I was given a starter kit of dōTERRA® essential oils to assist my cleaning post. ALL expressed opinions and before and after shots are my own.
It’s finally looking like Spring is around the corner here in New England, which means cleaning up this house! During both of my pregnancies, I made peace with the much-proven fact that a clean smelling house does not mean chemically-induced scents, but natural scents. For us that meant vinegar and water, and while I have been happy with the cleanliness, I do catch a lingering vinegar scent every now and again, and was looking for a better solution. As the Winter comes to a close, I have looked to essential oils for their ability to clean and disinfect, and their safety for my children and animals, to get my home clean, fresh and ready for the warm months ahead!
I started watching this video class series:
While I love the message and the guiding of all the facets of essential oil use, I am not comfortable ingesting them. For us a good, clean home will promote all the wellness we need (plus a few teaspoons of raw honey each week).
I started with getting good sleep! We bed-share with Millie, so making sure all oils are safe for infants is key. Lavender happens to be an oil commonly used around children (PLEASE USE A CARRIER OIL IF USING DIRECTLY ON YOUR CHILD), so I felt safe taking 2 drops into my hands and rubbing them on my pillow in the evening as we prepare for bed on days when I am having a hard time unwinding. I then breathe into my cupped hands for an extra calming effect.
When I have some extra time (don’t laugh, once I had free time!) I like to slip into a hot tub and relax before bed with this recipe for de-stressing:
1 cup Epsom Salts
10 drops Lavender or other oil
Mix and add to your bath
Getting good rest is the first way this home stays sane… after sleep comes cleanliness. I love our little home, but it is old and we have a dog, a toddler and a baby. Combined with 2 adults and the winter weather, there are lots of things to get clean. If you’re like me, you want easy solutions… and that’s just what I’ve got! Check out these ideas below:
Dirt on all surfaces… this is the bottle I always have handy to wipe down spots that creep up:
In a standard spray bottle, add 15 drops of Lemon essential oil to 20 oz of water.
Keep handy for any use!
For the backs of my car seats, where Addie put her feet all winter (full of ice, snow and mud), this recipe worked wonders! This is the ideal way to clean the seats of the car, as well as food and pet stains on carpets!
Carpet and Upholstery Stain Remover:
1 cup white vinegar
2 cups baking soda
2-6 drops of Lemon or Wild Orange essential oil
Work paste into stain with a brush. Allow paste to dry and vacuum.
Stain Remover:
1/2 cup white vinegar
20 drops lemon
8 ounce glass spray bottle
Combine, spray on stain and wash.
Glass Cleaner:
11/2 cup white vinegar
1/2 cup water
8 drops Lemon
16 ounce glass spray bottle
Mix ingredients in bottle and shake thoroughly. Shake and spray on glass then wipe with a paper towel or clean cloth.
Dusting Spray:
1/8 cup olive oil
1/4 cup vinegar
1 cup water
10 drops Wild Orange
16 ounce glass spray bottle Add ingredients to bottle and shake. Apply to cloth and wipe surfaces.
So… my house is clean, my car is clean, and everything has a faint smell of lemon and lavender! I LOVE it and I think you will, too! The price to make all of these items is less than ¼ for each of these items from the store, full of chemicals and allergens, and they don’t irritate my nose or chest. Take a WEBINAR or GET YOUR OILS and start making the change today! Sign up for a class, and you can win your own free intro kit through the raffle on the webinar/class registration page!
In my kit:
* While peppermint oil came in my kit I have not used it, as it can affect milk production in breastfeeding women. I will be trying it out in a diffuser for alertness whenever Millie weans herself!
I love using lemon to clean. Also, lavender helps the place to smell good once the cleaning is done.
Robin (Masshole Mommy) recently posted…Here are 7 of my ALL TIME favorite recipes for Smoothies.
Love lavender!!!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…The No Candy Easter Basket!
I have some of their essential oils, they work great! I love how there are so many different uses for each scent! Great idea to get the house ready for Spring!
Kelsey APley recently posted…FREE Redbox DVD Movie Rental Code (Text Message Offer)
I love that about them, too!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…The No Candy Easter Basket!
I love adding essential oils to homemade body cream. But, now I think it is time to use them for cleaning my house, too.
That’s a great idea!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…The No Candy Easter Basket!
I love my doTerra oils but haven’t tried it yet for cleaning – those results are amazing though, I need to give it a try!
Tammi @ My Organized Chaos recently posted…2014 Month in Photos Album
They really are!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…The No Candy Easter Basket!
Thank you for including the recipes for the cleaning solutions. Can’t wait to give them a try
You will never buy another cleaning product again!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…The No Candy Easter Basket!
I use essential oils in my soapmaking. They really do add something special. And the smells they leave behind….heavenly
Patty recently posted…Colgate® Optic White® Express White Brings the Bright Back to My Smile
That sounds like amazing soap!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…The No Candy Easter Basket!
What great ways to use essential oils. I love these as alternative to hash chemicals for cleaning.
Exactly- so much better!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…The No Candy Easter Basket!
It’s so cool that you can make different cleaners so easily! I’m really going to have to give essential oils a try!
