I received a sample of Calm-a-Mama blend for my post. All opinions are my own, and are not swayed by the sponsor.
Believe it or not, there’s lots of stress in the Martinka house. It’s like a plague you try to keep out of the home, but somewhere, there’s always a window open. And sometimes it’s a lot for this mama-to-be and her little one. Until recently, I’d tried meditation – unsuccessfully. To find the time to take a deep breath, or even the lung space at this point is difficult, not to mention getting to the point where I remember to stop and slow down is usually also the point where I have reached breaking. To prevent all of the little things bottled up inside me, to help me cope, if you will, I’ve turned to Calm-a-Mama flower remedies.
Flower Remedies (essences) are infused waters from the flowering parts of the plant (NOT perfumes). They’re used to restore wholeness via the balancing of mind, body and spirit, as a safe, natural healing remedy. These remedies target emotions and heal by encouraging peace and harmony, and are perfect for all stages of life from childhood through adulthood, and are even safe for pets! Calm-a-Mama blends are made in the USA and use authentic Bach Flower Remedies, formulated by British physician, Dr. Edward Bach, in the 1930’s.
In our current state, I’ve opted for the Mama-to-Be Pregnancy Blend and for Addie, the Midnight Mouse Blend. The Mama-to-Be Blend is a combination of 4 flower remedies that come together to help with smooth transitions, to take deep breaths and to move with grace. It also helps you accept your body as it is, changing, right now. Which, with baby 2, has been much different than baby 1! The blend is there for the sole purpose of supporting a harmonious transition to motherhood – for the first time or again! Using Crab Apple to help you accept your changing appearance, Olive to help rejuvenate you from exhaustion, Walnut to help you embrace transitions and Larch to increase confidence, this blend is perfect for all the things that have gathered in my system and that I’m having a hard time balancing.
Taking 4 drops in the morning and then repeating this a few times a day has truly lead to harmonious days, from the toddler race to work-balance and everything in between, no matter what that consists of. For the final edits that need to be made to dinner being on the table just as Dave gets home, and all of the diapers washed, dried and folded… the Mama-to-Be Blend is perfect for me. For post baby, I am stocking up on the Baby Blues Postpartum Blend (to pair with my encapsulation pills), as well as the original Calm-a-Mama Crisis Blend. There are still moments of course, but as a whole my days are calmer. I am at peace. And I’ve found a way to treat myself for just a few moments… those precious moments to calm this mama.
The Midnight Blend is for sleep, however it does not make a child sleepy, so I am using it for more than the nighttime hardships. For hard days, which are aplenty without AC, molars making their appearance, and limited binky time, we head to Addie’s 4 drops for some peace. It’s a combo of 5 flower essences for calm, peace of mind, quiet courage, opening up and unwinding. Often there are those moments of pure loss, where there is pain, a lack of communication and the need for some love. I ask her if some drops would help, and she often settles long enough to nod yes. As she walks to her room, we settle under the fan, her wrapped in my arms, enjoying a light breeze and I give her one “dose”. She usually smacks her lips and smiles, then rests her head back onto my chest. Before bed, she also gets her 4 drops, and I love that part of our routine- it’s the moment she knows that she needs to stay in bed and we are ready to shut the lights off.
For Millie’s arrival, I am definitely stocking up on The Bachs Five Flower Kids’ Crisis Blend, which includes Rock Rose for terror, Star of Bethlehem for shock, Cherry Plum for loss of control, Clematis is for detachment and Impatiens for irritability. It helps to take the edge off and restore balance- which I think is going to be important in the big changes that’s coming and for all the moments we simply cannot prepare for. And what about Miss Millie? There’s Soothe and Calm Baby Blend: Featuring 3 flower remedies, this blend can be used for infants, kids and adults alike, with Impatiens to replace irritability with good humor, Larch for confidence, and Rock Rose for courage in the face of terror. Ingredients also include chamomile, filtered water and vegetable glycerin as a preservative.
There’s even a blend that Dave will be using: Calm-a-Daddy Crisis Blend. They say going from 1 to 2 is the hardest transition… and I know that there will be moments for us all. Because of that, I think having a remedy for the Daddy is important, too.
The one thing I like to remind myself is that even when I have it all under control (because that happens?), flower remedies work best when used for an extended period of time and not necessarily when a large dose is consumed. I love this, to be honest, because (as mentioned) I give myself a routine. A few moments throughout the day to myself to find center, peace and… well… me. And I give that gift to everyone in my family, too.
For all the Calm-a-Mama blends and to order your own (always free shipping), check out their website and Facebook… and share all of your Calm Moments on Instagram. And all you locals to RI, check out Calm-a-Mama’s booth at Providence Flea on Sundays this summer!
My boys have a really hard time settling down at night, so I think I might give this a try actually!
I 100% recommend it!
martinkadelux recently posted…Calm-a-Mama… or anyone!
we use something sort of similar for my son at night. he’s always been tough to settle down at night!
