When it comes to the best vacation for me, many stand out. I love to vacation and though we don’t get to often, there are always “favorites” while we’re away. The one that really sticks out to me is the trip Dave and I took to Hawaii when I was pregnant with Addie.
I could say a million things about it- why it was amazing, but let’s be honest… it’s Hawaii. The locals treated us like we were old friends, there were rainbows everywhere (for real), we walked for hours to no where in particular, our room was small and we were never really in it, we swam in the ocean, we went to a wedding, we had the best tacos ever… and we were expecting our first baby. So… basically, it was Hawaii. So it rocked.
While we were there, Dave held my hand, and we shared stories. We hiked and took belly photos on cliffs. We were all alone and surrounded at the same time. We spent time at Pearl Harbor and felt the history and pain run its course through us. We took a few tours and found a place we went to for lunch twice because they were so good.
Hawaii was amazing… one of many favorites, for sure. Maybe it was because we were there together, watching my belly grow- almost showing enough for others to know… exploring the island, our relationship and the world around us. We spent hours laughing about where we wanted to live in Oahu, and how much we’d miss our families. Hawaii was an experience like none other for me. I know we hope to get back someday and do everything we missed!
What was your favorite vacation? Link up below!
I LOVE Hawaii :). All the islands are so special. We got married on the Big Island that’s how much I love Hawaii! How special to be pregnant there!! Glad you got to experience it:).
Angie Scheie recently posted…52 Week Challenge – Favorite Vacation
The wedding we went to was surreal. I was like “we are here?” Such a beautiful part of our entire planet. No need for fancy buildings or historical pieces… it just is the beauty and wonder of the world!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
It’s so special to capture fond memories to share with loved ones from vacations, or other adventures. I’ve never been to Hawaii, but am really looking forward to a visit someday.
Maria recently posted…How to Dress for Fashion Week on a Budget
I hope you get to go! It’s an amazing experience!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
I’ve been to Hawaii, and I can honestly say that out of all the tropical places I’ve been to, Hawaii is the greatest. It’s so gorgeous, and the people are SUPER nice. Side note: I’m loving the ink, and the baby bump bikini in that photo!
Jennifer recently posted…Navigating The Affordable Care Act
Oh thank you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
I got to go to Hawaii twice last year and it was amazing! I am want to explore more! Love the people there!
Andi recently posted…Friday Foodie â Anna of ANNAdventure
Twice?! So awesome!!!!!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
It really does hold some special memories for you. I’m sure you’ll be able to get back there one day and enjoy it all again.
Liz Mays recently posted…Flatbread Recipes| 7 Tasty Ways to Use Krusteaz Flatbread on Your Game Day Menu
I know we will *think happy thoughts*!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
My mom lived in Hawaii for years before having my sister and I! I can’t pick a favorite trip but I LOVED spending Christmas and NYE at Disney World last month <3
Angelic Sinova recently posted…12 Months of Happiness: January 2015
To live in Hawaii… how cool!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
I have not yet been to Hawaii, but we got to spend 16 fabulous days in the Rivera Maya coast of Mexico…From Cancun all the way down to Tulum..it was a blast!
Danette Lykins recently posted…Credit Card-Sized External Battery Charger | Review
I loved RM, too! We went for our honeymoon- it was fantastic!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
It seems like a lot of people we know here in Northern California like to vacation in Hawaii. A couple of my friends are going in February, and then my neighbours just got back (from their babymoon) there.
Nancy recently posted…Explore California: Fremont Older Open Space Preserve
So cool! I guess this was like a babymoon for us, too! I just feel so blessed to have a friend who lives there- gives me a good reason to visit!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
I love going to Hawaii it is always so beautiful and the people who live there are amazing. Looks like you had a great trip to Hawaii.
tammileetips recently posted…How will you #BeActiv with Viactiv this year?
We did! Thank you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
This sounds like a great vacation! My favorite vacation was my 2nd anniversary in Jamaica! I think anytime you get to go somewhere tropical it’s nice.