Jeannette recently posted…Italian Chicken Salad Recipe with Hormel Pepperoni
YOu will love them!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…The No Candy Easter Basket!
Hey, that’s pretty cool! I’ve never thought about cleaning with essential oils before.
Dawn recently posted…Flipping The Switch: Saving for a Sunny Day!
I just added some grapefruit oil to my AVC toner… ah-maze-ing. I love EO!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…The No Candy Easter Basket!
This was a super interesting read. I’m new to essential oils, and I had no idea I could clean with them. I’ve just used them in a diffuser.
Melissa Pezza recently posted…Blogger Handbag Essentials: Stress Less With These Tips
I need to get a diffuser! I think you will love cleaning with them!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…The No Candy Easter Basket!
I never would have thought to clean with essential oils!! You got great results with your cleaners!!
Vera Sweeney recently posted…What She Wore Wednesday With Lands End And Introducing A New Fashion Link Up!
I really did! And my car smells SO good!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…The No Candy Easter Basket!
I have been really wanting to get into these essential oils. I have heard amazing things about them! I always clean with fresh scents but I think these would be much better.
Jenn recently posted…Honey Bunches of Oats Breakfast Biscuits Makes Breakfast Simple #HBOatsBiscuits
They are- the scents are just there… as opposed to taking over, if that makes sense.
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…The No Candy Easter Basket!
I feel like Spring cleaning is way overdue! I have started planning my attack. I usually use natural cleaners, since I have small children. But I haven’t thought about using essential oils. Thanks for the info.
Andrea Kruse recently posted…Vanilla Bean Granola with DOVE® Fruit Cranberries
I love it- the attack! I am waiting until I can get the windows open to finish the sills! It’s going to be amazing when that day comes!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…The No Candy Easter Basket!
This is something i really want to try. I love using essential oils for home remedy’s. I would love to reduce the amount of chemicals i use in my home.
Every little bit counts!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…The No Candy Easter Basket!
Wow, this is awesome thanks for sharing.
Corina Ramos recently posted…How to Get Rid of Your Muffin Top
Thanks for stopping by!
I’m a big fan of peppermint so adding it to my cleaning routine would be nice. It would be especially welcome during the holidays.
Liz Mays recently posted…Corned Beef and Noodles Casserole
What an awesome idea, Liz!!! I love that! I’m a big Christmas fan 🙂
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…The No Candy Easter Basket!
I’ve heard so many wonderful thin about essential oils but I never knew you could clean with them. How awesome! Thanks for the recipes!
Ty recently posted…St. Patrickâs Day Sprinkle Pops
You’re welcome!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…The No Candy Easter Basket!
I have heard great things about essential oils!! I had no idea they were for cleaning too!
Jenny recently posted…Crispy M&Ms My Sweet Cheat
They are awesome for cleaning! I hope you give them a try!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…The No Candy Easter Basket!
I love working with oils, I’ve been doing it for years. Incesnes, too.
M from K&M: The Stay-at-Home Life recently posted…Instilling a Love of Reading in Babies and Toddlers
That is awesome!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…The No Candy Easter Basket!
Love the ideas. So many things you can use that for.
Debbie Denny recently posted…Why Raising Your Own Cinderella or Super Hero is a Good Thing!
So true!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…The No Candy Easter Basket!
Thank you so much for those recipes!
Krista recently posted…Spring 2015 Fashionista Event – Handbag & Fashion Accessories $185 Value
You’re welcome! I hope they work out well for you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…The No Candy Easter Basket!
I like green options. I think your cleaning AND de-stressing options top my list of go-to things!
1 cup Epsom Salts
10 drops Lavender or other oil
Mix and add to your bath
Amanda McMahon recently posted…2015 Wedding Style Forecast
A nice relaxing soak is always welcome!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…The No Candy Easter Basket!
I love using oils. I haven’t used this brand but would LOVE to try some of these out. I like your idea of using lemon to clean!
Stefani Tolson recently posted…Pixar’s Inside Out & New Film Short LAVA #PixarInsideOut
doTerra is a wonderful brand!
I love using essential oils in my home. They are so easy and don’t have the chemicals I try so hard to avoid. Great post.
Amy Groves recently posted…Diano Radian RXT Carseat Giveaway
Thank you, Amy!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…The No Candy Easter Basket!
I’ve never thought to use essential oils for cleaning. What a great idea. Thanks
You’re welcome! I hope you get to try them out!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…The No Candy Easter Basket!
Lavender and lemon oil are both excellent for cleaning. Lemon oil is particularly effective in furniture polish. I am considering adding baking soda and vinegar to our cleaning arsenal.
I love lemon for my furniture- I have old items from my grandparents!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…The No Candy Easter Basket!
I love essential oils and lavender is one of my favorites. I use some cedar and lemon and it lifts my spirit as I clean.
Isn’t that such a great side effect! A good mood while cleaning!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…The No Candy Easter Basket!
Indeed! I have no idea how my name got left off that post… Odd. How could it publish without my name? 🙁
I really enjoyed your article and think it’s awesome and unique. Thanks for helping me clean since I’m really bad at it. I will share this with some of my friends as well.