As I’ve done in years past, I have a list of resolutions! 2015 brought me much joy and love, loss and tears, and I expect the same for 2016. Sometimes I separate my goals, sometimes I list them… this year, I’ve chosen 12 goals, one to tackle each month. Kind of. Truly, I just want to grow myself, my business and keep my family healthy. It is no secret that Dave and I purchased a 4 bedroom home in the hopes of adding another Martinka to our crew… and while that’s not a 2016 goal, working towards strengthening our family unit is!
So… here are my resolutions, or goals. (Thanks to Mama is Only Human for this EPIC quote!!!)
- Count to ten. This is my first resolution because I started to hug it out in 2014, and this year I aim to keep hugging and NOT yelling. Counting to ten may just be how I do that.
- I want to build better relationships! …whether it’s Skyping with my sister and nephews (and brother-in-law) more, or being more active on clients and advertisers social media pages, I want to get out there. I am working on a schedule that allows me to take blocks of time to do specific things each day, but in doing so, have solidified still working 7 days a week. I am aiming to work it out throughout this year so that I can schedule time off.
- Go to bed. If you know me, you know that you can generally catch me awake at all hours of the day. From about 8am to 2am I am a functioning human. Or something like that. The 6 hours of time I give myself to close my eyes and sleep… it’s not enough. My body is telling me that. My mind is telling me that. This year, I need to listen.
- Get healthy WITH Dave! I am excited about this one, because we both need and want to get healthy, and we’re both strapped for time together. I think making goals (dare I say fitness dates?) seems like a good idea. We used to ride 30 miles, walk the dog, meander the city… but we’re kind of stagnant now. With the bike trainer set up in the basement and a big TV ready to blast some DVDs at us, I know we can get back on track!
- Respond to comments. I kind of got good at responding to all comments in 2015, but sometimes I am just repeating the same comment or really looking for something to say. I think my return comment ratio is about 80%… and I want to stay at that rate- here’s why: not all comments warrant a response. This year I’ve set a goal to give robust responses back to people who leave me something to say back! It really is that simple. I appreciate all comments, shares, clicks… and good conversation! So, if you give me something to talk to you about- especially on a specific post- look for me to respond back!
- Help with bedtime. When we moved to our new house, I envisioned early dinners and earlier bedtimes. This is not a real thing. Like my parents, Dave and I are nighttime people. That means our kids are little night owls, too. When trying to get a night owl to bed, it’s best to separate… divide and conquer, if you will. Dave takes the brunt of bedtime; bathing, brushing teeth and hair, reading books- all falls to him, so I want to get back into it. If we both are there, we’re both making those memories… and we get more time together when one person isn’t running back and forth between 2 kids!
- Drink more water. I feel like sometime in August I stopped drinking as much water. I feel OK, but I want to drink more. I figured if I added it to my list, I may just hold myself accountable for actually filling up my water bottle more!
- Workout 2-3 times a week. I used to go to the gym 5-7 days a week, sometimes more than once a day. A few times a week should not be stressful for me to move my ass. Enough said. Enough excuses. Do it.
- Cook more WITH Addie. We cook most of our meals at home and Addie LOVES to cook. It’s simple math to just add her into the mix more often. My counting to 10 will come in handy here as she is notorious for spilling things when we cook, but what better way is there to bond with my chef, teach her an art, a skill, and work on coordination than cooking? We’ve already started cooking with her new knives (yep, her knives) and cookbook! Look for our week of Disney recipes coming soon!
- Give back. Or forward. Whatever the buzzword is for this. I want to keep doing it. I finally have the means to pinch pennies for or buy someone an umbrella on a rainy day. You can’t take it with you, so I’ll be buying those umbrellas!
- Read. Somewhere in between pregnancy and birthing Addie, I stopped reading. This is not good. I was reminded what a good book can do when I read The Girl on the Train in 12 hours (including a 6 hour sleep) this Christmas– thanks for the book, Mom! I hope to get back to that… something I’ve already started! I’m currently finishing up Class Action: The Landmark Case that Changed Sexual Harassment Law.
- Shut electronics off. At dinner. When watching a movie with my family. When eating lunch with the kids. I live by the motto If I’m not available to a client at any given moment, they will find someone who is. While this is true, it’s not the end of the world. I’m not a high-power exec. If I miss an opportunity it’s not going to make or break my mortgage. I am blessed to work so that I can afford classes for the girls, special birthday celebrations for Dave and the kids, a bottle of wine. I make my own ends meet paying for Addie’s school, our life insurance, and gas for my car. It’s mundane expenditures that missing out on face time with my family will never be worth. So, if you can’t reach me right now, I assure you that when you can, I’ll be the most ambitious social media maven… until then, I’m probably wrapped up in a political debate with Dave, the loving arms of 2 wild sisters, or taking a moment to read the newest book!
