You know your birth story. You know you are loved. Adored. You are the reason I am who I am, and as I sit here on the eve of your 10th birthday, I am left wondering…

Will you always know?
My girl- will you always see the light that I do? Will you always feel the warmth that emanates from your smile- the palpable zeal that comes from your happiness? Will you always know that you are cherished beyond words?

For ten years I have has the honor and privilege of being your mother. I have had all the joy of holding you and watching you grow… and as these years lay ahead, I am seeing- there is a whole woman growing in you. And I could not be more proud.
As I have stood back and watched you, I will continue to be in awe, always making sure that you are safe and loved, but giving you the space to learn, fail, rise and expand. I love this woman that you are embodying and I love you. The you that you were, are, and will be.
Happy birthday, Little Bear. My Buggah. My Adelaide Eileen.
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