Dear Adelaide,
I miss writing to you. Every single day you amaze me. Just recently you started calling the shots, asking me things like, “mama, what does a cow say?”
“You tell me,” I responded.
“I asked you,” you said back.
“Yes. Mommy. Great. Now what does the moon say?”
…you get it. You are pretty amazing.
Then on the 20th (2/20/15), you looked up in the dining room as we ate dinner and said, “that’s the lettah ‘o’, and ‘i’ and ‘h’.”
You were right about one letter; the ‘o’. Daddy and I asked if you knew what that spelled, and you turned your head up towards the sparkly red letters left up from Christmas and in the most gleeful demeanor squealed, “yeah, it says ‘magical.’”
Adelaide… there’s nothing else in this world that you are.
My. Heart. Stopped. Then it grew until I thought I would not be able to catch my breath again. Trying to keep my cool, I took a sip of wine and looked at your dad. We had a rare moment where we could not remember what life was like without you and, at the same time, remembered all the days we’d spent without you and wondered why we’d waited so long to have you. All in one look. The whole world outside of you and your sister ceased to exist as we digested the amazing children you both are.
We love you, sweet girl.
You, Adelaide Eileen, are magical.
Forever and always,
Yes, I agree! Beautiful writing for a most beloved little girl.
Thank you so much <3
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dear Adelaide
Crying happy tears!Addie will always amaze you and be so magical as she blossoms through the years! Your wonderful journey with your girls continues! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
They are both so amazing- it is true. I didn’t know how full the heart could get until I became a mother!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dear Adelaide
Watching our children grow is something no one can ever imagine unless they have raised children of their own. They are so much fun and something new and magical every day pops in! What a sweet sweet girl! Enjoy every second of your time with her!
Thank you so much, Laura!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dear Camille
How beautiful! I recently found a letter to my son written on paper and crumbled in my old closet – it was so sweet but I must’ve thought it was so silly.
This is a great idea and wonderful for your little girl to grow up and read. 🙂
I hope you ironed it out! What a sweet memory to find!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dear Camille
This is precious and priceless. Thanks so much for sharing.
Terri Ramsey Beavers recently posted…Urbini Dream Nursery Contest, enter here
Thanks for stopping by!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dear Camille
Your daughter sounds like a wonderful young lady. I love it when my son talks to us. My husband was teaching him morning, noon, afternoon, evening, and nighttime the other day. He kept telling his daddy to do it again.
Uplifting Families recently posted…My Top 5 Must Have Items To Help Manage My Chronic Pain #spoonie
That is so sweet!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dear Camille
I love your letter to your daughter. A mothers love is very important to child health. Graphic is clear. Thanks for sharing.
Patrice M Foster recently posted…Are you Raising Happy Children? Here’s How to Tell
I love my lady, that’s for sure!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dear Camille
Aww that is such a sweet story. Thank you for sharing the special moment.
M from K&M: The Stay-at-Home Life recently posted…Freezer-Only Challenge Wrap Up
Thank you for reading!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dear Camille
Beautiful post. It is hard to imagine life before kids at moments like these.
Debbie Denny recently posted…Seaside Secrets by Melissa Foster! Review and Giveaway!
So true!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dear Camille
You certainly have a way with words, C! And it seems as if Adelaide is following suit. 🙂
Liz Mays recently posted…Mexi-Mac Tostada Bowls
Thank you, Liz!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dear Camille
Such a sweet letter. I used to write a letter to my daughter every day when I was pregnant. I do not know why I stopped. I definitely need to start again.
Mistee Dawn recently posted…Save big on the Chef Boyardee Rollback at Walmart!
That is so sweet!!! I wish I had done that!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Dear Camille