I’ve spent a few Valentine’s Days being pampered and over-indulged. I’ve spent more than those alone, or reminded of how “one time I closed down a restaurant and made a 7 course dinner for the girl I was dating,” while we ate pizza with his friends. I’ve forgotten about the 14th of February and been reminded of it again, and yet no specific Valentine’s Day could compare to the one I had this year.
Let’s begin with the fact that it was on the perfect day this year… SATURDAY! No work, plenty of places to go, and a day after to recover. Totally what we needed.
Dave treated us to a shopping trip to BJ’s, where we stocked up on organic frozen broccoli, fresh strawberries and steaks, we scrambled to assemble in our cart as others raced for milk, eggs and bread, as the snow came down outside.
When we got home, I melted some chocolate we had, added some pink coloring and dipped everything I could find, before Dave took over making steaks in his birthday gift (cast iron pans from my mom!).
We opened up a bottle of champagne we’d been saving for a rainy day… and shared some delicious food with Addie (Millie dined later on at Chez Mommy). We lit candles and had the rose from the first Valentine’s Day Dave and I shared together.
While we celebrate our love every day, and we remember to always kiss goodnight… having this special meal, with lit candles amid the flowers Dave got for Addie and Millie, complete with a special dessert- it just made it all a perfect Valentine’s Day. It was better than shutting the place down for ourselves, or a romantic dinner for just two… because for us, four is better than two any day.
I hope you’re all enjoying the winter wonderland that has yet again struck New England… or wherever your destination takes you. Have a beautiful week, Reader. I wish you lots of love… every single day.
It looks like you guys had an awesome Valentine’s Day. We don’t celebrate, so it was just another day for us 🙂
We don’t really do much… I just like baby feet and paint!! LOL!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
I am like you that I like to hug my babies tight because time goes by too quickly. We celebrated Valentine’s Day and it was so awesome. My little one got a Build A Bear Kitty that is apparently a new family member now. I got my husband some espresso glasses from Crate & Barrel that he wanted and he was happy. Then they surprised me with a nice lunch and picture frame that my son made. Love Valentine’s Day!
Time definitely does go by too quickly. I try to cherish every moment, too!
I always forget about Build-A-Bear! I think I will do that before she’s a teenager and tells me I deprived her!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
Awww..this is cute ! I love your photos that you shared to go along and further tell the story of your article. Thank you for sharing !
Tricia Wehner recently posted…Got Me Tipsy Wine Glass Review
Thanks for stopping by!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
what a great Valentine’s. I love that Shine tee. very cute… and oh my goodness, so much snow! I miss snow so much! Thanks for sharing your weekend with us.
Isn’t it adorable?! I was SO glad they had a sale… mama needed a treat!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
Dawww. You guys are so cute, it’s not even believable! Mr. Dave is such a romantic fellow!
Dawn recently posted…Racer’s Tomato and Mayo Sandwiches, Fast Track to Savings & Chance to Ride with Dale Earndhart, Jr.!
He’s a keeper ::swoon:: 😉
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
That first picture really says it all. It won’t be like this forever. My oldest daughter is 7 going on 20, and I HATE it. =(
Melissa Pezza recently posted…McFarland USA comes out 2/20! My Interview with the ONE and ONLY KEVIN COSTNER!
I can’t believe she’s that old, either, Mel!!!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
Little Miss Addie looks so cute sitting at the table! It sounds like you guys definitely made the most of the horrid weather!
Courtney recently posted…That Time I Interviewed Kevin Costner… #McFarlandUSAEvent
Gotta do something or else we’d all be nuts!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
Looks like a great valentines day! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for stopping by!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
Looks like a blast, I love how the whole family is involved! Mine was great too, looks like the weather here was a little warmer than yours 🙂
Molly recently posted…Cheat on Your Ice Cream with Yogurt Popsicles! {Recipe} #MullerMoment
JEALOUS!!!! It’s snowmageddon here!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
Sounds like a perfect way to spend Valentine’s Day to me 🙂
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
looks like you had an awesome Valentines day weekend.. I love your take on the chocolate covered strawberries.. may have to give it a try one of these days!