That’s awesome! I love natural remedies!
martinkadelux recently posted…Calm-a-Mama… or anyone!
Wow, where was this when mine were babies? This would make for a great baby shower gift!
You’re so right! I didn’t even think of that.
martinkadelux recently posted…Calm-a-Mama… or anyone!
There are definitely nights that I could use this lately! Thanks!
Ellen Christian recently posted…Zoya Bubbly Swatches and Review
Good luck! I hope they help you, too!
martinkadelux recently posted…Calm-a-Mama… or anyone!
Oh goodness. I am definitely looking into these. I could use one to shut off your mind and go to sleep. Thank you for sharing.
Laura (Lauras Little House Tips) recently posted…Folds Of Honor: KC Masterpiece Blogging for a Great Cause! #THANKS #ad
There is certainly a Calm-a-Mama for you!
martinkadelux recently posted…Calm-a-Mama… or anyone!
I want to try this! Last night was rough as it was night 1 without paci for my son.
Elizabeth @ Being MVP recently posted…Sol Republic Headphones + #Giveaway
Oh no… binky days are coming to a close for us, too!
martinkadelux recently posted…Calm-a-Mama… or anyone!
It’s the last week of school and the events/activities/schedule has me super stressed. I need this!
Tammi @ My Organized Chaos recently posted…Parkbridge Lifestyle Communities
Sounds like with the end of school, everyone may need their own blend!
martinkadelux recently posted…Calm-a-Mama… or anyone!
My son was a terrible sleeper as a little baby. I’ll have to remember this for next time he goes through a rough sleeping phase.
Meagan recently posted…Degree Gift with Purchase #AD #CheerMore Giveaway
Always good to have on hand!
martinkadelux recently posted…Calm-a-Mama… or anyone!
My daughter is still a terrible sleeper, and she’s 21. I need to get some of that Midnight Mouse for her, hah!
I’m sure a calming blend would help her a lot!
martinkadelux recently posted…Calm-a-Mama… or anyone!
Calm-A-Mama looks like something I can use. My life gets pretty hectic, and anything I can do to ease the stress is great.
Jennifer recently posted…RSVP for the #ShareItForward Twitter Party
Get yourself a blend, for sure!
martinkadelux recently posted…Calm-a-Mama… or anyone!
I so need this, my baby is 14 months old and she still does not sleep through the night!
Mama to 5 BLessings recently posted…Tips for a Fun and Frugal 4th of July Picnic
Oh no! Sounds like you have a midnight mouse in your house!
martinkadelux recently posted…Calm-a-Mama… or anyone!
I so know what you mean about lung capacity while pregnant! I think my husband could use the father blend, he needs to relax big time!
Kathleen Garber recently posted…Summer Travel Tips (+Giveaway!)
The dads need some love, for sure!
martinkadelux recently posted…Calm-a-Mama… or anyone!
Very cool. I need this.
april recently posted…Fourth of July Outfit
They’re great for everyone!
martinkadelux recently posted…Calm-a-Mama… or anyone!
I am so glad you found something that works for you! That kind of stress is the worst!
AImee Smith recently posted…Degree Gift with Purchase #AD #CheerMore Giveaway
It really is 🙁
martinkadelux recently posted…Calm-a-Mama… or anyone!
Glad you found something to help you relax. Stress can really get to you
tammileetips recently posted…Daily Diary ~ Flamingos, ATVs and Sunshine
I’m so glad I did!
martinkadelux recently posted…Calm-a-Mama… or anyone!
Love flower essences, I need to check this out. I’m a huge fan of rescue remedy!
Do! They’re awesome!
martinkadelux recently posted…5 Tips to Stay Healthy and #FitForTwo
This sounds really interesting. We have a little guy who has such a hard time with sleep. Thanks for the post!
I hope the midnight mouse remedy helps you!
martinkadelux recently posted…5 Tips to Stay Healthy and #FitForTwo
oh thee look great, I would want them both. the pregnancy for me and the nighttime for my 2 year old who has a hard time winding down before bed.
I swear there’s something for everyone!
martinkadelux recently posted…5 Tips to Stay Healthy and #FitForTwo
Sounds like a wonderful product. I’m glad you are finding it helpful.
Patty recently posted…The Cook’s Temptation by Joyce Wayne – Book Blast
It is- thank you!
martinkadelux recently posted…5 Tips to Stay Healthy and #FitForTwo
I’m going to look into these more! We use essential oils to help, but it can’t hurt to have more tools in my momkit!
Emily recently posted…Fresh & Easy Snack Ideas for Kids! + PBJ Smoothie Recipe
So true!
martinkadelux recently posted…5 Tips to Stay Healthy and #FitForTwo
This would make a great gift to my mama friends!
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martinkadelux recently posted…5 Tips to Stay Healthy and #FitForTwo