Jeannette recently posted…How to Make the Perfect Cup of Coffee & A Homemade Creamer Recipe
That sounds amazing!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
We found out I was pregnant the morning we left for hawaii, so it has some pretty special memories to us, too 🙂
Shannon Peterson recently posted…What I Wore // Mama Style
Oh my goodness- that is the best!!!!!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
I love Hawaii I have been there twice now and loved it. Everyone on the islands is so welcoming. Looks like a great trip!
Jennifer recently posted…One Pot Sausage Pasta Recipe
Love it there! I hope you get back there again!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
This looks like it was a wonderful vacation! My favorite vacation was a trip to Florida with my little ones and husband. We didn’t do any of the parks or big things. We did little things like shelling, the kids seeing the ocean for the first time. It was full of happy moments!
Racquel recently posted…Baked Apple Sorbet
That is great! We went to FL a few years ago, and it was awesome… no parks!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
My favorite was our two trips to Italy. We can’t get enough and we don’t go to the same place twice.
angela@spinachtiger recently posted…Paleo Sesame Honey Chicken Tenders
Italy!What a dream!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
We went to Hawaii once. Maui actually. We had an awesome time riding down the volcano on bicycles, something that scared the crud out of me before we did it).
Debi @ Life Currents recently posted…Mushroom Asada
That sounds awesome!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
I would love to be in Hawaii right now! Haha when I saw the hashtag on your picture started with 52 weeks I thought for a second that you meant you were 52 weeks pregnant in that picture and I was VERY confused.
Claire recently posted…Derma MD Skincare {Review + Giveaway}
Oh my gosh. LOL!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
I would love to go to Hawaii someday. I only hear good things about it. I had a friend who got to live there a couple of years and loved it.
So cool to live there!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
I have always wanted to go on a vacation to Hawaii. It would be so relaxing and beautiful.
Ann Bacciaglia recently posted…ALCATEL onetouch Review & Giveaway
I hope you get there!!!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
If you go back you have to spend time on Molokai! No tourist traps, cool people and when you get out of the little airport there’s a sign that says “slow down, this is Molokai.” It took us a few days to figure out they didn’t mean slow driving, but to slow down and enjoy every little moment. Now I want to go back!
Thank you for the great tip!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
I have always wanted to visit Hawaii! Especially Pearl Harbor! I am just such a big History lover, even the sad monuments. And to be at the beach too! I would love it.
Amber Edwards recently posted…Easy Bacon BBQ Chicken Tacos Recipe in less than 15 minutes! Weight Watchers 4 points Plus!
Pearl Harbor was such an experience. So many emotions!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
Oh Hawaii! I’ve always wanted to go! Hoping one day! I’ve never travelled anywhere but Hawaii is on my list!
You will get there!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
Hawaii was definitely one of our most memorable vacations…
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
I’d love to go to Hawaii one day, it’s beautiful there. I can completely understand why it’s such an important place for you!
Tammi @ My Organized Chaos recently posted…Help redefine the meaning of #LikeAGirl
It really is beautiful! I would love to get to another island!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
I went to Hawaii back in college! It was great and I would love to go back! I bet those cliff belly pictures were adorable.
Autumn @Mamachallenge recently posted…ClassPass: All the Class with One Pass
I hope you go back! But… what an awesome experience in college!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
Your memories make me want to visit someday. It sounds like you had a such a peaceful and fun time.
Jillian Fisher recently posted…Bright Bulb Dimmable LED Bulb Review
We really did! I hope you get to go to Hawaii (if you want to)!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
My fave vacation is when my hubby and I went to Hatteras in NC back in 2000. Crazy as it sounds, it was the very first time either one of us had ever seen the ocean.
Mistee Dawn recently posted…See’s Candies makes great gifts for Valentine’s Day! #ValentinesDayGiftGuide
That is wild! I have always lived near the ocean, I cannot imagine not being near it.
