The Science Behind Pixar at the Boston Museum of Science has been on my radar for a few weeks, and after Addie’s viewing of Toy Story, I knew we needed to take her. Little did I know how much we would love it!
There are concepts covering all aspects of how Pixar creates their films, starting with a 5 minute behind-the-scenes introduction by 2 employees, who give a brief but complete overview of the process. It’s cute, a bit silly, and just the right amount of time to share info, capture young minds, and then release them for a total hands-on experience.

Learn about lighting…
Behind the Science is animation in action, giving all ages information about the technology, lighting, engineering, art, mathematics (STEM), and how the human brain helps create the illusion of motion. My favorite concept: computers don’t make the films, people do.

Learn about modeling…
There is SO much I didn’t know about how these movies were made, like adding light. Each scene starts out dark, and each light, reflection, and sparkle is added, manually per frame. There are 24 frames per second. Ah. Maze. Ing.

Learn about changing the appearance of surfaces, water and reflections, focuses and POVs, creating motion…
And making these characters move is a process I could not have imagined. There is a stop-motion film of strings being added to Mike Wazowski of Monsters Inc. to symbolize all the points considered in his movements. It is an incredible undertaking!

Learn about lighting…
The exhibit is full of awesome interactions, and while you can go through in about 30 minutes, we spent a good hour!
The Boston Museum of Science has so much to offer that after almost 4 hours, we were talking about what else we would have to come back to see!
There is a lightening show- LOUD- that we decided to take a pass on because of Addie’s “fresh ears”, but we look forward to going back!
The playground teaches kids about energy- both usage and conservation… how we use it and how we can create it. There are swings, and a see-saw, and so much more… all teaching with play.
The museum has a parking garage attached with elevators to different floors, so it was easily accessible for us with 2 kids. We didn’t use our stroller, but we easily could have (although you cannot bring them in the Pixar exhibit)… and if we needed one, there are ones to borrow while there for FREE- first come first serve. Same thing for wheel chairs and scooters.

