I sat at my computer. Days in a row. Trying to write about marriage. My marriage. Usually I can write so much, but I just keep taking myself through years of photos. Of Dave and I when we first started dating. When we moved in together. When we bought the house and rescued Carter. Of our wedding somewhere in between. I think about friendships we’ve made and lost, and how marriage truly has been him to my family and me to his.
Marriage has been a true test of my commitment to communication and backing down. Chelley, the well-known firecracker, taking a respite from that life and learning to just shut-up sometimes. I’ve learned that walking away isn’t always a bad thing and that it’s not giving in or even compromise, it’s realizing that someone else being happy makes you happier than winning.
We have a few unwritten rules in our marriage, things we’ve just never done- and I hope never do… blasting each other on social media, sharing news with other people first, to name a few. Remaining open with each other, when we do something that breaks the trust or hurts the feelings of the other, we are not silent. In an argument, we do not dredge the bottom of our past to bring old issues to surface. And, most important for me, when we make each other happy- we give thanks.
Never stop thanking… I hold onto that.
As I look into our relationship, I see the patience Dave has with me. The guy who once owned a music store and biked to work had traded in late nights and east coast tours for two kids, a dog, a house, the suburbs and a stay at home wife.
There’s a fact of parenthood to a child with a difference, that it gets hard. The marriage suffers… and it brings me to the week of Addie’s diagnosis.
I had gotten Dave two tickets to Aziz Ansari up in Boston post-birth, so he could have a night away. I was jealous he was going- we both love Ansari’s comedy- but Dave, instead, sold them. He wasn’t ready for a night away, he said. A few weeks later, a fever would not break, and with a lethargic newborn, previously written a script for a bone scan and the doctor’s worry of hydrocephalus, we were told to head into the ER. I hurriedly packed my pump, extra clothes for Addie and a water bottle. I steadied my walk as I carried my sleeping newborn to the car, loaded her in and drove through the summer heat to Hasbro Children’s Hospital. I checked Addie in at the desk and texted Dave to ask how the event was… see, he went to a friend’s business opening party for a beer, and I didn’t want to ruin his one time out. He texted back that he was leaving soon. “Ok. Call me when you do :)” I typed back. I was shaking. The day was hot, but my body had lost all heat. And then he called. Addie was huddled into me as I answered. He asked what we were up to and I slowly asked him to meet me at the hospital. He sped like a demon. When he arrived he asked why I hadn’t said anything, why I didn’t tell him sooner… and all I could think was that I didn’t want to be a burden. I didn’t want to ruin his night out. As we both held onto Addie, unsure of what was ahead, I think we both came to realize that we were willing to shoulder the world for the other one- even if just long enough for a beer.
Since then, there’s been late nights with the kids, pregnancy pain (and weight), surgeries and hospital stays. Dave took a job 50 miles away and never complains about the journey. Or that fact that we eat, almost literally, his entire paycheck. His smile rarely fades… even through the early days, my rock to this severe roll doesn’t seem to falter. Our marriage has pulled through no less than 3 manic episodes and countless hormonally-driven tears, but depression nor illness has turned him away. I guess I could sum it up by admitting I don’t know the future and I don’t have all the answers, but I’m grateful, thankful, blessed and still in love with the guy I met 12 years ago, the man he’s become and the father he surprised me by being.
I wish I could share my thoughts in English correctly but I can’t so….I’ll write it in French: Merci Chelley pour tes beaux mots, les mots justes. Tu as une façon unique de partager des événements de la vie que nous vivons tous un peu aussi, Merci pour ça! J’espère avoir l’occasion de te rencontrer un jour!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…* Marriage * 52 Week Challenge
The love you have for him truly comes across in your words. I don’ t know either of you in real life (yet), but from what I read here and all the other stuff along the way – it sounds like you two are absolutely perfect for each other.
He’s a keeper 🙂
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…* Marriage * 52 Week Challenge
Marriage is all about commitment and it seems like the two of you have that times 100. You can tell that you both have enough love for each other to last a lifetime. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Amanda Love recently posted…Madison Caribbean Adventures – Christmas in St. Vincent
I hope we have a lifetime ahead of us!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…* Marriage * 52 Week Challenge
First of all, I LOVE the picture with everyone in their sneakers at the wedding! We have a child with autism, so I completely agree with you about ow your marriage can suffer for it. It makes it hard, but we get through it…eacch day!
Kelly Hutchinson recently posted…Staying Warm With The Holmes Smart Heater
One day at a time!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…* Marriage * 52 Week Challenge
THat was lovely and sweet and poignant. I hope when he reads it, he can see the love too.