Yaitza recently posted…How many calories shoud you eat for a healthy sustainable weight loss?
Love white chocolate… even though it’s the worst for you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
Looks like a beautiful and perfect Valentine’s Day 🙂 I think that those kind of days are much better than doing something fancy anyway!
Tori recently posted…Motivational Monday: Inspiring Words to Start Your Week Right
Amen! Time well spent is always better than too much money spent!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
Looks like you had a great day! I’m originally from New England and my parents have been sending me pictures of all the snow! It’s so crazy. For the first time in forever, we’re having a nicer winter in Idaho!
Chelsie recently posted…Stitch Fix Review
It’s been a crazy month, for sure!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
Aw such cuties! Looks like some beautiful moments to have captured for the photo album!
Kelsey Apley recently posted…Fit Snack Subscription Box – Health Delivered To Your Door!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
Looks like you all had a fabulous Valentines day, with lots of tasty CHOCOLATE treats (mouth watering)!
Jesica H recently posted…Disney reminds us that Champions can come from anywhere
Tis the season! Right?!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
This sounds like you had the best Valentine’s Day! Love the pictures.
lisa recently posted…The American Dream — My Kevin Costner Interview
Thank you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
Looks like you had a wonderful valentine weekend. I agree it’s essential to cherish these little moments with the kids.
Yes! I love celebrating love with the whole family!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
Aw! your Valentines sounded really nice – very sweet!
heather meads recently posted…i love you oyster
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
Dipping everything in chocolate sounds perfect to me! It looks like you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day this year!
Megan Elford recently posted…Kwadacha, BC {Fort Ware}
I think it needs to be Valentine’s Day here more often 😉
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
GENIUS adding food coloring to chocolate. I don’t know why I’ve never thought of that. Looks like you guys had an amazing Valentines Day ‘weekend’! I love your ‘shine’ top – it’s from The Shine Space right? I live in Arizona, where Ashley lives 🙂 She’s darling & I’ve been dying to get one of those tees! xoxo
Tausha recently posted…Funny little Valentine
YES! She’s amazing. They just had a big sale!
And I love adding those colored sugar sprinkles… they add texture, color and shine to chocolate!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
That sounds like such a nice Valentine’s Day! Dipping everything in chocolate was a great idea!
Liz Mays recently posted…Hearty Vegetarian Chili
Thanks, Liz!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
That sweater is adorable and I love The Shine Project! Ashley (the owner) is such a doll, too! You look great and look like you had a fabulous Valentine’s Day!
Cathy @ Our Mini Family recently posted…Blended Conference 2015!
I love her! I’m her IG stalker! Shhh!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
Looks like a fantastic way to spend the day! I can’t
Jenn recently posted…Crockpot Chicken Taco Soup
Looks like a fantastic way to spend the day! I can’t get over all that snow you guys have.
Jenn recently posted…Crockpot Chicken Taco Soup
Me neither… literally!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
This New England family was stuck home in the snow too. We also kiss every day & night. I think that just that simple gesture of love daily is important. I am glad that you had a lovely Valentine’s Day.
The Pinterested Parent recently posted…7 Reasons Why Exercise Sucks
Loving and showing it every single day… that is the key! Then we get this one say to be totally over the top and silly… with everything covered in chocolate and painted feet! Right?
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
What a fun Valentine’s tradition. I seriously need to step up my game. 🙂
Haha! I have no game. I am planning on doing Christmas projects this summer to make up for not doing reindeer feet in December!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
I am a big fan of strawberries, those are something I’d love to have!
Soap Opera Spy recently posted…‘The Bold and The Beautiful’ Recap 2/16/15 and The Week Ahead: Homecomings, Weddings and Heartbreak
Love chocolate dipped strawberries- THE best!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
those strawberries look amazing!! you guys did a great job!
Thank you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
What a fun day. We had a fun farmers market by us that day that we stopped in at. Your right, it was made better by being on a Saturday this year.
