The next top model?
I think so.
It brought me to the research of if others thought so, too.
In August I posted on Carter’s wall on Facebook:
Dear Carter’s,
My name is Adelaide (A is for Adelaide). I am an achondroplastic dwarf. My mom has been struggling to find me clothes that fit and trying to sell the clothes that are too big for me so she can get me new Fall clothes. My dad works really hard, so mom spends sparingly, but says I can’t wear summer clothes in November!
This is my favorite outfit: from your store, INCLUDING my hair clip (except my shoes).
I am 4 1/2 months and I wear newborn clothes. I wasn’t diagnosed until I was 9 1/2 weeks and my mom and dad are average height adults, so my mom had taken all of the tags off my stuff and washed most of it: she never thought I would be a dwarf- but she and dad love me no matter what!
The employees (especially Deb) at your Cranston, RI store have been wonderful to me, and mom can’t wait to go back and buy me my Christmas dress! Thank you for offering newborn separates in the same styles that big kids can wear. I am growing smart and strong, but not so big, yet. It’s great that you have such awesome styles and great prices to help my mom outfit me (and save dad a few hours at the office).
Your biggest fan,
Adelaide (Chelley Martinka and David Martinka, too)

When it comes to being different, I know things aren’t easy, but I wanted to know if there was opportunity and I came across this wonderful article about people with Down Syndrome in the media. In it, Model Club Inc. is mentioned. I dug further into Model Club and came across an open call in our area. I brought Addie, explained that Addie is a little person, but no one cared. She’s really cute, said the woman checking us in.
And so, Addie is being represented. We have no jobs yet, but I know that Addie is beautiful, and I’m hoping that she can help promote awareness in the media about dwarfism. There are opportunities that have presented themselves to LPs in the past, and I hope that they do so for Addie, too (not just for her college fund); like this: Oz The Great and Powerful! In Trailer 2, we know Mikey… he is at 1:50, back left stack, in the middle in the blue vest! Addie gives a special shout out to him (and his lovely girlfriend, Jess)!
Onto her career? Maybe… maybe this will just be some fun she and I have taking silly pictures. Either way, she’s my top model. Her first Baby Book Card:
This is awesome. I can’t wait to see Addie in something. She is truly adorable. Keep us posted!
Thought of something…just after I commented. I read about this on another blog I read…Infantino’s “Everybody Plays” campaign. Though I was disappointed to learn that the casting call was limited to residents of southern California (boo). But a great campaign, nonetheless!