(Their mission)
Each floor is packed with information, hands-on learning, and incredible visuals. While I think it’s best for ages 3+, Millie had a great time, too! From buttons to sounds, bright colors, light and shadow play- there’s something for everyone! Addie is most looking forward to going back for the butterfly exhibit (which is permanent, so we decided it was best for another day)!
Lastly, the Boston Museum of Science is very inclusive… I was so pleased that the step stools were perfect for Addie- allowing her to move them, but also incredibly stable. The listening devices at each station are perfect for people with hearing issues, too. Addie learned quickly how to start the recording and restart it if she missed something. I loved watching her take control of her learning- and am so thankful that the Boston Museum of Science is able to provide this opportunity for her, and so many others!
We were able to get general admission into the museum using our Roger Williams Park Zoo membership (they have a reciprocal relationship allowing up to 4 people in) making our exhibit tickets only $12 each. This is one of my favorite features of purchasing memberships… but when it comes time to renew, I will be getting a membership to the science museum- for sure! Their benefits are amazing and we will be spending as much time in Boston as possible!
Finding a new favorite place is totally invigorating- especially as a parent! If you’re in Boston, check out The Science Behind Pixar at the Boston Museum of Science, going on now! What’s your favorite neighborhood find?
Oh yes, we are very familiar with the MOS. We go there often because it truly is one of the best science museums in the country (and we’ve been to a lot).
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Sea Salt Caramel Apple + Honey Granola Bites
I would totally love to see this! We love all science museums and pixar are my personal favorite movies! I wonder if the tour is going to come here! We would love to see it!
Jeanette recently posted…Tips for Keeping Your Kids Safe in an Online World
Check your local science museum! I am so happy that we were able to use our zoo membership to go!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Sea Salt Caramel Apple + Honey Granola Bites
I love that science museums give kids an interactive way to learn! Hands-on experience is such an effective teaching tool!
I love that, too. Kids need MORE places like this!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Sea Salt Caramel Apple + Honey Granola Bites
Addie looks so precious posing in those pictures! I would love to visit Boston and take the kids to this science museum!
Wendy @ ABCs and Garden Peas recently posted…Fall Looks for Kids from Carter’s (with 25% Coupon)
Boston is the best- you would have the best time in Bean Town!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Sea Salt Caramel Apple + Honey Granola Bites
Facinating! I loved taking my kids to science museums and now the grandkids love it. Great educational and fun experience!
Cathi Crismon recently posted…California is Dreaming about Water!
It’s the best!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Sea Salt Caramel Apple + Honey Granola Bites
This looks like a lot of fun! My girls would love to go here! My oldest is really into science right now.
Come hang in Boston!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Sea Salt Caramel Apple + Honey Granola Bites
That looks like such an amazing time. I love it when a museum makes learning so much fun. I have been in museums that made me want to take a nap!
Jennifer recently posted…Conair Quick Twist Works on Thin Hair
Oh boo!!! Those are not my kind of places!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Sea Salt Caramel Apple + Honey Granola Bites
That is wholely amazing. If Disney can’t get your kids excited to learn, then nothing can. I love it!
Dawn recently posted…Off to College? Discover Your Personal Style.
Amen to that!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Sea Salt Caramel Apple + Honey Granola Bites
I am super jealous right now! We have nothing like this in our area.
Kelly Hutchinson recently posted…Fall Into Money With A $25 PayPal Cash Giveaway
Oh bummer!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Sea Salt Caramel Apple + Honey Granola Bites
We have a science museum here. My kids just love to go there.
Aubrey recently posted…20 Yummy Ways to Top a Breakfast Sandwich!
They are a great place!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Sea Salt Caramel Apple + Honey Granola Bites
This looks like a super fun place to hang out and learn. I like how they have the hands on stuff for kids!
Donna recently posted…Our PURELL 30-Day Challenge is Keeping Us Germ Free #PURELL30
MOS is truly amazing!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Sea Salt Caramel Apple + Honey Granola Bites
Addie looks so cute in her imitation poses! The Boston Museum of Science is a great way to spend an afternoon!
Valerie recently posted…Small Businesses And Entrepreneurs Can Invoice Easily From Anywhere With Invoice2Go
SO true!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Sea Salt Caramel Apple + Honey Granola Bites
There is nothing as great as watching kids learn and hands on, is the best. It sounds like y’all had a great experience and I will totally keep this in mind next time we visit Boston 🙂 Thanks for sharing
SO true! Watching them learn, like actually seeing their cogs go. It is amazing!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Sea Salt Caramel Apple + Honey Granola Bites
Wow, what a fun family trip! My son wants to be a scientist so he would love this.
Crissy recently posted…15 Homemade Sugar Scrub Recipes
Come to Boston!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Sea Salt Caramel Apple + Honey Granola Bites
The Boston Museum of Science looks like a fantastic place to take the kids. My kids love Science and would have a blast.
I bet they would!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Sea Salt Caramel Apple + Honey Granola Bites
My kids have always had a love for Science. They would have so much fun at the Boston Museum of Science. I am always happy when they can have fun and learn at the same time.
Tammi Roy recently posted…Join Rediscover Nature Day and Win a Trip to Banff!
The best trips are fun + educational!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Sea Salt Caramel Apple + Honey Granola Bites
I love a good science museum to begin with, but the science of Pixar sounds incredible. This is definitely an exhibit my boys and I would enjoy seeing.
LauraOinAK recently posted…An Elegant and Simple Dinner Featuring Barber Foods
Maybe it will come close to you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Give me your poor…
I totally need to visit this museum. The interactivity of their exhibits is awesome! This sounds great for the whole family.
Liz Mays recently posted…NatureBox – A New Way to Snack! + Giveaway
MOS is the best!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Give me your poor…
That looks so fun! I would love to bring my kids there one day.
Ourfamilyworld recently posted…Campbell’s Soup Kits, Charity and Prizes Oh My!
They would love it!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Give me your poor…