And that’s that!
I love your resolutions! Many of them are similar to what I hope for this year as well. I especially love #12. As a society, we are just becoming way too plugged in! We’ve been at restaurants and have seen entire families not even talking to each other because they are too tuned into electronics. I’ve started leaving my phone on my nightstand whenever I can. It’s definitely tough working from home and not having some sort of device on you, but I don’t want my boys having to compete for my attention with Facebook, or games, or whatever. It’s feel bad enough when I have to say no because I have to work. These are some of the best years of their lives…and there will come a point in their lives where they aren’t going to need you or they will not be vying for your attention anymore.
Rant over 🙂
Jennifer D recently posted…2015 Gift Card Sales Reach $130 Billion
SO TRUE! I grabbed my phone the other day and saw that it was at 70% at 8pm. Un.Heard.Of. I just didn’t pick it up all day. The girls and Dave had all of my attention. It was awesome!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…This Year I Resolve
I freaking love this list! We should schedule one run a week together to be sure we BOTH stay active! Love you!
Melendy recently posted…How do you do it? A question I hear a lot!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…This Year I Resolve
At least 5 of your resolutions are on my list…drink more water, go to bed but I am breaking that rule now yikes, work out 3x’s a week, read, and shut off devices…
I’m determined to give it my best in 2016! Happy New Year #blogbig
I am also up way too late… as always.
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…This Year I Resolve
I love your list. I’ve stopped reading, too, because I got too busy. I need to do this again, I miss reading.
MyTeenGuide recently posted…What’s Coming to DVD in January 2016?
I have missed it so much!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…This Year I Resolve
It sounds like you have a plan–and a very good one at that. I do not make resolutions at the beginning of a year. I attempt to figure out what need changing in my life as I go along. I have never been very good at following plans or keeping resolutions.
Michele recently posted…E-Book GA/Rev-1-WW-A Proper Young Lady-Lianne Simon-Ends 1/29
I love that idea! I like to make goals in the beginning and take small steps through the year to get there!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…This Year I Resolve
I think counting to 10 is a great idea. Sometimes I just take a walk into the other room and go back a minute later when I calmed down.
Addie would let me walk away to cool off… Millie would not. LOL! She would chase me down!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…This Year I Resolve
My resolution is to not buy any toys or books for my kids. We have too many toys and can get any book we want from the library.
Heather Johnson recently posted…Eleven Pipers Piping Craft
That is great! We decided to not do physical birthday gifts this year- we are doing a bedroom makeover and tickets to Elmo. Experience over plastic!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…This Year I Resolve
Love this list! I have a few similar ones, reading, some me time once a week, writing more, try and be more patient with Elijah
Patience is going to be hard for me… especially as work picks up!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…This Year I Resolve
I hear ya on the sleep thing. Towards the end of last year I tried to do everything. I ended up with a major sinus infection, a bout of depression and basically burnt myself out. AFter the death of a loved one, I took two weeks off, slept almost the entire time and I now feel charged and better then ever!
Jenn recently posted…How many Children Do You Have? How Do You Know When You Are Done?
I am so glad that you’re feeling better!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…This Year I Resolve
These are all great goals. I also have working out, drinking more water and doing family Bible study…and REALLY try to not use my phone at all to check social media until little one is asleep.
Oh man- that is going to take self control!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…This Year I Resolve
I don’t make resolutions because I seem to invite failure that way. I do have some goals, but I keep them flexible so that I don’t feel bad if there are some ups and downs on the way to success.
Liz Mays recently posted…Chewy Chocolate Caramel Bars
Ups and downs are the only way to get there! Go get those goals, Liz!!!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…This Year I Resolve
Such great goals – I am trying to yell less too! Counting to ten definitely helps. Good luck and I hope you have a wonderful 2016! Kaz x
Ickle Pickle recently posted…Weekly Photo 2015 #3
Thank you!! You, too!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…There is no “Maybe” ~ The lost art of the RSVP.
This year my goal is to not buy any toys or books for my kids. We have too many toys and can get any book we want from the library. I want to spend our fun money on experiences instead.
Heather Johnson recently posted…Sun-Earth-Moon Model Craft
Love that!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…There is no “Maybe” ~ The lost art of the RSVP.
These are fantastic resolutions! How are you doing with them? I know after I had kids I stopped reading as well, and when I did pick up a book again, it was like “why did I ever stop?!”
I am finally reading again and I LOVE it!!!