In the blink of an eye, you became a young woman.

Your eyes are brighter and more mischievous every day. You have a spark- an infectious energy… it permeates the air. People want to be in your presence. You don’t love easy, but you love hard. Loud. Openly and without hesitation. You get hurt, but you do not break. You fall, but you always get back up.

They’ll keep telling you that you are strong like me. That you are brave and you are beautiful. But their words are empty, babygirl. You are strong like you. And whatever you’re holding back with those walls- know that your bravery does not come from hiding your hurt, but in sharing it and continuing to live until you thrive again. And forever, Camille Thea… forever and ever- you are beautiful.

Your heart, your soul, your entire being. You are beautiful- like no one else but yourself.

Happy birthday, Millie the Moose.
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