I recently got a simple piece on my wrist: raise the bar.
A lot of people ask me for tattoo artist recommendations and I always give them a few names and a few samples off my own body so that they can see the work. However, my most recent piece was simple and I went to a friend I’ve known for a long time but who’s never done work on me.
It started simply enough. I’d sent a picture of what I wanted to the artist, Tom Butts at Anchor Steam Tattoo in Newport, RI, and also printed it out to bring with me so that I knew the font and size for just how I had seen it in my mind. I think one of the biggest things is placement, and as an artist, Tom was right on board with me. We joked, although there’s a lot of truth in it, that the placement actually took longer than the tattoo itself.
The reason for this piece, the raise the bar, isn’t just all the iron I’ve been lifting. It’s raising my expectations of myself, of my girls and my husband, of my friends, of the men and women who surround me. Raising the bar on my expectations of everyone. Of everything.
Yes, if you know me, I’ve always had high expectations- I’ve always imagined more. I’m the one generally let down by myself, by others. I usually take the blame for it- the guilt. I know I have high expectations… but with #metoo, with people who I thought were good people, actors, celebrities, politicians that I thought used their power for good… They have come into the light recently as being nothing more than the dark. Another predator. Another person shaming woman, pawing at pussy… because she let them.
And it’s not just women, of course. There are men that have been harassed. My G-d, there are children.
So that’s why this piece meant so much to me.
That’s why when I chose my artist. Someone who would get it. Who would spend 20 minutes on the placement of a tattoo knowing I wanted people to see it. To ask me questions. Take a look at it and ponder their goals themselves.
Did they spend today raising the bar. Did they decide to just phone their day in. Did they make each second of that 24 hours count.
We don’t get do-overs
We just get more days. So raise the bar. Raise your expectations. Push harder, longer. Be stronger.
It’s not about your muscle, it’s about your tenacity doing what you can everyday. So if I had to answer your favorite question: which tattoo artist in Rhode Island would you recommend? Undoubtedly: Tom Butts at Anchor Steam in Newport, Rhode Island. He cares about his art, cares about his clients- and more so, he cares about their message and how he portrays it.
I hope you spend today raising the bar, friends – whatever that means to you.
That sounds like a great place. If you’re going to permanently alter your skin, you want to go to a place where people know what they’re doing.
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle recently posted…Gift Guide: Toys for all Ages #5FabGiftGuides
SO very true!
There are so many tattoo places these days, but a really good one is hard to find. I need some new ink, so I will have to see him when it’s time.
Boom! And SO very true!
I need to find a tattoo parlor to bring Stella to so she can get her ears pierced again. It did not go well last time with the piercing gun. I like the new ink.
Heather @ Kraus House Mom recently posted…Holiday Adventure Task Wish List
Rockstar Body Piercing. No doubt.
Looks like a great place! I love the pics, too!!
Thank you!
What a great reminder to look every day and motivate you! I don’t have any tattoos.
I still luv ya! 😉
I love the message this tattoo sends out. Simple and so strong at the same time!
Thank you!
Tattoos are definitely permanent and you need a good artist. I love the phrase Raise The Bar. It’s a good mantra!
Cathi Crismon recently posted…Christmas at Knotts Merry Farm
No doubt!
I’m glad you were able to get a really nice tattoo that meant a lot to you! The message is great!
Liz Mays recently posted…Holiday Travel Entertainment at Your Fingertips
Very inspiring. I love the message
I love it! I think that’s a great tattoo. What a wonderful message to see each day.
Heck yeah!
I really love your tattoo. The font style, the placement, the meaning– it is all awesome!
Thank you so much!
I love your new piece and love what it says. I haven’t gotten a tattoo in years, maybe it’s time for a new one!
Heck yes!
Finding someone you can trust is important when you get tattoos. That’s a good placement for a daily personal reminder.
Autumn Reo recently posted…Cheesy Pasta Pie
SO true… this is forever, so they better be good!
I don’t have any Tattoo’s, but I do want one I enjoyed your post thanks for sharing.
I hope you share if you get one!
Always nice when you find a place you love. It is forever so it does need to be from the best. Love the tattoo!
Sarah recently posted…Stocking Stuffers For Men
So true!
That is so cool! I love that piece on your wrist! And I also love the meaning. Thanks so much for sharing!
Toni | Boulder Locavore recently posted…Overnight Gluten-Free English Muffin Breakfast Casserole
This tattoo definitely makes me stop and think. There are things we can do to raise the bar.
Stacie recently posted…Cheesy Hamburger Supper
SO true!
I love the meaning behind your tattoo. As a society, I don’t believe we raise the bar. There has been so much disappointment in the world lately.
Tara recently posted…Baked Potato Fondue
That is so true!
Awesome article (as always)!!!
I was wondering if I can ask a question?
What is your view on white tattoos?
I’ve heard that they can severely damage / scar the skin.
I would love to get the thoughts of an expert.
Best wishes and keep those great articles coming!!!
Matt recently posted…Which tattoo is right for me? – Your guide to getting inked!!!