Happy 2014!!!
My blog resolutions:
1. Reply to every comment- I love reader feedback, but I often feel so bogged down that I never respond. I need to prioritize and respond immediately to avoid feeling so overwhelmed.
2. Get out there and make pitches- they’re not gonna come to me, after all!
3. Put a writing portfolio together for writing positions- I need to have a professional portfolio so that I can do more than blogging. After being stiffed on a job this past Fall, I know that I need to have a contract/money prior to spending my time and creativity on someone else.
My fitness goals:
4. Get in 20 miles a week… stop making excuses- I used to run 5 miles a day, at minimum. Then I got pregnant and put on limited activity. When yoga got too expensive, I pretty much stopped any serious workouts. Moving into post-natal care, I have forgotten my commitment to myself and been putting off my running. I am working on finding balance with work, being a mom and wife and being an athlete.
5. Get back on the bike!- I’ve set up the bike trainer, and I’m ready to ride! Dave and I used to ride everywhere- including me to work and weekends spent doing 30 miles with friends… I know that we will never be the same childless couple we once were, but we can certainly be more active.
6. Make stretching a priority- You know the first morning you got up and your body screamed I’m not 22 anymore? I have that morning all. the. time. I refuse to listen to the aches and pains, and now I can barely tie my shoes without wincing. This decade-long (once) gymnast needs to get it together and start stretching to prolong health and prevent injury. I am working this in slowly, giving myself about 3 minutes before getting dressed to reach up and down and all around. Hopefully, I’ll get back to yoga this year!
My family goals:
7. Put down our phones and connect- Play a family game, talk about something that isn’t money or on the calendar and certainly stop bringing our phones to the table. I hope that we can set a time when we plug in all devices and then shut down, but I find this particularly hard- especially keeping up with emails and social media.
8. Give Addie time off where she isn’t DOING. No asking what color, or being in a class or giving instruction- just giving her free time.- Addie has pool PT, music, dance and “soccer” each week. I need to remember that she needs down time and keep it to one activity a day, and a few days where there is nothing for her. She’s at the age where she wants to dictate her schedule a bit, and asking her what she wants to do and then doing it is important to me. Cramming creativity and action can yield results like over-stimulation, fussiness, disruption in sleep and an all-around lethargic attitude. I hope that we have fun with our days, and that I learn to let go of the need to schedule all of our time this year.
9. Stick to a budget that Dave doesn’t have to struggle to stay in.- This is something that is hard for both of us because there isn’t much wiggle room as it is. There is no date-night, take-out, or road trips- but if we can buckle down further, I know that our future holds bigger and better things than a trip to the movies… like moving, a family vacation and the ever-needed date night!
10. Make sure Carter gets out to play- Our boy has been so patient as a big brother. As a family, we have decided to make sure we go on walks a few times a week so that Carter is getting back on the leash (or more trail time off-lead) and we are all enjoying fitness and togetherness.
What are you improving in your life for 2014?
I love your blog resolutions! I need to compile a list to make myself accountable!
So hard to stay true… but I’m finding it is possible with some prep work!
Great list!
We have been making an effort to disconnect a bit more too – especially while we’re eating or out to eat. It’s not always perfect but it would get depressing to spend time together, only to be ignoring each other on our phones.
I also would like to make a budget (I need a template to follow, starting from scratch is overwhelming to me!) and figure out how to work some stretching into my daily routine!
Let’s see what we can do to hold each other accountable.
Sarah {Soxys Diamond} recently posted…2013 Year in Review
We use one of those all-inclusive apps to really see and monitor where we are spending and what we are really paying off. It made a huge difference in the last half of 2013, and we are sticking to the monitoring system forever!
love your resolutions chelley!
Now that the holidays and car craziness is over, let’s get our dog walking trail days back on track!
I love this list- and feel like we are on the same track for putting down our phones and letting our kids be kids 🙂
Mary Larsen recently posted…Tall Dad tiny gym – A Tub Of Lard, Jonathan Papelbon, And A Pain In My Ass {Guest Post}
I have found that classes that let the kids be in smaller groups but have lots of freedom is best for us. I would love to have Addie play at one of those larger gyms, but she gets creamed and then doesn’t want to play at all. 2014… a time to let go, but still hold on!
Dividing your resolves into categories is genius. Each category is separate, but equal in importance and easier to accomplished if not mired into one. I like this. I already try to disconnect ~ especially when with my Mom or my grandkids. I want them to feel all of me. I have also resolved to fit in myself… like yesterday, when I had our B-I-G family New Year’s Day Feast AND did the Bristol Town Beach Winter Wish Swim, too. I can squeeze things in. I know I can. AND my kids, grandkids and my Mom were SO excited to see the photos! 5 minutes, 10 minutes, an hour here and there x 365 days is a lot of something. I’m finding that “something” without sacrificing all the things I love to do for my family and my regular training for things.
I wish you a splendid, powerful, joyous HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014. You’ve got all the heart and talent to be wildly, profoundly pitching everyone, every day. Go for it, my friend! xox!
Sharon – MomGenerations.com recently posted…Famous last words: “I won’t bump into anyone I know.”
Thank you so much, Sharon! You are an amazing woman and I am glad that you read this- now I have more options for ME time and can really see that even if it’s just 5 minutes, it IS time for me. I should unplug and cherish it, instead of using those moments to crunch in more work that can, in truth, wait.
You inspire me….seriously……
Thank you so much <3
chelley @ aisforadelaide recently posted…Some Thanks are in Order!