Camille Thea,
I cannot believe you are 3 months old. The bond we have amazes me every morning, as you barely wake to nurse. The way you look up at me and smile, then fall gently back to sleep against my chest. The fears I had about being a mother to two are gone, and in its place is a passion to do right for both of my girls.
If ever you should wonder. If ever I am not here to tell you.
I love you.
You hold my hand for now and my heart for always.
Awe, what a cutie! I wish that I could go back to when my son was just 3 months old.
She is beautiful! It is truly amazing how the heart expands with the number of children you have. And babies will always be a wonder and miracle.
Amber Edwards recently posted…Need a last minute gift? #PlanesToTheRescue
That seriously just made me tear up. Sometimes the simplest things mean the most.
Jennifer recently posted…Holiday Gift Ideas from Best Buy #HintingSeason
That is simply beautiful. You should collect all of these in some kind of a book or something for your kids.
Dawn recently posted…Last Minute Tech Gift Ideas Under $200! #WindowsHoliday
Awe, you made me cry, what a sweet post. I had those fears too, I think moms all have them.
Mama to 5 BLessings recently posted…Beautiful Silky Hair With Suave Moroccan Infusion Shine Products @ BJ’s Wholesale
What a beautiful love letter to a beautiful little girl. She is so adorable!
Melissa Pezza recently posted…Dancing Deer Baking Company Makes the Holidays Tasty and a Giveaway!
Awe, way to make a girl tear up on a Friday night! That first photo is precious, enjoy every moment!!
Tammi @ My Organized Chaos recently posted…Giving Back with Barbie #BarbieProject
Oh my… I’m going to go all ugly girl cry over here! THAT was so so sweet! She’s precious!
She is such a cutie! Of course you’re an awesome mom! Don’t doubt… Just go with lve, it will always be the right way. Enjoy her!
Aww, she’s precious! I love this letter too. Beautiful!
Marina @ Mommy Snippets recently posted…Serve yourself a Heart-Healthy Christmas.
I love the way she is looking at you in that picture! What a precious moment to capture on camera.
Meagan recently posted…How to Pay for College #AZ529 #AZCollegeSavings
She is absolutely beautiful! It’s crazy how fast the time flies by with newborns!
Kristin recently posted…A Happy Baby This Christmas #TistheSqueezin Giveaway
She is adorable. I am sure you are loving every minute of it.
Tammilee Tips recently posted…Top 10 things we love on the Carnival Sunshine
What a beautiful post. Your daughter is gorgeous- as is Adelaide.
Dawn recently posted…Christmas Gift Ideas For Cats + Win A Silverline Gift Pack {US 12/30} #sponsored #FelineSilvervine
This is such a beautiful photo. The time goes by so fast. Make sure you enjoy every moment.
Awwww, you’re making me get all teary! This is such a sweet love letter.
Liz Mays recently posted…Sweet Pix App – Mobile Photo Prints Made Easy
What a little doll! Your sweet words have brought tears to my eyes. My daughter and I share a similar bond.
Lauren recently posted…Favorite Holiday Gift for Photo Lovers #Cube
This only makes me nostalgic for the days when my son was an infant. It’s adorable.
Maria recently posted…DIY Gift Ideas
Kids are such a strange and wonderful thing. I thought I was done with having them a few years ago, then when I got remarried my wife and I decided we’d have another, which turned into another and then another…Now with three under 3 and 7 all told, I go back and forth between wishing for a little quiet and wishing they would stay little all at the same time.
Gabriel Bregg recently posted…Homemade Biscuit Mix
This is so short but incredibly loving and sweet. Brought a tear to my eye, so important that our children know how much we love them. Perfect. May you enjoy these baby years so much, and grow a bond that is unbreakable!
Brandy recently posted…12/20 Weekly Giveaway Link Up #Giveaways #contestalert
Oh my goodness, both of your girls are just precious. You are truly blessed.
Kelly Hutchinson recently posted…Four Stocking Stuffers For Guys Under $15
Your kids are so adorable and I have SO been there…only I was in my 40’s with two little girls just 16 months apart. I wondered how I would be able to devote time to both, give each what they needed, and still maintain my sanity. I worried for nothing. It has been the best ride of my life and from what I see and read, you’re settling right into the wonderful world of parenthood quite nicely. Addie is so precious and Camilla is simply adorable…God bless and keep you all.