I talked with the neurologist’s office today and got great news:
Addie’s foramen magnum was at 8mm and went to 1cm, her C1 was at 6mm and is now at 8mm, and her ventricles are largely unchanged. Children with achondroplasia tend to have larger ventricles, but with the larger openings, her ventricles have room now and they are not changing. We will be going back this summer to recheck her and make a plan for any future follow-ups.
While the experience was not the best, this was Addie’s 3rd MRI, and knowing that this one came back looking beautiful brings my heart much peace.
Awesome news!!!! I am so happy for you and this much needed peace. Go Addie!!
Angie recently posted…My Favorite Reading Spot #52WeeksA4A
Thank you, Angie!!! I was so excited I wanted to scream it from the mountains earlier, but wanted to tell Dave first 🙂
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…GREAT NEWS!
I just want to cry – with joy for you. We all know how important good news like this is for the soul. So glad that you can now just relax a little and just enjoy your beautiful daughters.
Thank you!!!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A family member, I #52weeksA4A week 6
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A family member, I #52weeksA4A week 6
This is great news for every in your house. I hope you guys keep getting more great news like this!
tammileetip recently posted…Discovering my Thainess in Thailand!
Thank you!