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
What a beautiful memory of a vacation you shared in Hawaii. It does sound and look like paradise to me. I love everything about Hawaii, and I hope to visit the islands some day soon. Loved the picture of you too.
I hope you get to visit, too!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
Love it there. Your trip sounds dreamy. Hub and I have yet to take a getaway without the kids. I agree with you about the locals, so warm, so genuinely kind and welcoming.
Christina recently posted…Take Charge and Fight the Flu – Vaccinate! #FightFlu
This was a trip pre-kids. We’ve never gone away without them… I know I’m not ready for that yet!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
So jealous; I want to go to Hawaii so bad! My husband promised me that he will take me before we start having kids!
Chelsie recently posted…Motivation Friday & Link up
I hope he keeps his promise!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
I’m planning a trip to Hawaii next year and I cannot wait! It looks amazing!
Kyla Currier recently posted…IG Round Up & Exciting News!
So fun!!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
I loved our honeymoon in Jamaica. I would go back and enjoy it again.
Beth@FrugalFroggie recently posted…Affiliate Window
My hubby has never been to Jamaica- I hope that I can take him!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
We went to Honolulu probably three-four years ago, and it was so much fun. Our hotel was a hop, skip and jump away from Waikiki Beach, and we could see the zoo from outside of our balcony window. Hawaii is magical, for sure. I really wanted to go snorkeling while we were there, but then some tourist told us that our brains would explode on the plane ride back home if we did it within 2 days of leaving. Something about the air pressure – whatever it was, we believed him because it scared the mess out of us….so we went to a Pig Roast luau instead. That was A LOT of fun, until I saw them carry this huge pig from out of the ground. Not a sight I want to remember, but we had a really good time there.
Yona Williams recently posted…Gift Guide: Romantic Gift Box Subscriptions (Ideal for Valentine’s Day)
Sounds like we stayed in similar places! We were across the street from the beach about a block from the zoo, Loved it!!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
It does seem like everyone who goes to Hawaii loves it. We’re contemplating a visit in the near future too (our first).
I hope you love it!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
Cool link up and love your tattoos, I can not even remember my best vacation. Maybe when i went back home to zambia last year
Myrabev recently posted…{Sponsors} Thank you January 2015
That sounds like an adventure!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
I love Hawaii! My husband and I are going to the big island this May and I am SO excited! It’s his first time to an island other than Maui so it’s going to be a lot of fun!
Lauren recently posted…Gold Medal Wine Club
Sounds like a great time!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
That trip sounds both super exciting and really relaxing! Thanks for sharing!
Brenda recently posted…January Favorites
It was a great trip!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
Ours was before we had kids, we went spur of the moment, in the middle of the night, to six flags! We had no clue how to get there but we just drove and figured it out! It was a blast!
Maggie recently posted…Favorite Super Bowl Sunday Snacks
That sounds like so much fun!!!!!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
Congratulations 🙂 I’m jealous in more ways than one! I can’t wait to A) be pregnant and B) go to Hawaii 🙂
Cailin at Sassy Dove recently posted…Fur-Cuffed Creme Gloves From Moon Cats
Good luck!!!! I love being pregnant!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
This is so awesome! I love this challenge. I want to go to Hawaii someday – it looks amazing.
Coralie recently posted…Heading to LA to interview Kevin Costner, Ginnifer Goodwin and many others! #McFarlandUSAEvent
I hope you get to go!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
I haven’t visited any country outside ours. Hawaii is one of the places I want to go someday.
Pinay Mommy Online recently posted…Loving Korean Food
I hope you get to travel more!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
I would love to go to Hawaii one day! It looks beautiful!
Emily Augustine recently posted…Get the Look: Olivia Palermo’s Style
I hope you get to!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A
I have always wanted to go to Hawaii and this post is just making me super jealous! What a lovely time you guys had, it’s exactly the way I’d like to experience Hawaii with the one I love.
Winter recently posted…Escape with Pure Earth Pineapple Juice
I hope you get to do just that!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Childhood Memory, Week 5 #52WeeksA4A