This #LikeAGirl campaign got me thinking recently… and it fueled my desire to fix my car.
Let me connect the dots for you.
We live on a busy street. This home is more than we could have ever imagined it to be. Closing on a warm May day in 2009, we knew the plumbing had burst, the wiring was cloth, the ceilings all needed to be repaired, the floors redone… it was a mess. We’ve turned it into a home, however, a home that, when under siege of this winter, leaves us with little driveway space. So one evening, as I was ripping my car backwards into the driveway in the one break I’d had to do my signature maneuver… I nailed one of the snow pillars. No, not piles. Pillars. A 6 foot high pile of snow and ice, putting a nasty dent into my bumper (2010 Subaru Outback). Bumper repairs are expensive, so I cringed, knowing that even though I was going about 10 miles an hour, I’d dented my car.
I had no time to really get a look at it as dinner was late to be started and the kids wanted out of the car… so I told Dave when he got home, hung my head in shame, cried and had a glass of wine. But then I took to YouTube with a bumper repair search. And I, #LikeAGirl, figured it out.
The fun part of this story is that I could ask my husband to fix it, but our urgencies are different. He works 51 miles away, leaving early in the morning and returning just after 7:30 every night. On the weekends he repairs musical equipment, an homage to his past ownership of a music store and the only time he really gets to play guitar anymore. When he’s not working, or working some more, he likes to play games… or bounce the baby, fold the laundry and prep meals for me so that I can work. Needless to say… he doesn’t get a break. And fixing a dent in my car doesn’t make the top of his list.
And why do I need his help with this anyway?
I don’t.
So, after pressing in my bumper and loathing the way it looks for weeks (I just got the car a year ago, and I like to keep new-to-me things looking good!), I scoured the basement for our heat gun and a thick winter mitten, and got to work on the nicest (read 42°) day we’d had in 8 weeks… and the first snow-less Monday in as long.
As the kids napped, I equipped myself with the baby monitor, and headed outside. My heat gun has 2 settings, of which I used the highest (1500W or 1000°). I started heating the lower part of the damage- heating the bumper from about 2 inches away and pushing from the inside with a gloved hand. I moved my way upward, eventually pushing the whole bumper back into place.
In 20 minutes, the bumper was back!
In the future, I may want to have the paint redone, but it’s no longer pushed in and the paint is one of those “you only see it if you know it’s there” things.
So I fixed my bumper, #LikeAGirl, #LikeABoss, #LikeAHuman! Do you have winter bumper? What’s something you’ve done recently that made you want to high-five yourself? Share your stories with me!
*Heat guns should only be used with extreme caution and knowledge. I am NOT a mechanic- please make sure any damage to your vehicle is cosmetic only before attempting to repair.
Good for you! Smart woman!!!!
Thank you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
That really worked! How awesome. I have a bunch of dings on my bumper and I need to do this to them!
Darn New England winter!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
That is really cool. I will have to check it out!
Harriet recently posted…17 GREAT Brunch Beverages to Try
Good luck!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
That is so cool you were able to fix it yourself! That totally just saved you a ton of money too, cause repair shops can do it but they cost a lot! Sweet move!
Amber Edwards recently posted…DIY LEGO Easter Basket Idea
Oh totally, a repair shop would have charged an arm and a leg!
The are SO expensive!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
Wow that is such a great job! Such a huge savings too instead of getting a new bumper.
Elizabeth @ Being MVP recently posted…How to Make Mini Caramel Apples + #SweetSwaps Twitter Party with Prizes
True story!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
Wow! I had no idea you could do this kind of repair. Your bumper looks great!
Jennifer recently posted…XFINITY X1 Accessibility Options and $100 Giveaway
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
That’s awesome that you were able to do this! Bumpers are always to prone to bumps and scratches, so this is handy to be able to do.
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
Wow, I think this is super cool, and innovative of you! My #LikeAGirl moment came last week when I scored my husband and I a deal on a new car..score!
AWESOME!!! What did you get??
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
Wow, that worked amazingly well! I’ll have to keep this in mind, yet knock on wood I won’t have to use it!
Tammi @ My Organized Chaos recently posted…New Power Rangers Dino Charge
Just don’t drive like me 😉
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
Oh, that is awesome! Body repair is SO expensive. This would be a great way to save money on small body repairs.
Dawn recently posted…Cute Easter Basket Ideas for the Women in Your Life
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
Woo-Hoo for #LikeAGirl, #LikeABoss, #LikeAHuman repairs. I think that I might have been afraid to tackle the job. LOL – I know that my husband would be nervous knowing that I was messing with a heat gun, since I’m a HUGE kultz!
