Last Monday was not my ideal day, but I woke up- and that, in and of itself, made it marvelous.
After we got news that Addie’s MRI wasn’t crystal clear, my heart sank, heavy in my chest. Friends reached out- sending love, prayers and hugs. I am still feeling those- thankful that so many who love our sweet lady and are standing behind her, no matter what the outcome. And then, there was an article.
My best friend was in a fit of worry. I could tell, as she’d called me about 4 times and sent some texts- everything from asking if I was OK to pictures and memes trying to get my mind off the news. And then she sent me an article, THIS article and I read it through tears of knowing, because all those late nights and stressful times that have come, I’ve never felt a moment of anything but thanks. This line resonated with me, heaving a sigh through my body as though I was reading something written about me from a total stranger: “You will never regret the sacrifices you make for them now.”
I know it is hard, this thing we refer to as parenting, but more than that? It’s rewarding. I’ve partied… a lot. I’ve celebrated, had girls’ night, gone on dates. And now, my nights are home. My friendships often get nourished through Skype chats and play dates of chasing babies. Some friends have come and some have gone.
But I have the love of my life and the sweet baby (almost babies!) we’ve made… and I have this.
Bath Time
A small body laid curled over my leg.
Yotion, she asked. The L adorably replaced.
How could I resist her plea?
I started with her neck.
Parting her hair to the side- her golden curls still wet from the water, leaving marks on my shorts.
I moved down her back, as she swirled her body around.
Her belly rubbing my skin below, her feet meeting below the bowing of her legs.
She was round where God intended.
Her perfect limbs curled in just that way.
With small fingers tucked neatly under her chin.
I massaged her soft skin,
between each roll and over every muscle.
Watching her eyelids grow heavy as she drifted to sleep.
Repeating the same songs my own mother sang to me as a child.
These are the moments in between all the other moments that I remember best.
Long summer days filled with gardens and sprinklers.
Bug catchers and pinwheels.
Laughter that the neighbors stop to enjoy.
A bath that leaves a ring of dirt- the telltale sign of a good day-
and the minutes that follow.
Just me and her.
Lying together under the fan.
A mother and child.
Love redefined in memories that are mine to remember.
Aww, that is so sweet. There is nothing greater than those little moments in time that we get to spend with our babies.
So true!
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
Lovely memories!
We try, Mima <3
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
It is amazing how much we change for them and instantly will give up everything to make them healthy and happy. Hoping you get clear answers soon.
Mary recently posted…Creating Disney Memories – Sharon Albright
I’ve certainly changed, but feel like it’s just been personal growth- I’m so thankful everyday for all the lessons she’s taught me!
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
That is beautiful! You have the most wonderful and uplifting messages, stay strong!
Tammi @ My Organized Chaos recently posted…Reading Road Trip in Turks and Caicos
Thank you, Tammi!
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
It is so true what they said, “You will never regret the sacrifices you make for them now.”, great words of wisdom for any parent going through a rough time or just the day to day.
Carlee C recently posted…Easy Red, White, and Blue Dessert Trifle! Simple Patriotic DIY Recipe!
SO so so so so so true. I read that like it was totally written for me. Although my biggest sacrifice has been my adamant desire to not cry in public… that’s long gone!
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
Parenting is difficult especially when our children get sick and the helplessness begins within our hearts. I loved your Bath Time poem and also love the memories created from motherhood and being a grandmother.
Grace Hodgin recently posted…50 Creative Projects Using Paracord
I think my own mom is loving that transition, too! We don’t see her much because of distance, but when we are together, she loves to snuggle on her grandbabies <3
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
I like this post! It’s sweet. What a great way to start a week. Happy Monday!
Tiffany (Fabulous Mom Blog) recently posted…4th of July $50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway
Have a beautiful week!
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
This is so sweet. I hope you get the answers soon.
Debi recently posted…25 Red, White and Blue Crafts
Thank you, Debi! Hopefully this week will prove fruitful for answers!
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
Such a sweet post – Happy Monday!!!
Elizabeth @ Being MVP recently posted…How to Protect Your Identity against Threats + #Promo Code #LifeLocksafety
Happy week to you, Elizabeth!
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
Those little moments are what make all the challenges melt away and you are enveloped in love with your little one. Cherish those moments as they will help you remain strong through the trials.
Amber Edwards recently posted…Top Homemade Ice Cream Recipes for the Summer!
I love these moments- they really are what keeps me calm and at peace when the hardest moments strike.
