Liebster Award
You know when you get some blogger love and you #FAIL! I do! My good friend and blogging mama, Tammy, [Continue Reading]
You know when you get some blogger love and you #FAIL! I do! My good friend and blogging mama, Tammy, [Continue Reading]
Toys toys toys! There are so many out there and so few that smaller babies can really hold under a [Continue Reading]
And so it’s come again- Monday! This week I was thankful that great men still exist- like Dave (duh!), but [Continue Reading]
Of course it’s the time of year to be filled with such amazing feelings, almost overwhelmingly, coming back to thanks. [Continue Reading]
In case you don’t remember, last year Addie and I made hand turkeys with our friend Hadley. Check it out [Continue Reading]
Dear Adelaide, This past weekend we lost the family cat. His name was Morgan J, but you only knew him [Continue Reading]
With lots of my friends asking about stocking stuffer ideas and family traditions making their way into my heart, I [Continue Reading]
It’s Monday, Monday, Monday!!!! I both love and hate the day because it means that we get to go the [Continue Reading]
I just went to pick up the Christmas postcards I’d made on, a small company with headquarters in the [Continue Reading]
I’m IN! If you don’t know about The Sightings 5k in New Bedford on December 7th, you’re truly missing out. [Continue Reading]
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