Libby’s Library recently posted…If You Give a Moose a Muffin…Part 2
I am too… I did this while hubby was at work and he was impressed!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
I so need to tell my mother in law about this! She has a place like that on the back of her car and had no idea how to get it fixed. I’ll be sharing!
Jeannette recently posted…Spring Fashions for Boys from Carter’s
I hope she tries it! It’s incredibly easy!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
Nice work and great slippers, lady!
I JUST SAW THAT! Ooops… thanks for the slippers, mom!!!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
Pretty cool and it came out great! Great way to save some cash too! Im sure that would have costed a pretty penny if you took i to a place,nice job.
Jenn recently posted…5 Ideas for Creating the Perfect Romantic Italian Meal
I’m sure it would have!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
No, we just purchased a new car back in late November and thankfully we’ve gotten through winter without any dings. If we did have one I certainly wouldn’t hesitate to fix it.
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
Wow, you can’t even tell that there was anything wrong. It looks great. Would not have known you fixed it.
Thank you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
Oh my gosh wow that was so effective. I never knew you could fix dents like this!
Liz Mays recently posted…My Favorite Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios Orlando Attractions
Thanks to YT, you can! 😉
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
What a difference! I actually need this for my van’s bumper.
Melissa recently posted…Sports Bag Essentials for Kids and Moms
Tell me how it works for you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
Wow! We need one of these. My boyfriends car got hit in a back corner while we were inside a restaurant eating and we have no idea who did it. It’s been dented for about a year now and it drives me crazy looking at it.
Danielle recently posted…PacaPod Samui Jewel Travel Lite Baby Bag
Those are the worst!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
Great job on that repair! I can’t believe how well it worked!
Thank you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
Wow! I can’t believe you can repair bumpers like that. So cool. Good for you!
Tess recently posted…Three Toxins We Need To Deal With
Thanks, Tess!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
Very cool. I never would have thought of that. Although the last time I drove anything bumpers were still made of metal….
Patty recently posted…Cookbook Review – Dessert for Two by Christina Lane
Yeah… this is a sign of the times, for sure!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
Wow -what a great tool to have –I have to tell my hubby about this-as he has the same type of dent!
Put him to work!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
You Go Girl!! That is awesome you were able to fix it I would have had no clue how to do that!
Jenny recently posted…Zaycon Chicken Events Going On Now!
I looked it up hoping to not have to pay someone!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
That is so cool! I love that you could fix it yourself and was able to save some money.
Autumn @Mamachallenge recently posted…Hoppy Easter: Customized “The Littlest Bunny”Book {Giveaway}
Thanks! Me too!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
I never would have thought that was so easy to do at home! Your repair looks great!
Vera Sweeney recently posted…Finding The Perfect Bra At Kohl’s PLUS A $200 Giveaway! #FavoriteBra @Kohls
Thank you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
That worked like a charm. Your bumper looks really nice now.
Aubrey recently posted…Easy Chicken Dinner Recipes
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
I love how you were able to fix it like this. Talk about HANDY!
Stefani Tolson recently posted…Free Printable Cinderella Matching Game
I try!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
You go girl!
Crystal recently posted…Green Your Earth Giveaway
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
wow, it magically disappears…how awesome is that!
Dhemz Apdian – Dias recently posted…Denver International Airport
Pretty great- glad hubs had a heat gun!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
Great Job!! You should be very proud of yourself.
kristin recently posted…Healthy Snacking & Tips For Success With Weight Watchers
I am! 😀
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
Awesome job! You rock! 🙂
I’m the mechanically inclined one in our marriage, and the only one interested in cars beyond going from point A to point B in them, so it makes sense that not only would I be the one to handle all of the car-related stuff, but I’d also want to learn how to do my own basic maintenance like changing the oil, filters, checking whatsits, etc. Unfortunately, that’s “man’s work” or “the husband’s job” so for the past freaking 8 years of marriage I’ve been turned down to learn these things by no less than FIVE MEN, who then proceed to sigh and shake their heads that Nick has ZERO interest in learning or doing any of that (and at the fact that I don’t give a crap whether he does or not), then doing it themselves for me, rather than teach me how to do it on my own.
One of these days, I’ll get to take care of my own car. In the meantime, #patriarchysucks.
Alena Belleque recently posted…Fruit Infused Honey Lemonade #Recipe
You are kick ass!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies
You make it looks so easy! It is cool you were able to fix the dent so well.
Anne recently posted…New Fire + Ice Menu at Bonefish Grill #IncredibleIs
It really was easy!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Feed all the Babies