I’ll Be Back
I used to have blogs pre-written. Not all the way, but drafts of things to write… but instead of tapping [Continue Reading]
I used to have blogs pre-written. Not all the way, but drafts of things to write… but instead of tapping [Continue Reading]
I am sort of a week behind… I blame Addie for taking up my Friday spot with her birthday! But… [Continue Reading]
OH THE WEATHER!!!! I could not imagine what ideas I was going to come up with for The Weather, but [Continue Reading]
There are dreams we have and dreams we take. Dreams we make and ones we know we could never achieve. [Continue Reading]
A is For Adelaide wants to thank Angara for sponsoring this post. “What do you want for Mother’s Day?” he [Continue Reading]
Easter celebrations are candy-less in our house. It’s partly because I’m still holding strong to not giving Addie candy and [Continue Reading]
This weekend was, as many Spring weekends are, a whirlwind of STUFF! Parties and Easter celebrations are ringing around our [Continue Reading]
I wish I still called Philadelphia my home… but really my home is here in Rhode Island. For now. My [Continue Reading]
This #LikeAGirl campaign got me thinking recently… and it fueled my desire to fix my car. Let me connect the [Continue Reading]
Hello and happy Marvelous Monday! We’ve been battling a bit of a weekend cold (thanks warm weather + snow + [Continue Reading]
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