Whew… Monday already, and I am still lacking motivation in everything except running. Which is awesome and leads me into what I am thankful for this week.
You know those moments in life that you cannot help but smile ear-to-ear? I had that Saturday night when Dave was watching me brush my teeth in my underwear (it’s really hot out!). Out of nowhere he said, “You don’t look like you had a baby. Really. Look at the flat belly.”
I’ve never been skinny, but I guess I got back into shape. What really struck me was to have someone verbally appreciate my body without restraint or being over-sexual. I’m so thankful to have a husband who remembers to tell me I still got it… even if it’s not what it used to be. It is too infrequent that women are reminded to look at our bodies and love them. Enjoy a new curve, or an old one you’ve bid farewell to. Walk around in your underwear just because. Be thankful YOU love your body… not just your partner (although that is a pretty sweet perk). I’m thankful for your readership… no matter your shape or size!
This week let me point you in the direction of STATS! Addie is growing, slowly but surely, wracking up an inch and a half and two pounds since her last visit! Children with dwarfism have their own milestones and growth charts… if you’re looking for more information, please look HERE for the most up-to-date achondroplastic charts.
Finally… a random which I am SO excited about: As if I needed another project in life, I’ve talked my father-in-law into doing a weekly blog I’ve called Carpenter in the Kitchen. Joe, a former carpenter, is a great cook- he likes to keep it simple, but jazzy. Know any guys like that? They’re perfect for Sunday dinners! Best part, he cooks fairly light- so us running mamas can enjoy his fare, too. As football season is nearing, we will actually have posts going up- pics, recipes, vlogs… lots of good stuff to eat and laugh while doing so- a 5’4″ Cowboys fan with a greying ponytail and a 5’8″ Eagles fan with tattoos… This could get out of hand quickly, as we will initially be football-centric. With Joe a Cowboys fan (boo!) and me an Eagles fan (yay!), we are going to try and do one local food to our opposing teams each week. This is totally new and we are going to do our best… here goes teaching an old dog new tricks, and this one trick pony how to jump through a few hoops!
Happy Monday, Reader!!!!
I love the beauty of women in all their forms. I just wish we could banish forever magazines that air-brush the fem from feminine. Sad, especially having granddaughters who will inevitably (actually, already are – conversations abound about this) be shaped (pun intended) by this sadistic punishment. I love hearing about Addie’s development/stats/growth… beauty within beauty within beauty. I LOVE your cookin’ idea! Cannot wait, even though I begin to lament the end of summer right about now… this gives me something awesome to look forward to! Great blessings on this wonderful project! xo!
Sharon – MomGenerations.com recently posted…Bumps and Babies: Summer Infant Baby Touch® Digital Color Video Monitor
How great that your husband loves and appreciates you. And good onya for being able to get back into shape. I think that’s one of women’s greatest challenges post-baby.
We need our girls to gain some weight but it’s hard to get that across because we don’t want to cause future problems.
Heather @ Kraus House Mom recently posted…Letter to the Neighbor’s Dog
You go girl! This post really resonated with me. 🙂 It took a long time for me to be okay with my body image. Learning to accept my body and what it has done and continues to do is a journey. I do know that running has allowed me to see just what this body can do!
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