Shelley Zurek recently posted…Traveling with Bladder Leakage + Free Sample!
He did love it! I’m glad, too! 😉
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…* Marriage * 52 Week Challenge
It sounds like from your post that you are both blessed to have found each other. I feel the same way about my husband. We don’t blast on social media. I don’t say anything on facebook that I wouldn’t share with the world. Good luck with the challenge!
Emilie recently posted…Announcing Season 3 of MasterChef Junior Tuesday 8/7c on FOX + Recipe + GIVEAWAY
Thank you! Lots of love to you and yours!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…* Marriage * 52 Week Challenge
Dave is everything a good guy should be. I grew up in the south where we open the door, pull out the chair, and carry what weight we can. The fact that he is willing to drop everything for you and your daughter is a testament to the fact that he knows a real man isn’t machismo and being a forever kid. It’s stepping up. It’s sacrificing. It’s putting the needs of your wife and your children above your own needs. Don’t mistake that I’m saying he has to carry all the weight. I’m just saying that in the 16 years I’ve lived in the Chicago area, I’ve seen far too much selfishness and far too little selflessness. Go Dave! Go all of you. You guys are really a testament to what family is all about.
Thank you <3!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…* Marriage * 52 Week Challenge
I love this so much! You were clearly so selfless and let him enjoy those moments to have fun before reality hit.
He always wants to take care of us, though. Poor guy made me promise to never do that again.
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…* Marriage * 52 Week Challenge
Great article! (beautiful wedding too) thanks for sharing!
Danette Lykins recently posted…World’s Best Lasagna
Thank you!!
Good grief! He sounds like an amazing man. You are lucky to have each other!!! BTW, your wedding colors and pics are so cool. You are a gorgeous family!
Jen Temcio @dapperhouse recently posted…DIY Facial Scrubs at Home for All Skin Types
He is pretty darn amazing- but don’t tell him 😉 And thank you! I loved our punkrock/traditional wedding!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…* Marriage * 52 Week Challenge
Man. So true, isn’t it? Learning when to back down and shut up. I am too quick to say things (mainly without thinking) but I love how my other half is so much more different than me. We do need to commuicate a bit better though. Workin’ on it!
It’s hard, but I think trying is most of the battle!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…* Marriage * 52 Week Challenge
It sounds like you and your husband are the perfect match! I love your wedding pictures, especially the Converse!
Thank you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…* Marriage * 52 Week Challenge
It sounds like you guys are a great team! He sounds like a great guy. I’m looking forward to next week’s topic!
Liz Mays recently posted…Cinnamon Oatmeal Custard Bars with Rum Raisin Sauce
A reading spot! Stay tuned!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…* Marriage * 52 Week Challenge
I really enjoyed reading your post. I love your unwritten rules and your wedding was beautiful! Best wishes to you and your family!
Breanna recently posted…Magic Invisible Braces – Clear and Removable – Thompson Orthodontics
Thank you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
loved this! It’s amazing what marriage does for you and can bring into your life. I wish you guys many many more.
SO true! Thank you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
Awww what a great post! It sounds like you two are absolutely perfect for each other. My marriage has had its rocky times but its through those times that I truly find the love we have for each other and the commitment we made to make it work. Thanks for sharing 🙂 #momblogsocietybloggers
Katriza @ Everything Home Life recently posted…Ramini Brands Dog & Cat Brush Review
Marriage is meant to be tested… shows us how much we can handle!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
I love this post. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Tessa smith recently posted…Glow 2 Go #Giveaway For When You Need a Tan on the Go!
Thanks for stopping by, Tessa!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
Marriage is tough, but so rewarding! Thanks for giving us a glimpse into yours!
Kelly – A Side of Sweet recently posted…Friday Faves // 11
So true!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
He sounds great! I will write up my week 2 post tomorrow for the challenge.
Karissa recently posted…Oh Hey Friday: Why I’m loving my 30’s so far.
He’s my dreamweaver 🙂 I look forward to your posts each week!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
That is what a relationship should be built upon. I know that my wife and i have know each other 20 years, and we would do anything and everything for each other at any time.
That is awesome. I hope that I can say the same when we’ve been married for 20 years!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
What a great post. I think marriage is a true test for everyone. The love you have for your hubby shows greatly, so I’m sure you both are deeply committed and both so lucky to have found each other!
Jeanine recently posted…11 Of My Favorite {FREE} Fonts!
