Marvelous Monday
Welcome to Monday!!! I hope everyone had a beautiful weekend- especially my running family who is going full speed ahead [Continue Reading]
Welcome to Monday!!! I hope everyone had a beautiful weekend- especially my running family who is going full speed ahead [Continue Reading]
I can’t believe it’s here. All the weeks that have passed. The laughs that have filled our home and the [Continue Reading]
Another week has passed and another is beginning. And I am thankful for that. Many of my friends have been [Continue Reading]
It’s such a simple word. moth·er ˈməT͟Hər/ noun noun: mother; plural noun: mothers a woman in relation to a child [Continue Reading]
I just want to say how very sorry I am that you have to endure such ignorance for simply defending [Continue Reading]
And, we’re back! I hope all enjoyed the superb owl… I was cheering for the Eagles (ha… birds… get it? [Continue Reading]
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Now that’s out of the way, onto our usual MM post (thankful, dwarfism, random)… Hold onto your [Continue Reading]
Of course it’s the time of year to be filled with such amazing feelings, almost overwhelmingly, coming back to thanks. [Continue Reading]
This weekend was a blast!!!!! I am SO thankful for my inlaws and their never-ending patience! Living on a street [Continue Reading]
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