveal365Winter, you receive a personal online calendar through our ShutterCal partners, that can be accessed from any electronic device – phone, tablet or computer. Your calendar has space for your daily image and accompanying written journal entry. The Revelation Project guides, Monica, Kim and Andrea, send weekly email prompts around themes such as love, vulnerability, strength and more, for you and fellow members to reflect on. Explore these topics through your personal lens, follow the prompts…go free style…keep to yourself…or engage in the PRIVATE group conversation with other Revelationaries.
At the close of every month your images will be printed on high quality 4×4 dated cards, backed with your written thoughts.
Your cards are stored in your beautiful archival linen box which becomes your personal published keepsake.
Please explore their website, or check out more on Facebook. At the end of January, I will be offering one reader The Reveal You Portrait Shoot. I would love to know: why you are interested in something like this now? How would this project change you? Do you want to know more about you and reveal the strong, independent, confident woman you sometimes forget lives inside? Leave your answers in the comments, and come back on 1/31/14 for your chance to win this unique opportunity to reveal you to you.
I hope you join me in the New Year to finding out more about you, while creating relationships with other women who will inspire and reveal Life in a way you might have never seen it before. Happy Monday, Reader. I wish you the most beautiful holiday week!
I was given the opportunity to participate with a complementary Winter Session with The Revelation Project. All opinions of the project are my own and are not swayed by outside sources.
This is such a great way to describe it. It is really difficult to define isn’t it???
Once you are IN you get it… but then to try to explain it is challenging! I am so honored you are doing REVEAL365. So grateful you find it beneficial. I love that it’s making a difference in your life and hope many more join the 35+ women who are already part of our tribe. Have a WONDERFUL Christmas dear one! xoxoxo
Merry merry to you, too! I love the reflections, making my own pace and adding all of my memories week-by-week so I can really SEE what Life is for me.
How wonderful is this program! You can find out more about yourself and make a difference:) Fantastic
I love it so much!! I hope you have the opportunity to participate!
This is very cool–I have done journaling on and off. It’s so therapeutic, and it sounds like this project would be too! 🙂
Jessica M recently posted…What’s On Our Christmas Eve Menu
I cannot recommend the Winter Reveal enough. I hope you get the opportunity to join!
I’ve never heard of this project. I feel like I was meant to stumble upon this blog entry of yours today. I’m definitely interested in learning more.
You will love the project… and the sisterhood!