How Do You Handle Hate?
So… People ask: Are there still negative comments coming to you? The answer: Yep. Sometimes, they’re still really hurtful and [Continue Reading]
So… People ask: Are there still negative comments coming to you? The answer: Yep. Sometimes, they’re still really hurtful and [Continue Reading]
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Now that’s out of the way, onto our usual MM post (thankful, dwarfism, random)… Hold onto your [Continue Reading]
Of course it’s the time of year to be filled with such amazing feelings, almost overwhelmingly, coming back to thanks. [Continue Reading]
I was saddened to learn that there were still products on the shelves with the m-word, but not shocked. My [Continue Reading]
A while back, when I was going through the Pickle Debacle, a friend emailed me a story. I’d never heard [Continue Reading]
I am SO proud to have met so many people who have made changes- helping to remove the m-word from [Continue Reading]
It seems like Crazy Pickle Lady is just too enticing for people to leave alone. In light of that, this [Continue Reading]
Are we there yet? By there, I mean Wednesday… when Dave gets home from his business trip. I feel so [Continue Reading]
When a new mother holds her child for the first time, it is a beautiful thing. It is also scary. [Continue Reading]
My motto is, and will remain: Do not be reactive. Be proactive and educate. Just to clarify a few things: [Continue Reading]
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