Me too! Thank you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
So happy to have been able to have a tiny look into your marriage. It is not easy and has a lot of ups and downs but if they people are committed, they can make it work.
Andi recently posted…Saturday Six #137
I believe we can!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
Thank you for sharing this with us. I love your words and how beautifully they are written with love and sincerity. I also love this challenge. I look forward to following it from week to week.
Nicole recently posted…The Year of ME
Thank you, Nicole!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
I love this idea so much… My hubby sacrifices a lot for us too.. YAY for hubbys!
yaitza recently posted…Better for you Fish Shake N’ Bake
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
I feel like my marriage is much like yours. I wish that some of my loved ones would put forth as much effort in their marriages as you do. They could be so much happier!
Krista recently posted…Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
You get what you put in many times… as long as you’re both in it!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
Before I met my husband, I imagined that marriage was some endless line of date nights and hand holding and romantic trips. However, over the 11 years that we’ve known one another and the 4.5 years we’ve been married, he has shown me that real love has nothing to do with the romantic cliches that I once imagined–and I am SO thankful for everything he’s done. It sounds like you and your husband support one another no matter what, and that’s an incredibly important part of any marriage!
Natalie recently posted…The Importance of Home: the Other Side of Travel Blogging
I was proposed to while folding laundry… romance isn’t our strength 😉
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
What a nice challenge. Did you show your hubby this post? What a sweet post!
Mama to 5 BLessings recently posted…Super Saturday Giveaway Linky
I did 🙂
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
This is such a great post. I really enjoyed it. One thing that really stuck with me is that sometimes I need to remember to just shut up. That is really something I think would help me and something I need to do.
Michelle Snow recently posted…Into The Woods: Great if You Like Woods
There are still times my mouth gets the best of me.
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
Sounds like an amazing father but also you sound like an amazing wife and mummy. God bless your marriage always x
Thank you so much!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
I love this post so much, thank you so much for sharing your family with us all!
Thank you for stopping by!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
Sounds like you have a very beautiful and committed marriage. You’ve beautifully summed up your lives together and what marriage means to you.
Katie <3
Katie Matthews recently posted…London Elizabeth Afternoon Tea
Thank you, Katie!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
Wow. You have an amazing husband. So happy for your 12 years that you have been there for each other.
Beth@FrugalFroggie recently posted…Savings.com online printable coupons
He is certainly a rock!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
This is a beautiful piece and a great way to express gratitude for the man you married twelve years ago. I hope Addie is doing better and I wish you many, many more years of wedded bliss. 😉
We haven’t been married that long, yet… but I am confident we will get there 🙂
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
Beautiful story and relationship. I love your “relationship rules”. How awesome!
Sarah Marturano recently posted…Sunday Sweeps Giveaway Linky! 1/18/14 Edition!
Rules are important in the game of life… right? 🙂
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
Thank you for sharing your story. Great post.
Debi recently posted…Easy Ways To Save Money on Groceries
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
You have an amazing story. Thank you for the post
Debi recently posted…How to Save up with ease before Summer Holiday
Thanks for stopping by, Debi!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
Thank you so much for the post. I wish you the happiest
OurFamilyWorld recently posted…5 Worst Things to Do During Spring Allergy Season
Thank you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
You are one lucky girl to find that treasured husband. Keep him and love him with your best 🙂
TweenselMom recently posted…Perfect Petite Outfits For Petite Moms
I do plan to <3
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
Beautifully written. I did something similar with my daughter when she was 4 weeks old. I tried to shelter him from any worry, but in the end he wanted to know at the moment, and looking back, he deserved that.
Maryann recently posted…Serving the Perfect Steak: Expert Tips {Guest Post}
True. It’s something I’ll never do again.
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
This is such a sweet post. You have a beautiful family. A resilient one too. Sounds like you were all put together for a purpose!
Melanie recently posted…Focus On Gratitude: 45 Things That Make Me Grateful
Thank you, Melanie!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
Chel that was my favorite piece from you. I am so fortunate to have known the very young Chelley and the beautiful blossoming soul you have become. So honored.
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
So beautiful! It amazes me the stories that some people have. Thank you for sharing a slice of yours:).
Angie Scheie recently posted…Seahawks “Super 12″ Skittle Salad
Thanks for reading, Angie!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dating…
This is such a sweet post, I very much enjoyed reading it!
Turquoise and Tortoiseshells
Thank you, Nasya!
Wow, beautifully written and thank you for sharing 🙂
Cori recently posted…#CatchTheMoment365; Week 51