Wow… I remember taking weekly pictures of myself when I was pregnant with Addie and posting them with the phrase: Week x, Baby is the size of a lime, avocado, watermelon (JK)…
Now… I just try to take a picture within the right week. It’s never the actual date (does it gross you out that I know we conceived New Years Eve?) of the week, but I’m always close- and, as a seasoned second born, I know this is just gonna have to be good enough for Millie.
What IS really cool, is that this pregnancy is a bit more documented than Addie’s because I have this blog which reignited my passion for writing and squelches my desire to over-share… so, for those who are wondering where the heck the belly pics are, here’s a bit of sisterly combat already starting in the womb: Weeks by Sister!

Here, they begin to express their differences. Addie stayed rather low, while Millie moved up into the vital organs, like the lungs…

…and there she is! Halfway there and Miss Camille Thea’s incubator is far larger than Miss Adelaide’s!
I love being pregnant… even if I cannot breathe well and the impending summer is looming over my already sweaty body like a threat. I’m excited for sisters. I’m blessed to have more children. Bring it on third trimester! This mama is ready!
My second was so much higher as well. The pregnancies were night and day as my second was significantly larger (and still is by comparison) than my first.
But, overall, I was fortunate enough to truly enjoy pregnancy and embrace the amazing ability MY body had to host this amazing little being soon to come. His and her spirit lifted me – even through the aches pains and two very hot sweaty summers (both babies born in Oct and Nov)!
Keep on rocking on!
Oh man! I am excited about the summer… a whole different experience! I do love being pregnant- that’s for sure 🙂
martinkadelux recently posted…As weeks go by…
one of your belly pics had a different tatoo– a leaf, and I was staring at it trying to figure out how it got changed. It wasn’t until 5 minutes later that I figured out it is the other side.
I need a cup of coffee obviously!
You have one cute belly – and an even cuter baby playing around in there. She must love swimming 🙂
Mary Larsen recently posted…Our Porch is Our Sanctuary
HAHA! Yes! I actually took belly pics with Addie holding my phone the other way in the bathroom mirror- this time it’s all reverse camera (NEW phone!) and shirts down… not sure why the shirt change, though.
I’ll get some good pics in Cali- cuz I’m sporting a bikini!
martinkadelux recently posted…As weeks go by…
Don’t worry Mary, I was thinking the same thing! At least you figured out that it was the other side! Hahah. Coffee Me.
Melissa Carrier (@Jemstaa) recently posted…Pastels for Summer
Maybe I posted too early 🙂
martinkadelux recently posted…Team in Training… Moms in Training!
SUPER cute! It’s nice to have these pictures when you look back. Especially to see how each pregnancy is different.
It really is. I’m glad I took them with Addie!
martinkadelux recently posted…As weeks go by…
wow, look at you! 😉
martinkadelux recently posted…As weeks go by…
I love belly pictures. Each of my pregnancies were so different. There was nothing the same in any of them except I was sick.
Debi recently posted…Important Items on a Weight Loss Journey
That’s been my saving grace… I’ve never been really sick while pregnant- just really tired!
martinkadelux recently posted…As weeks go by…
Love these pics!! I loved being pregnant too. Every second!! You look great!! xo
Melissa G. recently posted…Training – Day 3
I can’t say every second is love… but most!
martinkadelux recently posted…As weeks go by…
Yes, the body is a funny thing congrats love!
Raijean recently posted…WWE Payback Comes to Chicago #WWEMoms
It truly is!
martinkadelux recently posted…As weeks go by…
I was so good about belly pics my first two pregnancies, now I’m 36 weeks with my third and only have one photo! I wish I took more, I guess I could take one now every week until the end. Lord knows I’m still getting bigger! You’re lucky to have such wonderful keepsakes!
Courtney Buteau recently posted…Celebrating my 3 year ‘blogiversary’ with a makeover
Oh no! As a second child, I know that it all just goes down hill (my little brothers are adopted, so my mom has an excuse… but there are still more pics of my sister as a child than all of us combined!).
martinkadelux recently posted…As weeks go by…
I loved being pregnant too- you look AWESOME!!
Jessica Morrison recently posted…My List of Summer Running Essentials!
Thank you!
martinkadelux recently posted…Live life #LaundrySimplified with New Purex® No Sort™
What an adorable belly – throughout both pregnancies! I guess this throws out the theory that you only carry differently for different genders. 🙂 This makes me miss being pregnant!
Jane – Mom Generations recently posted…Skip Hop Announces New Duo Diaper Bag
Seriously- I am carrying SO different for these ladies! I’m just glad my OBs nurse isn’t crazy at this practice. Last pregnancy, a nurse was convinced I was having a boy and used to talk to my baby boy- even though I’d had 2 gender ultrasounds. So annoying!
martinkadelux recently posted…Live life #LaundrySimplified with New Purex® No Sort™
Such cute pictures! I thought being pregnant was the great thing ever and this makes me miss it.
Nicole@runningwhilemommy recently posted…5k With George
I am already sad that this may be the last time!
martinkadelux recently posted…Live life #LaundrySimplified with New Purex® No Sort™
I had to giggle that you mentioned when you knew when you conceived. I know 2 out of three of my kids too, they were both conceived on a holiday also LOL.
Jenn recently posted…adidas Summer Sale: Up to 50% Off Over 1,000 Items
🙂 That’s awesome!
martinkadelux recently posted…Team in Training… Moms in Training!