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
A great way to start Monday. Thank you for sharing.
Nicole recently posted…Four Seasons Westlake Village
Thank you, Nicole! Have a beautiful week!
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
Oh honey, I’m so sorry about your troublesome news! I loved reading about your barhtime ritual, it’s been a long time since I bathed and put my daughter to sleep – she’s 16 now!
Jenn recently posted…Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Banana Bread Recipe #PumpkinCan
They do grow up way too fast! I can’t believe I have a 2 year old and one on the way… I feel like her infancy was just yesterday!
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
Sending lots of prayers and hoping Addie’s test results will be alright.
Your poem is so beautiful. Addie is so blessed to have such a wonderful, talented, and caring mom.
Thank you, so much, Nancy <3
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
Beautiful poem!I love that you have made such beautiful memories with your precious child.
Amy Desrosiers recently posted…DIY: Two Ingredient Cloud Dough
Thank you, Amy. I am blessed with a sweet snuggler!
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
How gorgeous! I really enjoyed this poem!
myrah – Coupon Mamacita recently posted…Save $3 off Burts Bees Brightening Face Care!
Thank you, Myrah!
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
SO true! Although motherhood is full of sacrifices, I’ve never regretted sacrificing anything for my son’s happiness.
Meagan recently posted…5 Tips to Protect Your Pet Against Pests
And you never will, mama <3 !
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
What a beautiful message. No matter what’s happening around us or to us, we have to stay strong and remember to embrace the the time that we have right now – not be so overcome with worry that we never see the good times when we’re living them.
Jennifer recently posted…Flea and Tick Horrors and Why Prevention is Key
Exactly. Live in the moment! So hard to do, but so important!
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
HUGS. . . your writing is beautiful. Thank you for that.
Jen Temcio @dapperhouse recently posted…Cold Summer Asian Salad Recipe for Pot Luck & Barbecues
Thank *you*, Jen!
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
What a sweet poem, you can see the love! I hope the test come back okay! Hugs!!
Kelsey Apley recently posted…Inspired Shades: $5 Sunglasses After Discount!
Thank you, Kelsey!
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
Beautifully said
Thank you, Christine!
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
There’s nothing better than the time we get to spend with our children. They grow and change so fast. You don’t want to miss a thing.
They really do. I’m working so hard on being present in each moment because they are so fleeting!
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
Praise God it came back clear! Thank you Jesus for answering the heartfelt prayers from your people! I am so happy for you! Thank you for the update!
Mama to 5 BLessings recently posted…Hot Wings Seasoned With Mrs. Dash / Recipe Challenge
It wasn’t perfect, but we are thankful that it’s not an emergency, for sure! I will share more as soon as we know! Thank you for your prayers <3
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
Thanks for sharing this great moment. It reminds of bath time with my little ones.
Sarah Marturano recently posted…DIY Soda Bottle Boat: Perfect Activity For Kids Outdoor Parties!
Bath time and getting ready for bed… I love the routine. So sweet how they melt at the end of the day.
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
What wonderful news about the MRI!!! YAY!! You have such a sweet friend that she was so worried about you. <3
Tosh recently posted…White Cloud “Free 4 All” Challenge = Free Toilet Paper
My bestie is the best, for sure!
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
This is soo sweet. Thank you for sharing your special moments with us.
Brett Martin recently posted…Glazed Pumpkin Bread Recipe #PumpkinCan
Thank you for reading <3
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
What a nice poem to share. Theres nothing better then being with our kids.
Tess recently posted…Affordable eDecor Series-Living Room in Grays and Blues
So true!
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
You write such beautiful poetry!! I love the imagery of this baby bath time!
JulieK recently posted…Let’s Go to Grandma Camp!
Thank you, Julie!
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
Great poem. It is so important to make memories with our loved ones. You have such a special bond with your daughter.
I really feel that I do, too. I love my little snuggle bear- and hope her baby sis is the same way!
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
Beautiful poem!! Hope you guys get some good news soon!!
tammileetips recently posted…Castello di Amorosa Winery Napa Castle Winery
Thank you Tammilee! I hope so, too!
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
Beautiful poem.
Thank you, April!
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts
This gave me chills to read. Your mama love is fierce and beautiful!
Liz Mays recently posted…Guilty Pleasures: My Top 5 Summer Reads
Thank you so much, Liz <3
martinkadelux recently posted…#TravelTips from the Experts