Of course I’ve made resolutions in the past… Even Addie got in on it! But this year… I need a ReVolution!
As the clock nears midnight on December 31st, I am taking my time reflecting on 2016. The end of this year hasn’t been picturesque, but it’s all mine, and what I do as I move ahead is my own.
In years passed I have looked to divide my resolutions into categories: Family, Friends, Personal, Financial, Work, Nutrition, etc. I’ve also chosen a word of the year. For 2017, I am combining the two: CONNECT.
Our country is in turmoil. Chaos. Many of us are in deep mourning or the height of celebration. This difference has caused a divide, and more than anything, I need connection.
To myself, to my friends, to my children and my husband, to my community, to my faith, and to my mind and my body.
It seems like “connect” is a rather vanilla word to describe the togetherness, or unity, that we need as a whole. But for me, I just need to connect. With the space around me, both digitally and IRL, I need to focus more time and energy in places where it is welcome, where I am heard, and where there is a need to be heard. I must celebrate more with those who choose to walk with me and tune out the negativity that often pulls me away from the connection my soul truly craves.
I’ve been working on my balancing act, called Life, to create the connectedness I’d like, which you may have noticed. Less blog posts, more activity on IG and Facebook. On those platforms, you can instantly follow what’s going on- from the best recipes to what we’re up to, fitness tips, fashion and daily motivation. Putting my focus there has given me the option to welcome more guest bloggers, write more in-depth pieces, and focus on connecting with my family, at home. In lieu of spending hours per post, writing and editing, I am building a well-rounded community, where you can connect with me immediately or check out blog posts to learn what’s going on there! I will still be quite active here, of course- writing is my passion!
As a work at home parent, I have less free time, and have to divide what I do with more attention to what my children see. The podcasts I listen to for personal development are actually pretty motivating- even the girls can get something out of it… but when I am sitting at the computer typing away, they are not. So I listen in the car, type while they are asleep, and workout when they’re awake and ready to burn some energy with me. It’s all about the balance, of course, but more than that, it’s about how I work to connect with them. To intertwine our daily needs to bring us all together.
I still have specific goals, for home, fitness, money, nutrition, community, but they all come back to my 2017 word:
2017 is all about how to CONNECT! What is your 2017 #buzzword? #HNY Click To TweetIn my home, there are a lot of places we can make improvements, but let’s be real… ONE THING AT A TIME. To start: no more devices at the table. This is going to be hard for me, as I often work and eat, as does Dave. We always ask the girls about their day, but when we’re talking to them but looking at a phone or computer, I’m not sure they feel entirely heard.
My fitness and nutrition goals are to stick with my Challenge Groups and work hard to create more better-for-you recipes, like a new family fave: jalapeños poppers! This year, I am striving to connect with more people around me and help them achieve their goals. One of my biggest pleasures in life is when a friend says to me: I love this, and it’s working! It can be a new workout, a meal plan, a new way to budget or organize. Goal: connect success to others!
Other ways to connect? This past summer, we went to Florida, and I was able to fund some of that adventure- that was a huge goal for me! In 2017, I am putting away a specific dollar amount each paycheck, but recognizing that being cash-poor just to have something in the bank isn’t balance, but scary! I am aiming to be at 9am mass every week to reconnect with my faith and church community, and Dave and I plan to go to as many town meetings as we can. Being involved in our city is such a great way to connect (and meet) our neighbors!
Sure, I have goals to do new things, but most important is to connect. So, here we go 2017! Let’s find each other. Start the conversation. Meet up for that coffee, or playdate, or run. Smile while passing in the store, on the sidewalk, at the stop sign.
Make the connection.
I love the idea of a one word resolution. You really can branch it off so many ways. I hope you are successful
Thank you!
Love this so, so much.
This is a great idea. I hope you succeed in what you choose to resolve.
Thank you! Happy New YEar!
Lovely post! Connection is so important in everyday aspect of life. My buzz word for 2017 is : Inspire. I wish you all the best on your revolution.
SO important!!!
The word you’ve chosen is one I hadn’t thought of but it speaks to me. I couldn’t decide on just one so mine is a combination of PROGRESS and JOY.
I love that!!! Two words rocks!