Seriously… weekend for all Valentine’s Days from now on!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
Chocolate strawberries are one of the only “sweets” weaknesses I have. Also, I agree with the “they won’t be like this forever” comment. I try to remind myself of this all the time, especially when I’m super annoyed with them.
Lee recently posted…Vow Renewal Planning Is Ramping Up And I’m Stressing Out!
YES! That is my mantra, as well!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
We always celebrate Valentines day as a family too! So fun to share with the kiddos!
Aimee Smith recently posted…Easy Key Lime Pie Recipe
SO much fun! Takes the pressure off babysitters, timing, and everything being perfect, too… if the whole family is together, it’s perfect however it happens!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
This post warms my heart! It sounds like you had a perfect Vday! I loved having it on a Saturday too because there wasn’t the normal rush to try to squeeze something nice in a few hours. So glad you were able to have time with your loves!!
Angie Scheie recently posted…Weekly Wishes
Exactly! I hope you had a wonderful holiday, as well!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
I am sure you had a great time during this Valentine’s day & your photos clearly express the story of how good & fun it was. Thanks for sharing those cute pictures as well.
Thanks for stopping by!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
Sounds like a really good Valentine’s Day. Mine was awesome, too. And yes, we are being bombarded with snow again, too.
Mistee Dawn recently posted…This Ozeri tower fan would make a great addition to any room in your home.
I’m glad you had a good holiday… sorry about the snow. It’s clearing now… and I am finally able to leave the house!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
Sounds like you had a great day! We spent the day shopping then headed out to dinner!
Maggie recently posted…Valentia Even Glow Serum Review
Sounds awesome!!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
It looks like you had such a fabulous weekend with your family. Your kids are so precious!
Sandra @ A Dash of Sanity recently posted…Cilantro-Lime Shrimp Sliders
Thank you, Sandra!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
Love this! Kids are so precious and grow to fast. It looks like you had a great day with your family. Love is special.
Coralie recently posted…Interview with Big Hero 6 Directors Don Hall and Chris Williams
It truly is!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
I love the photo in the snow. We spent the day watching movies and playing games. For dinner we ordered our favorite Chinese food.
Yum! What a great, low-key way to spend the day!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
looks like everyone had a great day. you guys did a great job on the treats.
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
What precious photo’s. The baby is getting so big – I love photo of you and the girls.
Mama to 5 BLessings recently posted…Essential Oils Mother’s Night Out Fun (Almost Wordless Wednesday With Linky)
I know… she’s already such a big girl!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
Very cute photos and looks like you had a lovely time for Valentine’s Day. By the way, I love Addie’s water bottle design. We went out to eat at this Italian restaurant I’ve been wanting to try out. Every single thing we ordered was delicious and ‘different’ for us.
Yona Williams recently posted…PopSecret Sweet ‘n Crunchy Caramel Popcorn
That sounds like the best time! I love trying new places that don’t let me down!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
It sounds and looks like you had a wonderful Valentines Day!! We have been having a lot of snow here lately too. I always find it entertaining when everyone runs to the store to get milk just because it is snowing 🙂 I love the chocolate dipped pretzels. I have never tried putting pink coloring in my chocolate. Perfect for Valentines.
Esther recently posted…Fun With Zoomer Dino Snaptail From Target Review
Remain calm and enjoy your milk sandwich! 🙂
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
What a beautifully fun Valentine’s Day! I love how the entire family is involved!
Debra @A Frugal Friend recently posted…I’m Heading to the Red Carpet Premiere of Cinderella in LA! #CinderellaEvent
Thank you, Debra! I love when we can all spend special days together!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
Sounds like you had a great Valentine’s Day. I can’t believe how fast Millie is growing. Very cute photos!
Stefani Tolson recently posted…40 St. Patrick’s Day Desserts
Right?! She’s too much!!! I hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day, as well!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
AWW! Looks like such a cute love day. Thanks for sharing!
xo katie // a touch of teal
Thanks for stopping by, Katie!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A
looks like you had a very special Valentine’s Day surrounded by those you love!
Cori recently posted…#CatchTheMoment365; Week 52
Just perfection 🙂 I hope you had the same!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…A Friend, I #52WeeksA4A