about me.
The whole point of the #52WeeksA4A blog challenge was to push myself out of my comfort zone, so while this is short, it is uncomfortable, for sure.
5 Things I Like About Me:
- My Family. Sure, some family we have by blood, but as we age, our family becomes who we choose- from close friends to our life partner. I love who I am surrounded by and hope to spend the rest of my days in the pleasure of their company.
- My Passion. Some call it annoying, others call me emotional… but I’m just really passionate. And I like that!
- My Organization. Years ago, my inability to be flexible with putting things away and letting a little mess go was a big sticking point with my friends- they used to mock me. Now I get compliments on how clean my house is. Sure, I stay up far too late because if my house is messy I cannot sleep, but it’s pretty cool that at least someone notices (and it’s never my kids!).
- My Strength. Literally. I am strong. As a child, I got a lot of my brute force power from my Dad- carrying wood, playing hockey, rough housing- and I carry that, still. Whether it’s unloading the car, while carrying 2 kids or pushing myself a few more miles, having the strength and endurance to do that amazes me. I don’t think much of myself, often, but when I think about what I am capable of, I feel powerful!
- My Motherhood. My journey in motherhood has been wild. Every moment seems jammed with minuscule movements that define more and more pieces of me that I am just growing into. My adulthood is rocky, and my missteps plenty, but if there’s one thing that has not been a mistake in these 31 years, it’s my girls.
What are 5 things you love about yourself? Please share, and don’t forget to link up your post below!
You are an amazing woman and mom. Five things I like about me are my kids, my determination, my job, my sense of direction and my integrity.
Love that!!! You rock!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…No-Sew Pouch for all of the essentials!
I love this idea! I’m going to have to do this for myself too. It’s just too easy to think about myself in negative terms. Argh. Thanks for the encouragement and the inspiration!
Natalie recently posted…Vintage Prints from The British Library
Way too easy to NOT love yourself… but not worth it <3
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…No-Sew Pouch for all of the essentials!
Five of my favorite things about myself are my resilience, dedication, sense of humor, my family, and my dog. She makes every day a bit more cuddly.
Awe- I love that. My pup is awesome, too. I need to show him more love.
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…No-Sew Pouch for all of the essentials!
Making a list of things you like about being you is very empowering. It makes you more confident about who you are and I think that’s really awesome.
It IS empowering!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…No-Sew Pouch for all of the essentials!
Now I’ve got to think about the top 5 things I like about me! We all should be ale to celebrate our strengths instead of just pick out the things we are not good at!
Sharon recently posted…Easy Thanksgiving Decor Ideas
SO true!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…No-Sew Pouch for all of the essentials!
You have some great qualities. It’s wonderful that you’re able to recognize them. Everyone should do this from time to time.
Liz Mays recently posted…Dating While Weird: I Came in Like a Wrecking Ball
Indeed! I think lifting ourselves up is important!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…No-Sew Pouch for all of the essentials!
Oh wow… right now that is so hard to come up 5 things that I love about myself due to fighting depression.
1.) My eyes
2.) My ability to learn new things.
3.) My ability to train horses.
4.) My loyalty to my friends and family.
5.) The fact that I’m a survivor.
Crystal Green recently posted…Things I Learned Choosing a Modern Bathroom Sink
You are amazing, Crystal <3
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…No-Sew Pouch for all of the essentials!
It’s so nice to make a list of things like this! Let me give it a try…
1.) My Family
2.) My ability to provide for them
3.) My skills in cooking
4.) My love for arts and crafts
5.) Being able to eat healthy
That was fun!
Myteenguide recently posted…The Voice Season 9 Playoffs Part 1, Part 2 and Winner Announcements
It IS fun to see how amazing we are!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…No-Sew Pouch for all of the essentials!
I’m the total opposite of you now. I used to be a manic about cleaning and keeping everything spotless. i used to spend hours every single day cleaning. I finally had to let that go – i was driving myself nutso and missing out on so much!
I get that!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…No-Sew Pouch for all of the essentials!
I think as women, we tend to sell ourselves short. Good for you for exposing your strengths.
April Grant recently posted…Getting Help Around the Holidays
Shout out your own, love! We need this!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…No-Sew Pouch for all of the essentials!
What a beautiful and inspiring post! I really want to be better at this cleaning thing, but sometimes my house is a real mess.
Ave recently posted…Comment on Miss Kate Review – Natural Skin Care & Play Cosmetics for Kids by April Grant
A little mess is a-ok!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…No-Sew Pouch for all of the essentials!
Five things, I love about myself, 1. I do a lot for others. 2. Always looking for ways to encourage others. 3. I am a great mom and stepmom. 4. Love to help people. 5. Clean freak.
Michelle T recently posted…Guilt Parenting
You are a rockstar, Michelle!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…No-Sew Pouch for all of the essentials!
Thank you for this inspiring post. We do tend to focus on negative things about ourselves which really does not help much. I really have to love myself more and think about the good things I have right now.
Annemarie LeBlanc recently posted…Make The Canadian Dollar Go Further When Traveling
Show the love to you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…No-Sew Pouch for all of the essentials!
I love that you shared a list of positives. And your passion comes through so many of your posts. It helps otheres remember you positively. I like it too. 🙂
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…No-Sew Pouch for all of the essentials!
You definitely rock the amazing things, girl! 5 things about me: my military service, my integrity, my friends, my laugh and my positive attitude!
Jeni Hawkins recently posted…AMIClubwear Affordable Fashion Review! Hats, Accessories, Boots, Coats + More up to 90% off!
I truly wish I’d joined the armed forces. You are a hero.
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…No-Sew Pouch for all of the essentials!
I love my family, I love my inner strength, I love my determination for my career, I love my best friend.
Love love love!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…No-Sew Pouch for all of the essentials!
Those are the five things I like as well! You are such an awesome mom!
Peachy @ The Peach Kitchen recently posted…Gerry’s Jeepney in Maginhawa, Quezon City
Thank you!
Chelley @ A is for Adelaide recently posted…Pink Lemonade First Birthday Party!