I wrote about this on Facebook, but it wasn’t enough. Almost, but not quite. I wanted to share it again because so many friends reached out to tell me they’d forgotten about how important they were. So… I’ll start at the beginning of the day:
I had a day this week, one where Addie was recovering from a nasty stomach bug, and we were shelling out thousands of dollars for a new roof, and I just had the time to sit and think and do all the things around the house that one suddenly sees need doing when there is a dumpster blocking their car in the driveway and the kids are too lethargic to leave anyway.
And so, as I folded the last of the sheets, towels, and t-shirts, I thought. I walked from room to room, enjoying my energy, despite the sickness in the house, despite the banging atop my house. I felt a bounce in my step- a true joy beaming from my feet through the floor. And then I glanced into the living room, where the kids were perched on top of every blanket and pillow they could find, having a pretend picnic using the tiniest, squeaky voices. And there it was. The girls seem like they’re growing up right before my eyes- I leave the room for a few minutes and come back to them enjoying a new discovery… a word, a trick, a story.
And in that reflection, I took the time to look back on my life for the past 5 years.
Somewhere in between getting pregnant and losing that baby to being blessed with Addie and then Millie, I lost giving back to me wholly and lovingly.
I feared what would happen to the kids if I wasn't there. Click To Tweet
What would happen to my marriage if I wasn’t always there. What would life be like for the people I love if I stopped doing something for them and, instead, did something for me?
So I slowly tested the waters. I started to figure out what I needed to be eating to feel better… and the energy I gained was amazing.
And my family joined me.
So I started to workout right in my living room. And the empowerment I felt was epic.
And my family cheered me.
So I started to ask friends to take this journey with me. And the community was fulfilling.
And my family flourished.
So I started to train for races- a part of me I dearly missed. And my soul felt peaceful.
And my family celebrated.
And I felt like this:
And no one lost their shit.
No one suffered.
My family loves to work out with me.
We love to try new recipes and make fancy shakes on the weekends.
They can’t wait to see me at races… a game of I Spy Mommy!
And so those few moments here and there that I miss, those have made us closer. Happier. Healthier.
And they’re growing up right before my eyes… and I get to be there for it, enjoying it. Not sidelined by anxiety about how I feel, or my lack of energy, or how I look.
Hi! I am Ina being a blogger I must appreciate your beautiful blog. It was a very pleasurable experience for me to visit here. Lots of best wishes and both thumbs up for your success. Thanks.
I had to learn very early on that my daughter would be okay even if I wasn’t there. I had to work two jobs to take care of us both, so I had to have someone else watch her. There wasn’t really a choice here.
You are STRONG, mama!!! Unfortunately, Addie would not have been safe without me. Two daycares would not even take her on. It was alarming to hear and made me more cautious. Being able to build a business from home… definitely a blessing.
You’re doing a great thing! It’s so important to take care of yourself. It’s also so great that your family is supporting you and cheering you on. Keep going mama!
You go girl! I am in the process of making my body healthier! I am now exercising three times a week and learning about nutrition!
Jeanette recently posted…Sharing Love with Cheerios
That’s so wonderful to hear!!! I know you’re gonna rock it!
I love this! I need to really start getting back to myself. It’s been probably 6 years or so since I’ve done something solely for myself. I’m sure my family won’t mind and would rather have a peaceful me than a mom and who’s slowly losing her mind.
I’ve been there. So important to take care of ourselves… but also so hard!