I’ve grown up, bought a house, married, gotten a puppy, had a baby, cooked a few thousand meals, given up part of my identity to be known as Mom or, more accurately, Addie’s Mom, I decided to stay home (at least for now), and I have a handful of friends I could not get through life without… then I met my fellow Rhody Bloggers and that changed. I met people that I didn’t want to live without. Women with stories that made me cry til I was dry, laugh til I was crying, buy products I never knew existed and teach me how to be a better Mom, wife, friend and human. This week, and every week going forth, I will be thankful that I was able to be a part of Listen to Your Mother. I didn’t make the show (you can read about that HERE), but I got to see it, live the moments each woman bravely shared- whether it’s a life lesson about grocery shopping with kids, how we struggle to overcome our insecurities, having emotions we wish we could control, about our mothers shaping us just by believing in what we could do- I lived it. I sat between two new friends of mine, as we each shed tears, shared laughs and then drinks after the show- it was an experience I will treasure always. Thank you to Carla and Laura for producing the best first LTYM: Providence!
My random of the week is… GET IT DONE NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE! If you’re not following me anywhere but here, maybe you haven’t been as inundated as you should be with my Girl Gone Healthy posts. Well, that sucks for you! Tera is an inspiration as a woman, wife and mother- not to mention a warrior. This lady gets it done, no matter what. I’ll keep it brief, but the next time you say you can’t get your workout in because you have to get the food shopping done, you darn well better park FAR away from the front door. This is Tera this weekend, in heels, walking the 4 flights of stairs (she did it 3 times) to get a little workout in. And stairs? They’re no joke.
Lastly… dwarfism! Lots of people have pointed out Addie’s belly, so much so, that I began to get concerned. As I have done many times before, I turned to my POLP (parents of little people) friends and asked: is that normal? I kind of loathe the word, but truthfully… we all have our own normals in life. But I digress… here is some information about why there is a belly on the little beauty (besides the fact that she eats very healthfully… and completely). Children with achondroplasia often have lordosis, or sway back. This makes the belly look like it’s sticking out more. A smaller chest also gives the appearance of a large tummy. Other factors: smaller space leaves the belly the place where many achondroplastic children show weight and it’s super common that after eating the belly is visibly more full!
As I wiped my forehead of worry-lines, I looked over at my sweet girl. That belly so many like to point out: it’s beautiful. It’s ticklish, it holds many kisses, it flattens out against my body as we snuggle in the morning, it rounds to my hand when I carry her facing out, and fits right underneath my chest when I carry her to me. I love that belly.
**AND WE HAD A FIRST THIS WEEK… JUST WANTED TO SHARE: Addie climbed up a step!!!!
I know I’ve said it before, but reading your posts is like going on a journey with you. Every time. You bring in people, places, details, emotions, STEPS (flights up and firsts) that make me feel inspired and all smiley. Yes, it is a Marvelous Monday! xo!
That’s the same reason I hang onto your every word and picture! <3
I’m still sad that I wasn’t able to go!! Dang OT for Dave!!
Glad you had a great experience! And glad you’ve made so many friends in Rhody Bloggers! Tera is one of my favorite people on the planet!
Thank YOU for introducing me <3
You rock so hard, lady. Your energy and your honesty and every damn thing about you I just love. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for your help. And the laughs post show =)
I am always good for a laugh 🙂 We need to have more hangouts in this weather!!!
You, Tera, Carina, Kirsten, Carla, Alicia, Laura…you ALL rock my world. Your posts, your words, your support, your friendship..everything. It means so much to me that you were a part of this special day. Listen to Your Mother was an incredible experience and having you there made it even more special! XO
Beyond bummed that I couldn’t make it to LTYM this weekend! Thank goodness for social media where I can read about what a great time everyone had. 🙂 Love your honesty in all of your posts, and I love to hear about Addie’s progress. She is beyond adorable and super lucky to have you as a mom. Thanks as always for letting us into your world.
Thank you for reading!! I think it was recorded- maybe it will be on YouTube (I hope so because I want to see it again!).
Sorry I didn’t make it to LTYM. All of you women are absolutely amazing. And those belly kisses are the best!
I keep reading such great things about LTYM! I hope they do it again or maybe in my neck of the woods. Glad you had such a fab weekend. The weather was just perfect! 🙂 I just love your Monday post.
You were there? How did I possibly miss you? I am so bummed bc I would have loved to have seen you!!! It was wonderful! I am still tearing from so many of the stories.
I feel like making friends as an adult is so different than making friends as a kid or even teen. You know yourself better, so you are able to make better choices which makes for better friendships or maybe more treasured friendships is a way to word it. I’m glad you were able to enjoy LTYM! I’ve read some of the posts that the women have written & I’m looking forward to seeing the video!
As for the belly, my 2 (15 months & 3.5) still have bellys…then again…so do I! 😉 More noticeable after eating for sure. I love the little bellys…kissable, ticklish little bellys!
Yay for Addie climbing up a step! Beautiful post, as always Chelley!
So bummed I missed LTYM! 🙁
Addie’s belly is adorable! And Yay for the little miss climbing up a step! So sweet!
I love love reading your posts. I’ve been quietly stalking your blog ever since we found out our baby Sam has achon as well. Thanks for all the wonderful posts…it’s been inspiring and educational for us new parents! Plus Addie is so adorable and fun to read about!
Here’s our new blog if you would like to follow 🙂
Sam is such a cutie! I wish your doctors hadn’t told you that you HAD to get a c-section. Bums me out, but I am so glad that you are recover(ed)/(ing) well and that you have such wonderful support around you! Happy one month to your bundle!
Yeah the c-section bummed me out too. I think Sam would’ve been fine without it but the specialist made it seem like it was too risky to go naturally. Oh well he’s healthy and that’s all that matters! Keep up the awesome posts.
I can’t reply below 🙁 BUT Sam is healthy and you are rockin’! THAT is important- more than anything else. I will be following your journey! Would it be OK to add you to my Blogroll?
I’m so sorry to have missed it! Everything I’ve read about it sounds AMAZING!!! And wonderful for Addie!!! xo
It will be on Youtube! We should have a RhodyBloggers viewing night!
Addie climbing up that step made me burst out in tears! <3 <3 (Im slightly emotional today!)
I was BAWLING when she did it! She’s a determined lady. I cannot wait to get our girls together this summer. I swear- they’ll take the whole beach by storm!
I was told by a couple of Dr’s that Sabela’s belly is also so round because it has low tone. We’re working on her core to strengthen her tone there, but I do so low that round kissable belly.